I read George Will's questions for KBJ and wasn't all that impressed. They pretty much boiled down to "will you please protect white fragility?" and "will you please rule against government public-health related mandates?"
I read George Will's questions for KBJ and wasn't all that impressed. They pretty much boiled down to "will you please protect white fragility?" and "will you please rule against government public-health related mandates?"
Clearly you only read the first few paragraphs. Will's questions were all along the lines of what a "traditional" conservative would ask: Are you for equality under the law (and not giving certain classes, ie, races, preferential treatment)? Do you believe in the rule of law, where just because someone is a police officer, doesn't give them the right to commit obvious crimes? Do you believe that the separation of powers is real and should be maintained? Are you for limited government (reducing the intrusion into private decisions)?
These used to be things that conservatives actually cared about - not scoring points on Twitter or owning the libs.
I read George Will's questions for KBJ and wasn't all that impressed. They pretty much boiled down to "will you please protect white fragility?" and "will you please rule against government public-health related mandates?"
Clearly you only read the first few paragraphs. Will's questions were all along the lines of what a "traditional" conservative would ask: Are you for equality under the law (and not giving certain classes, ie, races, preferential treatment)? Do you believe in the rule of law, where just because someone is a police officer, doesn't give them the right to commit obvious crimes? Do you believe that the separation of powers is real and should be maintained? Are you for limited government (reducing the intrusion into private decisions)?
These used to be things that conservatives actually cared about - not scoring points on Twitter or owning the libs.
Then why do conservatives and fascists want to rule over women’s bodies if they believe in “ reducing the intrusion into private decisions”?
No, I read the whole thing.
But the man knows his Thesaurus!
But he's a Red Sox fan so not all bad. ;)