Well, Pence, Marjorie Taylor Brownshirt, and all others following their unhinged propaganda line could take a few minutes to read the 49-page indictment unsealed by the court and published by the DoJ. That's the easy way to resolve their sad complaints, but it's too easy.
If the Special Counsel and his team at DoJ had NOT sought an indictment of Trump based on the evidence DoJ - not social or public media - published, they would have been derelict in their duty to our country. Fealty to the Law requires backbone and intestinal fortitude, character traits apparently lacking in far too many characters these days.
Great, he's been indicted. Unfortunately I can see a strong likelihood of one or more MAGAs slipping past the voir dire vetting by lying about their ability to judge the case on the evidence and hang the jury, with Trump once again slithering away scot-free. When taking the oath to answer voir dire questions truthfully a dedicated MAGA would not hesitate to commit perjury for Trump.
As I've said, I've read the indictment, blood pressure skyrocketed, and then backed off for my sanity (and had to go to Home Depot for fire ant poison). Today, I'm browsing other sites - The Hill, Daily Kos, others. But I highly recommend this: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/6/9/2174414/-The-Trump-Indictment-Dirty-Bathroom-Pics-And-All which spells out in excruciating detail Trump's complete and utter disregard for this country. I think I need another blood pressure pill. DAMN EVERY FUCKING R WHO DARES TO MINIMIZE AND EXCUSE THAT FUCKING TRAITOR!!!! Every single one of them should be indicted as co-conspirators! THEY are the ones enabling Treason!
No sooner was Trump inducted than he has been granted a free pass. If Smith cant get Cannon removed he might as well resign. This trial has been rigged. Trump is laughing himself silly. The best thing that could possibly happen for him has occurred: he gets indicted, so he can be a victim, and he gets exonerated. This whole farce is just another Trump fraud show--
"I, and every American who believes in the rule of law, stand with President Trump against this grave injustice."
Some day, someone will ask all these GOP sycophants exactly what is unjust about indicting (by a grand jury of his peers) someone for crimes, prosecuting him in a court of law with a judge and and another jury of his peers and defense attorneys and EVERYTHING. Seems like that's the way the system is supposed to work.
Finally! All nine lives have been exhausted. TFG has run out of road. Watch how fast the other R's now defending him jump ship when his peers find him guilty. Payback's a b*tch. Sorry. NOT sorry!
The thing about obstruction under 18 USC §1512 is that it is also defined as "racketeering activity" under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act or RICO.
This is important because there can still be a superceding indictment to prosecute obstruction under RICO, and not just as a stand-alone crime.
Furthermore, we are only seeing one part of Smith's case. Other crimes he is investigating include fraud in fundraising. Well, wire fraud and mail fraud are ALSO "RICO-predicate offenses." RICO punishes these crimes when committed in patterns by conspirators. If a prosecutor has a defendant whom he needs to throw a net over, RICO is devastating.
While Smith is prosecuting Trump for RICO fraud, Trump’s property and money is subject to civil seizure. RICO is designed to make defendants beg to take a plea by making them poor, miserable, and consumed by a prosecution.
I suspect The Orange One will attempt to string the court proceedings out for as long as possible. He will whine that "I'm a candidate; you can't put me on trial!". I suspect he will win the GOP nomination since the only ones that seem to be willing to take him out to the political woodshed are Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson; neither of which jump out to me as credible candidates. Then during the campaign, the Orange One will whine that "I'm the GOP nominee/I'm a former president/This is a corrupt process designed to kill my candidacy". If God Help Us All he wins, he'll state that this is proof that the American people support him and he will issue not so veiled threats to end the trial "Or Else".
Okay, I read that indictment and my blood pressure went through the roof. Any R who reads it and still DEFENDS Trump should be stripped of his/her security clearance and forbidden to handle any classified documents. They should also be declared enemies of the US for defending that lying POS, and held in violation of their oaths to the US and the Constitution.
Yet another case of Trump being EVEN WORSE in reality than he appears to be in public -- very much contrary to all the apologias claiming that the bad stuff we see is naught but an unpolished "style," or "he doesn't talk pretty" like all the snobby elites.
Yup. That indictment spells it all out in plain understandable English. Even if his cult isn't convinced, the leaders - McCarthy, McConnell, Graham, etc., etc., etc. - they can't hide behind that garbage any more. Trump knew exactly what he was doing. The only thing we don't yet know is who were the buyers of all that classified information. If they continue to cover for Trump, they're just as complicit.
The DOJ policy of not indicting a sitting President--based on a freaking MEMO drafted by a legal staffer a half century ago--is deliberately childish. Grownups in America go out of their way to pretend they're dumb, as though being stupid to the point of causing harm is a badge of honor. The welcome news about these charges is a small but important victory toward being a society that stops bullshitting itself.
Is anyone concerned that this CNN tape could be an AI-deep fake? I mean at this point, how do we know? Is any digital media safe-proof?
“I was explaining this to Charlie just now on his radio show." – Candace Owens
Cha-a-arlie -- you got some splainin to do
Love me some Stringer Bell quotes, thanks for remembering Charlie!
Post hoc ergo propter hoc: The DoJ indictment of Donald J Trump is invalid because Hillary, Pence, and Biden have not also been indicted.
Former Red State-Current Red Meat: "The Georgia GOP convention had hardly started when U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene took the stage [saying] 'You should be outraged ... Because let me tell you something. It’s going to get worse. They don’t want you to ever win elections again.'" (https://www.ajc.com/politics/georgia-gop-convention-doubles-as-a-defense-of-donald-trump/EQ64Z3UT7ZAF7BGBSDY7OYSAVM/)
Stuck in Self-Conflicting Tar: "Former Vice President Mike Pence ... said the country has a “right” to know the “basis” of the decision to indict Trump." (https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4043872-pence-calls-for-garland-to-publicly-justify-trump-indictment/)
Well, Pence, Marjorie Taylor Brownshirt, and all others following their unhinged propaganda line could take a few minutes to read the 49-page indictment unsealed by the court and published by the DoJ. That's the easy way to resolve their sad complaints, but it's too easy.
