Trump will be speaking about 10 minutes from my home in Aurora today to talk about how Venezuelans like my wife are supposedly "destroying" my city. I get to spend the afternoon on the way home from work in I-70 traffic stuck behind MAGA assholes going to see him talk about this bullshit. Great start to my weekend, let me tell ya.

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53 mins ago·edited 53 mins ago

Me too. :( I live in the western part of this metro area.

I've gone further and decided to make this a litmus test with relatives. If they hear promises of a military crackdown on metro Denver and think "hellz yeah", they can get out of my life (and my family's) and stay out.

I probably should cool it and not make a thing out of it, but fuck it. I've had enough with authoritarian threats driven by lies, and people in my life who've never even seen my home state (let alone Aurora) cheering it on.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Thank you, Tim! You gotta enjoy checking in on your old sod. CO is such a fantastic place, first visited as a teenager in 1970, later had a college friend who moved there & provided place to crash for visits in 1980s, now have relatives living there since turn of the century.

Sure appreciate Gov. Polis speaking candidly about the damage being done by the Divider-in-Chief. He was pretty diplomatic. The balancing act between wanting to speak up for one's constituents, one's home VS not giving more megaphone to the menace... tough spot for an actual leader. Polis did better than, oh I dunno, Governors DeWine, Kemp, DeSantis. How is it NOT disqualifying to run for prez on a platform of directing negative attention to random locations in the great country one seeks to lead? ...rhetorically asking. I know the answers, I've read your book, & Stuart Stevens, & Tom Nichols, & Tim Snyder...

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