I'd be curious to know what Vance's (Hamil's) fellow Marines thought about him. How did he act around the barracks, in the chow hall, unit PT, etc. Was he squared away or a shit bird? I haven't heard anyone speak up for him....

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It’s not over until the Cat Lady sings.

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If JD Vance doesn't try for authenticity and continues to spew his vitriol (childless cat ladies should have a lesser say in elections, women belong in the home, and that abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape and incest, then he will continue to alienate people. He's not comfortable in his own skin and is just plain weird. Some Republicans, esp. the Bulwark types, cringe at Vance. This will not help Trump at all.

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We’re feeling much more hopeful about beating Trump, with Kamala about to become the nominee. But we can’t be complacent, we need to educate swing state voters to vote Democratic. Two action items:

Focus4Democracy is a group of very smart people with decades of experience crafting effective campaign messages. They do a zoom every 2 weeks. Their Zooms explain how they test and refine messages that generate more Democratic votes, particularly in battleground states. And they track the results. They need donations. But those who can't donate, you can forward Focus4Democracy's info to everyone you know. https://www.focus4democracy.org/

Downballot races matter too. State Congress, governors, and judges are sometimes elected. States are particularly important in protecting abortion rights and voter rights if Trump is re-elected. Visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money nationwide - and we can also email our friends around the country.

Who will join me in taking action?

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Please let's hold Donald Trump and JD "Catlady" Vance to a standard that is within a country mile of what Joe Biden was held to. We will fix it so that you will never have to vote again after Christians vote for me is fascism pure and simple.

Trump quote on Friday night.

“Christians, get out and vote. Just this time,”

“You won’t have to do it anymore, you know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”

“I love you, Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, you got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

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J. D. Vance is an abject phony. He actually changed his last name to Vance, from Bowman, to make it sound cooler, at some point during his life. He significantly underperformed the rest of the Republicans on the ballot in Ohio during the 2022 midterm elections, perhaps, because many voters, even in what has in recent years become a right-wing state, took notice of this.

Not to mention, Vance also has an abysmal and extreme record on national security issues, and just about every other issue. He is one of the very small number of Senators from both parties who voted against the bipartisan FY 2024 Defense Budget. He also voted against the bipartisan foreign aid bill that Congress passed in April, which includes military assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.

Vance is also a lousy a human being for other reasons. He has a notorious history of making racist, nativist, antisemitic, misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic comments and innuendos.

Ironically enough, Vance currently occupies the same Senate seat in Ohio that John Glenn, a bona fide American hero, once did. Can anyone imagine John Glenn, someone who was held in such high regard by the American people that President John F. Kennedy refused to send him back into outer space for fear of losing him, after he became the first person to orbit the Earth in February of 1962, saying in the middle of the Cold War the Soviet satellite states should submit and surrender to Khrushchev?

This is essentially what Vance has done with respect to Ukraine. Can anyone fathom Reagan doing anything like that during the 1980s when confronting “The Evil Empire?

A good way to emphasize this point would be for Vice President Kamala Harris to choose former astronaut and current Arizona Senator Mark Kelly as her running mate. He has one of the strongest records in the Congress on national security and border issues, and much like the late Senator Glenn, he had ‘The Right Stuff,’ when he was younger. Being that Vice President Harris is deadly serious about her goal of taking a sledgehammer to the ultimate glass ceiling, Senator Kelly may the best choice to help her accomplish this mission.

Kol Tuv,

David Hurwitz

Chicago, IL

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The court needs to be expanded. The notion that it shouldn’t be because republicans would do the same is a silly argument. How could that be worse than where we currently are? Same for the filibuster. Let both parties pass their laws and the people will decide who they prefer. Right now republicans block most everything and blame dems. Most people are not engaged enough to understand who is actually responsible.

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With Biden's infirmity so stuck in the country's consciousness that the right kept insisting that a vote for Biden was a vote for Harris, I don't see how Vance escapes the same calculation since Trump is now the old, old guy on the tickets.

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Also the economy is better than Trump’s and the current border problems are largely due to republicans’ refusal to do anything about it. Maybe if Mona and the bobble heads mentioned those facts voters would not be so uninformed.

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When listening to Beg to Differ recently I was reminded why I stopped. Mona says she’s always been against radical feminism without ever saying what was radical about it. It’s not radical just because she disagrees. That’s the problem with this group. The act as though their beliefs did not cause this problem.

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Bibi and Putin both maintaining their brutal campaigns against unarmed civilians, energized by the possibility of a Trump 2.0 administration, tells you a lot about what is at stake this year.

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Re: JD Vance (JP Dance?)...I wasted $17.00 plus 8.5% sales tax on a paperback copy of "Billy Bob Eulogy" at the local Books-A-Million 6 or 7 years ago. It sits now on my bookshelf right next to a much more intelligently written and very slim hardback copy of "On Bullshit" by Harry G. Frankfurt ($12 online and no sales tax). The juxtaposition was not intentional but is, I think, even more appropriate for being (acci-)coincidental, as if the gods had a hand in this arrangement. J-L Cauvin is absolute gold!

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The placement of your JD Pence, I mean JD Vance, book on your shelf is perfect!

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JD is just an opportunist like his supposed "boss".

He saw an opportunity to be on the ticket and took it. Unfortunately, he is horrible at playing the part because he looks the opportunist. But he figures that if the boss can say it aloud and not get called out, he can as well.

Unfortunately, JD is missing the boss's charisma and belief in his own BS which is why he is not carrying it off.

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Hi All! A reminder that at 11 a.m. PST today (Sat July 27), Field Team 6 is holding a text bank via Zoom to register dems in swing states. Join in! It's easy peasy, you do it via your computer, they're there to walk you through it. I took part last week and in just 2 hours we sent 210,000 texts to register dems in Florida! Plus, Congressman Maxwell Frost popped in to say hi, it's awesome, this can make a huge difference. Let's do this! Here's the link to register: https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/?show_all_events=true&tag_ids=22573

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I've been registered since I was old enough to vote ( I'm 66)...yet, I got a postcard implying I wasn't registered, wonder how they determined that? It was pretty offensive actually

I would bet money everyone on this site is already resgistered, being people very invovled in politics...so, you just want volunteers to do the pleas then?

I don't own a smartphone, so can't text anyway, and even if you can do it on your computer, I just don't have the time or ability to do that

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I hate to say it, but I think JD Faux name is a shrug. Because the MAGA Republicons have already selected - or more accurately, become inured to - the DonOLD. If you can support a man like DonOLD through all the shit he has put the country, all the shit he has dished out, in a fetid MAGAt infested pile on the plate, JD Faux name is small potatoes on the side.

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"Agree that Vance may prove a drag on the GOP ticket—or think this is just one more thing the American electorate will wave through with a shrug?"

9 years of a "perfect storm" has made me the ultimate pessimist. Every time there's a light at the end of the tunnel (e.g. conviction on all 34 counts) along comes a train or 2 (SCOTUS immunity insanity, Aileen Cannon's gift). Now 2 more pleasant surprises: the smooth transition from Biden to Harris, and how Vance's ego might be too much for some voters for whom there's only one "god" (Trump). But given past trends, you can't blame me for expecting those lights to flicker out quickly. And that's why every event, positive or negative, only motivates this long-time registered Republican more to vote - straight blue - as long as it takes to kick this cult out of power.

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