If the Special Counsel and his team at DoJ had NOT sought an indictment of Trump based on the evidence DoJ - not social or public media - published, they would have been derelict in their duty to our country. Fealty to the Law requires backbone and intestinal fortitude, character traits apparently lacking in far too many characters these days.
Just saying.
Dear Mike Pence, perhaps you need reading glasses? READ the damn indictment.
Great, he's been indicted. Unfortunately I can see a strong likelihood of one or more MAGAs slipping past the voir dire vetting by lying about their ability to judge the case on the evidence and hang the jury, with Trump once again slithering away scot-free. When taking the oath to answer voir dire questions truthfully a dedicated MAGA would not hesitate to commit perjury for Trump.
To use an ancient analogy - OJ won his case. And became a pariah as everyone thought he did it.
As I've said, I've read the indictment, blood pressure skyrocketed, and then backed off for my sanity (and had to go to Home Depot for fire ant poison). Today, I'm browsing other sites - The Hill, Daily Kos, others. But I highly recommend this: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/6/9/2174414/-The-Trump-Indictment-Dirty-Bathroom-Pics-And-All which spells out in excruciating detail Trump's complete and utter disregard for this country. I think I need another blood pressure pill. DAMN EVERY FUCKING R WHO DARES TO MINIMIZE AND EXCUSE THAT FUCKING TRAITOR!!!! Every single one of them should be indicted as co-conspirators! THEY are the ones enabling Treason!
No sooner was Trump inducted than he has been granted a free pass. If Smith cant get Cannon removed he might as well resign. This trial has been rigged. Trump is laughing himself silly. The best thing that could possibly happen for him has occurred: he gets indicted, so he can be a victim, and he gets exonerated. This whole farce is just another Trump fraud show--
"I, and every American who believes in the rule of law, stand with President Trump against this grave injustice."
Some day, someone will ask all these GOP sycophants exactly what is unjust about indicting (by a grand jury of his peers) someone for crimes, prosecuting him in a court of law with a judge and and another jury of his peers and defense attorneys and EVERYTHING. Seems like that's the way the system is supposed to work.
Finally! All nine lives have been exhausted. TFG has run out of road. Watch how fast the other R's now defending him jump ship when his peers find him guilty. Payback's a b*tch. Sorry. NOT sorry!
I just read the NBC report on the unsealed indictment. And Dear God, just Dear God!!
Fox ‘News’ calls Trump's prosecution an “insurrection.” So in their view, the federal government is a rogue entity and Trump is really the authority?
Hush, you. Don't give the crazies any ideas. Besides, they already feel he is the ONLY authority.
The thing about obstruction under 18 USC §1512 is that it is also defined as "racketeering activity" under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act or RICO.
This is important because there can still be a superceding indictment to prosecute obstruction under RICO, and not just as a stand-alone crime.
Furthermore, we are only seeing one part of Smith's case. Other crimes he is investigating include fraud in fundraising. Well, wire fraud and mail fraud are ALSO "RICO-predicate offenses." RICO punishes these crimes when committed in patterns by conspirators. If a prosecutor has a defendant whom he needs to throw a net over, RICO is devastating.
While Smith is prosecuting Trump for RICO fraud, Trump’s property and money is subject to civil seizure. RICO is designed to make defendants beg to take a plea by making them poor, miserable, and consumed by a prosecution.
There is lot more to come from Mr. Smith.
I suspect The Orange One will attempt to string the court proceedings out for as long as possible. He will whine that "I'm a candidate; you can't put me on trial!". I suspect he will win the GOP nomination since the only ones that seem to be willing to take him out to the political woodshed are Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson; neither of which jump out to me as credible candidates. Then during the campaign, the Orange One will whine that "I'm the GOP nominee/I'm a former president/This is a corrupt process designed to kill my candidacy". If God Help Us All he wins, he'll state that this is proof that the American people support him and he will issue not so veiled threats to end the trial "Or Else".
Okay, I read that indictment and my blood pressure went through the roof. Any R who reads it and still DEFENDS Trump should be stripped of his/her security clearance and forbidden to handle any classified documents. They should also be declared enemies of the US for defending that lying POS, and held in violation of their oaths to the US and the Constitution.
Yet another case of Trump being EVEN WORSE in reality than he appears to be in public -- very much contrary to all the apologias claiming that the bad stuff we see is naught but an unpolished "style," or "he doesn't talk pretty" like all the snobby elites.
Yup. That indictment spells it all out in plain understandable English. Even if his cult isn't convinced, the leaders - McCarthy, McConnell, Graham, etc., etc., etc. - they can't hide behind that garbage any more. Trump knew exactly what he was doing. The only thing we don't yet know is who were the buyers of all that classified information. If they continue to cover for Trump, they're just as complicit.
Okay, it's not 7 counts - it's 37 felony counts. Much, much more serious. Good! https://www.aol.com/trump-classified-documents-charges-read-182107319.html. You can download the entire indictment from a link at that site.
I thought it was weird when I read "7".....
The DOJ policy of not indicting a sitting President--based on a freaking MEMO drafted by a legal staffer a half century ago--is deliberately childish. Grownups in America go out of their way to pretend they're dumb, as though being stupid to the point of causing harm is a badge of honor. The welcome news about these charges is a small but important victory toward being a society that stops bullshitting itself.