"The question now is how those voters will react to being treated as lemmings."

The question has to be, if lemmings knew they were lemmings would they *be* lemmings?

My answer is "no." They're not capable of self-reflection or self-identification.

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While I continue to see admonitions to not disparage MAGA constituents as stupid and uniformed, I then see observations where Robinson's stances will not make a difference to the electorate in NC. I can't process both items at the same time without saying "Jeez, that's not right".

I submit that they are for the most part, as stupid and as uninformed as they appear to be. It may be the case that there are some who simply don't want a democracy at all, and hate taxes, but, most of them are just as dumb as fucking rocks.

The MAGA leadership is just a collection of profound slimeballs, from Trump on down.

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On the Robinson candidacy, is this a local news problem? Is this early or late in finding out all of this stuff? Not in terms of being on the ballot, but didn’t he face someone in the primary?

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The Mark Robinson cycle also brings up the issue of what's wrong with men (not all men but way too many men) when it comes to anything pertaining to sex and/or gender. It's mostly men who have no problem seeing women become ill or die under their abortion bans. It's mostly men who are convicted of pedophilia; it's almost entirely men who are convicted on rape, incest and other sexual assault charges. It's mostly men who ignore and cover up these acts, including many religious organizations and even the Boy Scouts. Note that the Girls Scouts has never been accused of sexual assault of children. It's mostly men who attack and even kill members of the trans community (mostly trans women). It's male coaches who belittle their players by calling them "girls". It's mostly men who are so upset about the LGBTQ+ community. Yes, I know about Moms for Liberty, but most Republican state legislations are controlled by male Republicans. When it comes to book bans it does seem to be both males and females involved. So, I ask again, what's wrong with men when it comes to sex and/or gender? Mark Robinson's behavior and hatreds are not new but why is it tolerated? I don't care what he does in private, or with whom as long as it is consensual and causes no harm but why the hypocrisy - is it guilt?

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I don't see how the thing that ends Trump’s political career is this vile man. My bet is they turn on Robinson but not Trump. Nothing ends his career except death.

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What is it with MAGA and pornography? We have Trump ‘n’ Stormy and NC candidate Mark Robinson and Speaker Johnson enjoying a bit o’ porn with his son (but NOT Nude Africa, one assumes) …

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Re Mark Robinson: Same old playbook. Witch hunt, hoax, I’m a victim and now…… add “AI” (the new excuse to get out of anything). How dumb do they think we are? Pretty damn stupid. But they underestimate us at their peril and it will be their downfall.

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It’s very possible that Mark Robinson IS kind of like Martin Luther King on steroids. After all, some of the known potential side effects of steroid use are baldness (check), aggressiveness (check), mania (check), and delusions (check) [all per the NIH website, for you fact-checkers]. It is not documented whether steroids drive one to increase porn consumption, but since other side effects include shrinking of the testicles and decreased sperm production, it’s not a big leap.

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The only disappointment I have is seeing that DeWine is still supporting Trump and Vance. What that tells me is that if Trump insists on coming to Springfield, Ohio, he will fold, in spite of the fact that Haitians would be terrified and even more demoralized if he were to come and further divide the town.

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54 mins ago·edited 15 mins ago

All one has to do is look at DeWine’s intro to his comment: “As a supporter of former President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance…”, to understand the complete submission of the Republican Party, even those considered moderate, to the MAGA world. One the one hand, he acknowledges the utter depravity of these two, yet cannot bring himself to distance himself from them. Presumably he still supports them. We keep asking how they can look themselves in the mirror. I don’t care — because they don’t care. That’s who they are. With all due respect to Nick Kristoff, no, they don’t deserve our respect. The choices are clear—one candidate will address their needs, the other will only fuel their discontent and hate. If they choose the later, I don’t need to empathize, or try to understand. I’m so done.

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The city of Springfield should sue Trump, Vance and the rest of their propaganda-pushing MAGA/AF/GOP allies for damages caused by their campaign of hate, lies and demonization.

Trump says immigrants are "destroying" Springfield, and America. No, it's Trump and his mob of lying fraudster MAGA/AF/GOP allies that are destroying Springfield, and America.

#SaveAmerica #NeverMAGA #NeverFraudsters #NeverConMen #InsureDomesticTranquility #PromoteTheGeneralWelfare

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I wish this story came out 4 weeks from now. This was going to be an easy win for governor, and that might bring Harris along in reverse coattails. Now all the Rs have to do is get this guy to drop out somehow (I don’t know what the mechanics are). Then, they can put up nearly anyone with the only stipulation they be no crazier than trump, and NC gov race is a tossup, and the reverse coattails disappear.

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My understanding was that the deadline to drop out was yesterday.

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I hope that’s the end of it. But, the legal deviousness of these guys knows no limit. Who knows what oddball case they can make. They’ve learned from the master after all.

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Agree. They already ignored the state deadline for printing ballots, so they could accommodate Trump and remove RFK jr from the ballots.

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North Carolina Democrats should do a survey asking voters to arrange Trump, Vance, and Robinson in increasing benefit to their constituents' interests, i.e. worst fitst.

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Funny thing about elected officials. Whether it is their official title or not, they are "representative" of the mindset of those who voted them into office. Their policies are the policies approved of by those whose ballots elevated them to their titles. And their sins, particularly so in the circumstance extant in North Carolina at this moment in time, are merely reflective of the sins of those who vote for them. Robinson is as amoral and as immoral as Trump is. And every person who casts his or her ballot for either of them shares equally in that a-/im- morality. It all goes back to Trump's favorite parable...about the freezing snake. They know full well what these men are, yet they willingly, gladly put them in their breast pocket.

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Robinson's failure to withdraw and NC Republicans' failure to make him withdraw is not an indicator of how dumb they think the electorate is. It's an indicator that they know NC voters have picked a team and will stick with the team no matter what.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

I really can't think of another democratic country where a candidate with Trump's record, scandals, lack of policy, open lies, and obvious mental deterioration would still be in the race.

But no other democratic country has an equivalent of Fox, Sinclair and US short wave radio talk shows. They are there, but their audiences are miniscule.

And as for Robinson - in most European countries, he would be under investigation for hate speech.

Good luck, US - we in the rest of the world are mostly terrified....

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I have friends, neighbors, relatives, shipmates who are still "all in" with Trump. I'm completely dumbfounded. There's definite comfort in numbers and having a FoxNews in their corner. How could 74 million people be wrong?

I've often said there will be a zillion books written on the Trump-era in the future....with most of them found in psychology section of the book store.

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