I did my best to watch Uncut Gems over the weekend, but was only able to tolerate about 20 minutes of people relentlessly shouting over each other. It may be good if you watch it on mute.

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Sonny--Loved Cocaine Bear. The movie has enough "story" with the characters that you care about them, but not so much that it distracts from the main part--the bear. BTW, the man being eaten in the tree, then falling, was perfect humor. Likewise, the Forest Ranger's romance component was also a nice vignette.

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Ray Liotta in 2021: "*Cocaine Bear*? Sure, I’ll fuckin’ do it. I'm not that old... I’ll do more movies.”

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Thanks, the word portrait of CB was memorable. One almost feels that actually seeing it might pall in comparison. It seems spoilers were not an issue. BTW as I mentioned, the Thomson was worth every moment. Such insight.

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Good grief--from what actual movie is that top image? It looks like one of my five-minute silly Photoshopping specials.

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Thank you for the perfect review of Cocaine Bear! My son, girlfriend, and I were discussing the 95 minute run time and the fact e would not be any silly backstories about the bear’s childhood or some digression into the intricacies of the cocaine world. I just want to see carnage and the deputy say Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit. (Tell me he does. Please!!)

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My wife and I went to a Marvel movie last year.

Two things come to mind.

I can't even remember it's name, and I had to keep looking away from the screen because it seemed strange and weird to look at.

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Uncut Gems not getting any nods is what broke any belief I once had in the Academy actually acknowledging great performances regardless of an actor's past roles. Utterly masterful, powerful role put in by the Sandman that got no love it really did deserve.

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Just saw WAKANDA FOREVER over the weekend, and there’s that scene where Shuri is flying through some underwater highway à la FINDING NEMO. Just the way her scuba suit (or whatever) is being like dragged back and forth across the CG background has to be some of the worst fx I’ve ever seen.

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All of the underwater stuff looks insanely bad. Just awful.

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Compare those underwater city scenes to those in Atlantis in Aquaman or Otoh Gungas in The Phantom Menace. Say what you want about those movies overall but the underwater citys look.vibrant, colorful, and YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THEM. How did Blackk Panther f*** this up so badly?

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