Remember, would-be Trump voters: however “well” he might do at the debate, the 2020 election was hopelessly “rigged” against Trump, and the 2024 election will be as well - that is Trump’s core message, that he is a victim of rigged debates, rigged elections, etc.

Therefore, there is no point in voting this cycle. It is just a waste of your precious time and energy. Don’t bother voting. Stay home! And watch all the riggedness unfold. And feel righteously victimized.


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They’re preparing him to attack with a steady stream of nonsense not to provide lucid answers to policy questions. With Trump, it’s always about performance and domination.

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BTW, my name for MAGA is MAGATs. I think that's very descriptive.

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I love the idea of Christie saying outright, "Now I'm gonna play Joe Biden, I am going to try to make you angry," and then Trump continually getting angry until he folds his arms and refuses to play anymore.

Also, you know Christie went after him with a standard Dem line of attack and Trump responded by calling him fat. You just know it!

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I wouldn't underestimate Trump. He is preparing. And the low energy of the room will make Trump seem not as crazy. Biden needs to attack him early and often as this setup opens up the opportunity for Biden to dominate. Hopefully Biden comes out like he did against Paul Ryan in the 2012 VP debate. If Biden starts to out alpha Trump, then I think Trump will lose his cool - and the debate. My fear is that Biden can't dominate and Trump doesn't come off as crazy.

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Ha, ha, ha. Pre-debate sessions!! No doubt, one hour of Trump talking non-stop with the advisors saying, "Yes, sir, you are going to win." every 5 minutes.

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I bet there are a lot of people in this country who would love to know what these drugs are that temporarily cure dementia!

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My Dad has dementia. When Republican friends explain that a doctor friend told them that there are a combination of drugs that Biden is given to make him compos mentis for a few hours, I always say "I would pay a lot of money to get that combination of drugs for my Dad. Please have this doctor call me as soon as possible". Funny how I have never heard back from any of them.

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I've had family members with dementia, too. We would have sold our kidneys for drugs like that. If they existed it'd be some of the biggest medical news of the year.

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I've heard that the prep sessions rapidly devolve into the 45th President running his mouth and free-associating. Counting on the 45th President to studiously prepare is a lost cause.

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He cannot help himself - with his dementia and careless mouth, Trump will inevitably lose his cookies and embody the shitshow because that is who he is. I am sure that Biden's team has prepped him with 4-5 zingers to randomly drop on Trump's head relevant to the issue being discussed.

For example - at the right moment, Biden should look him squarely in the eye and say, "Donnie, you are no friend of women. Quite simply, you are a sexual predator."

"Donnie, I know why you recommend suspending the Constitution. You simply don't believe in it because you were unwilling to preserve, protect and defend in on January 6th."

"Donnie, how did you first meeting with your probation officer go"

Rick Wilson wrote an excellent piece with many more sharp phrases and themes that Joe B can whack Trump over the head with. JB needs to diminish Trump/strip him of any credibility and rankle him a number of times for swing state voters to decide against a Trump return.

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“This is a policy refresher. This is about what he did as president and contrasting that with Biden,”

He's going to debate the rounds of golf he plays every weekend, and the executive time he takes every day?

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I'm looking forward to Trump defending his handling of the COVID pandemic.

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Yes! That's what has got to tie him in knots. How does he boast about the speed with which the vaccine was developed and at the same time condemn the vaccine?

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Any chance that instead of the debate format keeping Trump focused and on point; instead he will get bored without a crowd to play off? In the second and third period he’ll have gone 30 minutes plus without any positive feedback. Important then the moderators don’t get into any exchanges with him. Give him his time, next question.

If he goes 90 minutes talking policy without getting worked up will even MAGA think he did well?

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Elections are rigged. Judges are rigged. Juries are rigged. News is rigged. Justice system and law enforcement are rigged.

And now the debate and moderators are rigged. What a loser.

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The Emmys were rigged

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I had forgotten that one, thanks.

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And also the Super Bowl

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Or possibly it is an intentional parody of Trump and his supporters. In which case, I apologize for not getting your point when actually I agree with it.

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Sorry--I thought the parody/irony was self-evident but that can be dangerous since Trump is a parody of himself already.

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Irony usually takes time for me to digest, too.

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Trump's arguments are generally emotionally based often fact free. Dems "dem-splain"... a rational often complicated sounding description. Emotions are winning.

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I don’t believe for a second that Trump will be able to control himself. He is used to everyone around him calling him “sir”and fawning over him.

And I also don’t believe that he will be able to stay on message. Maybe we’ll hear the shark vs. battery tale again.

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He can’t stay on message with the teleprompter at his rallies. No way he will at a debate.

His closing statement is going to be one big rant about getting revenge.

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Surely Joe/Jake/Dana can point out when he whines about how mean they are to him:

you keep claiming you're so tough and fearless. How can Americans expect you stand up for our interests against China/Russia/Iran when you can't even get through this conversation without complaining about how mean we are to you? Is whining really all you've got?

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I would give a body part to see this question asked in this format.

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Point well taken, however, this American does not expect tRump to stand up for our interest against Russia - I do expect to tRump to lick Putin’s boots though 💯 and yes whining and nonsense is all you really get from the addled mind of DJT - vote smart people!

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Can't wait for Trump to say 'refuttal'. The new 'covfefe'. ;)

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