Submitted above too soon. So to finish, I still wouldn’t trust him more than any snake I encounter in the dessert.

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I’m late to this discussion. But once again, right after I think my thinking is clear, BAM! Here’s another view of this yahoo. Paul Ryan probably wouldn’t have my brother’s back in...a life/death situation. He certainly can’t state a moral position like Liz Cheney.

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I thought the ideal of “fiduciary” responsibility meant board members could get sued if the institution they served made an error. Is that not so? If so, then Paul Ryan and fellow board members can be sued along with FOX.

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Thank you, Charlie. My revulsion for Ryan overflows, even more now than when he was Speaker, when he obviously loathed Trump and understood the danger we were in and did nothing publicly. The little mouse insisting that he is a brave lion behind the scenes is unbearably pathetic.

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Charlie - What's with the Paul Ryan bromance? He's never been a conservative. He was a con man from the get go. Did you miss the fact that his 2010 budget framework was full of figures he pulled out of a hat?

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Charlie I hope you realise you could substitute this for here in UK. They sat by and let 2016 happen. Now no one, tories or murdochs, can admit they were wrong. So the dance continues. Familiar?

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Charlie - I watched the interview and he is so arrogant and evasive. You did a great job. Amazing that he believes that he did all these great things. However, your Morning Shots follow up is perfect and as always well thought out and presented. I was hoping for a lively debate below but it has turned into and Ayn Rand hate fest. Paul Ryan was very proud of his belief in her views and is a very smart and manipulative man, very Atlas Shrugged. For this brilliant man not to have know Ayn was an atheist is pure projection and BS

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"I think it’s gonna have to be a part of the solution"

I keep thinking about this line, and I think it's a cop-out by Ryan. We already know Fox is NOT part of the solution, as their lies, anti-everything cultural beliefs, and right wing rage-inducing stories (M & Ms?) haven't stopped once. Being part of the solution is not what's going to happen, whether or not Ryan believes it's "gonna".

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Once again I say "spot on Charlie!"

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I‘m ambivalent about my Bulwark plus membership. I’m m glad to be rid of most ads but not Charlie’s. I am still saving up for those sheets. in this interview Charlie just uncoiled the rope, Paul hung himself.

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I couldn’t even listen to the whole podcast airing your interview of Paul Ryan - his wiggling makes me sick. I have always disagreed with his Tax-Free-Rich theory, and I was happy when we (Americans) were free of *him* in 2018. He was not a benign actor during the first two years of the Trump administration. Instead, he used Trump to pass catastrophic tax cuts that may result in the implosion of the American economy this Summer. Ryan is not only weak tea - he’s weak hemlock tea, and needs to be driven far, far away from the levers of power. I actually think the Fox “News” board is a perfect place for him. A squirmy stained fish in a pool of piranhas and excrement.

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Re Charlie’s Canada South Park tweet,

“Canada Has A Defense Mechanism Against Bad-Faith Fascists”:


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Just as a reminder: It's not only Republicans or Ryan who cling to the being in the room argument. That was Hubert Humphrey's argument as Lyndon Johnson's vp during the Vietnam escalation. It was one reason for his losing the election to Nixon. People hold onto their jobs by staying in the room. Leaders lead by leaving the room.

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Paul Ryan is a spoiled, selfish, entitled, little frat boy who has lived off the public dole since his early teens and whose attitude has always been "I've got mine, you can get stuffed!" His goal is to continue to deceive himself into thinking he has meaning along with money (he has never earned either).

It makes me nervous that Rishi Sunak reminds me of him. Surface. Kinda empty.

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In your interview Charlie, Ryan kept referring to the arrival of Reagan 2.0 as his hero for Republicans in 2024. The irony is that the person closest to being a Reagan 2.0 in 2024 is.....President Joe Biden!

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I hope Paul Ryan doesn’t hurt his shoulder patting himself in the back.

I’m sure he continued to cash Fox’s checks even after it was clear his advice was ignored. Forget Ayn Rand- Ryan reads from the book “Profiles in Cowardice.”

The problem from the beginning hasn’t been Trump- it has been all the other Republicans who are afraid to put the reputation on the line in defense of their country.

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