Oh really. How about getting any work at all. Since the strike, movies and cable shows have gone out of California for post production. Why? Where is any news about that?
While I was aware that many products involve pieces that are made and/or assembled in different countries, it was useful to hear how this plays out for the movie physical products industry. And how consumers of those products (I'm not one of them) will end up having to foot the bill on the tariffs. I have more than an inkling now of how big an economic problem the tariffs will become.
Yes, this will be an instructive experience for many Americans.
Sonny thanks for featuring this businessman/movie lover. Definitely a case of making what you love into a business. I’m inspired to build my home library now that we have a 4 K tv
very interesting lecture (see url below): The title is "Global Capitalism: What Trump 2.0 Means". The channel is "democracy at work"
I would love if Bulwark folks would evaluate whether this characterization of America's position in the world is valid? I would love to get their take on this lecture.
The lecturer's thesis sounds valid to me. He uses the term "BRICS". I suggest to google this in Wikipedia if you haven't heard of this. I didn't find anything in his lecture that was inconsistent with my own knowledge of history, economics, etc (such as my knowledge basis is).
I ask of wise people more knowledgeable than me : Is this lecturer's way of interpreting history and current events valid? If not, what theory seems to be a better explanation for history and current events?
Oh really. How about getting any work at all. Since the strike, movies and cable shows have gone out of California for post production. Why? Where is any news about that?
i honestly don’t care. I read actual books for entertainment
There was a recent interview with the Indicator head honcho and he was saying that in the US 4K outsells blu-ray by a huge margin.
Physical media forever.
Glad I have a large library of DVDS!
I’m in tears - living south of Canada in tears in Detroit….listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/live/92rutFiIWAM?si=i3IZt3b4GsfOixoI
Canada - Thank you for not taking this bs from Trump
While I was aware that many products involve pieces that are made and/or assembled in different countries, it was useful to hear how this plays out for the movie physical products industry. And how consumers of those products (I'm not one of them) will end up having to foot the bill on the tariffs. I have more than an inkling now of how big an economic problem the tariffs will become.
Yes, this will be an instructive experience for many Americans.
Sonny thanks for featuring this businessman/movie lover. Definitely a case of making what you love into a business. I’m inspired to build my home library now that we have a 4 K tv
Nice, Diabolik is a great resource if you’re looking to add to your collection.
Yes, I’m glad to learn about them.
very interesting lecture (see url below): The title is "Global Capitalism: What Trump 2.0 Means". The channel is "democracy at work"
I would love if Bulwark folks would evaluate whether this characterization of America's position in the world is valid? I would love to get their take on this lecture.
The lecturer's thesis sounds valid to me. He uses the term "BRICS". I suggest to google this in Wikipedia if you haven't heard of this. I didn't find anything in his lecture that was inconsistent with my own knowledge of history, economics, etc (such as my knowledge basis is).
I ask of wise people more knowledgeable than me : Is this lecturer's way of interpreting history and current events valid? If not, what theory seems to be a better explanation for history and current events?
Here is the youtube url: "watch?v=9u4A0D_Wc9c"