To think TFG made those disgusting comments to so-called Christians. Do they really buy that sh*t? Shame on them...

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"...in a way only Donald Trump can.." - this is why the GOP platform since 2015 has been (and I'm paraphrasing, but only very slightly), "Whatever Donald wants, we'll support". Everyone knows his position will change from moment to moment. It's not possible to write his policies down. Just to say "we support Donald", and ride the rollercoaster from there.

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2024, when this qualifies an individual for a role in a republican administration:

“…where he (Burgum) seemed to be actively striving to avoid saying anything that could pass for an actual thought”

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The most arrogant obnoxious commentator on CNN by a country mile is jennings, next to every other CNN commentator hump sycophant, and there are lots.

God this country is in trouble.

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"...they don't even squeak up." Fantastic! Thanks, Bill

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"On a sightseeing trip to Niagara Falls in 2000, a young couple took a wrong exit and ended up at the Canadian border. The husband, who had illegally entered America from Mexico two years earlier, was arrested and ordered to leave the United States within sixty days. But his wife was pregnant, so he stayed and tried to fix his status.

"He got a driver’s license, a Social Security card, and a work permit, all in cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He worked at a restaurant and eventually bought it. He checked in with ICE annually. And his wife voted for Trump in 2016 because she thought he would only deport “bad hombres.”

"Instead, three weeks after Trump’s 2017 inauguration, when her husband walked into an ICE office for his yearly check-in, the agents for the first time acted to enforce that 2000 removal order. This time, under a new president, he was detained and sent to Mexico—so quickly that a judge did not have time to stop it. His attorneys had planned to argue that he never should have had a final order of removal, and they kept filing in different jurisdictions as ICE moved their client from place to place. But they were too late."

As far as I know ICE officials have a duty to disobey unlawful orders. What strikes me here is the apparent animus that ICE harbors towards immigrants that they are happy to deport someone who is obeying the rules just because the new president hates immigrants. They even moved the guy around to make it difficult for a lawyer or judge to intervene. ICE should have ignored Trump and continued to follow establish policy.

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Trump expected Border Patrol agents to obey unlawful orders, saying that he would pardon them.

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"...they don't even squeak up." Fantastic! Thanks, Bill

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And then there's this: https://www.politicususa.com/2024/06/25/0-fortune-500-ceos-to-support-trump.html They don't think he's good for business either.

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Just think, if Republican Senators had had the guts to impeach Trump in January 2021, he would be gone from our lives and living his life out on his golf courses. Sounds like a win/win situation to me. Too bad for Republican cowardice.

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If Merrick Garland would have appointed Jack Smith a month or two into his tenure instead of waiting 18 months, Trump would have certainly been convicted of multiple federal felonies by now and probably be serving prison time. Trump may well have been so damaged he would never had ran. Instead Garland's delay gave Trump time to start another campaign for the White House (so he could more legitimately claim "election interference" should he be prosecuted) and gave him time to run out the clock on the legal cases. So, yes, you can blame those Republican Senators and blame the Supreme Court, but there was one person who could have ensured that none of this happened and his name is Merrick Garland.

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The "one person who could have ensured that none of this happened" is Mitch McConnell. Why are Dems the only ones who are expected to save the country?

In addition, it's obvious that it wouldn't have mattered when Garland acted b/c the corrupt Supremes and judges like Aileen Cannon are determined to protect him - justice and the law be damned.

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I am wondering if Biden cued the Garland not to go after Trump---to let the country heal. But after the excellent work of the 1/6 Committee, it was pretty clear that something should be done. so Garland finally picked up the ball. He is a cautious man. Would've been a much better Chief Justice than Att. Gen.

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In Garland's defense, he knew he had to be slow and procedural when prosecuting a former President. His mistake was assuming the Media would frame what he did accurately and not humor delusions just because 1/3 of the country believed them. The reality is that Trump has been the best treated defendant in the country, but the Media humors the "politicized" argument despite literally zero evidence.

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" In a way only Donald Trump can, he has exposed the moral cowardice of today’s conservative elites and the political cravenness of today’s Republican establishment."

And there is the core of the problem.

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Also, regardless of the debates, the House will probably flip and the Senate is a tossup. I have always felt that each party should allow the Representatives to speak directly to their constituents and not always toe the party line.

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House will probably flip, but there is no way the Senate is a tossup. Have you seen the seats that are up this cycle? The Democrats could not have a worse map.

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Well, then, you'll be glad to know that Democrats have long done this, so that "frontline" candidates and officeholders seeking re-election can campaign on issues important to their more-conservative districts, regardless of any national "party line."

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"The Respectable Republicans™ are all on board. And when Trump toys with them as cats do with mice, they don’t even squeak up." Respectable Republicans is trademarked? I guess the winners of his epic battles will simply be deported the losers will be fed to the lions in next weeks episode. Or is the plan fights to the death?

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I am waiting for the debates. Everything else is just noise.

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As the clock ticks closer to the great debate, i have one thought: Coitus Interrruptus.

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When I think of TG‘s idiotic migrant fight club idea, I don’t think of PT Barnum: I think of ancient Rome. The more you learn about Roman history, the more apparent it becomes that the ancient Romans, while remarkably civilized in some respects, were also remarkably barbaric and insanely cruel. Caligula and Nero probably would have loved the migrant fight league idea. TFG could even build a special stadium for it and call it, oh, I don’t know, maybe the Colosseum?… Truly, the man’s degeneracy knows no bounds.

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I got a wee flash of Hunger Games.

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That's what I thought of, too.

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There's not going to be a migrant fight league, it's going to be a "supporter's fight league", should he win. Yep a mad dash to donald to get in line first, to get what they want before anyone else -- no holds barred I suspect. When things go tits up and they will, finger pointing and first to the exit sprints, winner take all again mentality... i mean this is the best the gop can come up with to run the world? it's insane.

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