very interesting lecture (see url below): The title is "Global Capitalism: What Trump 2.0 Means". The channel is "democracy at work"
I would love if Bulwark folks would evaluate whether this characterization of America's position in the world is valid? I would love to get their take on this lecture.
The lecturer's thesis sounds valid to me. He uses the term "BRICS". I suggest to google this in Wikipedia if you haven't heard of this. I didn't find anything in his lecture that was inconsistent with my own knowledge of history, economics, etc (such as my knowledge basis is).
I ask of wise people more knowledgeable than me : Is this lecturer's way of interpreting history and current events valid? If not, what theory seems to be a better explanation for history and current events?
very interesting lecture (see url below): The title is "Global Capitalism: What Trump 2.0 Means". The channel is "democracy at work"
I would love if Bulwark folks would evaluate whether this characterization of America's position in the world is valid? I would love to get their take on this lecture.
The lecturer's thesis sounds valid to me. He uses the term "BRICS". I suggest to google this in Wikipedia if you haven't heard of this. I didn't find anything in his lecture that was inconsistent with my own knowledge of history, economics, etc (such as my knowledge basis is).
I ask of wise people more knowledgeable than me : Is this lecturer's way of interpreting history and current events valid? If not, what theory seems to be a better explanation for history and current events?
Here is the youtube url: "watch?v=9u4A0D_Wc9c"