The reason the election is so close is not merely because of the fragmentation of the media, but because of the power of social media algorithms to persistently deliver content that influences user behavior by reinforcing their preexisting views in order to drive engagement.

Furthermore, tech billionaires are now imagining a future in which the platforms they develop effectively reorder and in some cases replace the organs of power of American society. This is why Trump is floating the idea of appointing Musk as some sort of "Government Efficiency Czar."

In much the same way that the axe, the canal, the railroad and the telegraph were technologies that colonized the American west, techno-oligarchs are arriving at a new "manifest destiny" in which their technologies lie at the center of far-reaching global reforms.

Today, these tech billionaires and their products are the tail wagging the dog. If we are not careful, they will soon become the dog, tail and all.

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Why is no one talking about Musk using Starlink to interfere with military operations? There were interruptions in Starlink service in Ukraine that degraded communications. Putin reportedly asked a favor on Xi's behalf to adjust communications in Taiwan.

We recently witnessed how suppliers of equipment disabled Hezbollah's middle management. It's one thing to buy armament from Raytheon over which the manufacturer has no operational control, but another to potentially cede such control to a private operator with dubious connections and intentions.

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I agree with eric.

I find Elliot’s take so ass backwards that is shocking that this is the conclusions that he came too. For some reason, I found his analysis so lacking in anything other than “let me complain about Dems” instead of looking over 3 elections how popular Trump is with REPUBLICANS. I get it is hard to see what republicans are today because it so drastically differs from what you thought republicans were. Trump has run in 3 elections against 3 different candidates. His vote share is almost unchanged.

I found the comments of Obama talking Dow bc to voters laughable. Elliot, republican voters are pissed at the republican elite (you and eric) because they believed you talk down to them and try to convince them that we needed to stay in Afghanistan and Iraq was good.

The only reason we are here is because republicans literally hate bush and elite republicans and have always hated Dems (no matter who it is). We are also here only because of the ec (it is not changing) and their ability to win with never ever winning a popular vote.

We will never go to the policies you wanted in the bush era because now everyone (dems and republicans) have to concern themselves with like 500k voters in 7 states. Free trade isn’t popular there. Spending more on the military isn’t popular there. Going to war is a non starter.

I just don’t understand how you are still looking at republicans with rose colored glasses. You do realize that 70% of republicans believe that the election was fraudulent. How do you put that on Dems?!?!??

Eric or right though…fractured media is a huge issue.

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I have several German and Hungarian friends who are US citizens who migrated here earlier in their lives. This whole election year they've been telling me how what's happening here is what they experienced, and escaped from, in their respective countries. They are appalled to see it happening again with little resistance from other US citizens.

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Looking forward to this. Especially the discussion on how people outside the US perceive it.

I think the last 9 years have had a devastating impact on America’s image. Yes we had issues. But there was a feeling that ultimately America at least tried to be a leader in democracy.

Now we have 1/2 the country willing to embrace an authoritarian. Who see our role in the world as isolationist. Who follow a guy so clearly flawed that it boggles the mind. Who makes a mockery of democracy, trust, the interests of western nations that have guided foreign policy for 80 years.

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