You seem to have forgotten that he kept falling asleep at his trial. That he apparently fell asleep at Cabinet and other meetings, that he couldn't and didn't pay attention to intelligence briefings, appearances with world leaders, etc. The only thing that keeps him going is personal adulation.

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You are trying to make him into a normal person. He is not. You’re sanewashing just as many others do.

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Ugh. So yeah, we had a someone say he's exhausted, now who do we call to clean that up---let's call Marc Caputo, he'll comply.

He sure did.

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Marc seems to have contacts inside Trump world , but his writing and even live pods are at times really slanted too much pro-maga. I could have dealt without this article.

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Would you be able to sleep after taking Adderall and 20 Diet Cokes?

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Eh, he might be up and walking around, but he sure as hell doesn't look ok.

He's just running on rage, desperation and diet coke right now.

And I'm looking forward to a huge crash before the election

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This feels like puff, sorry. Not because it cuts against my priors, as I know he is a crazy person with servants doing his thing every minute. It doesn't suprise me that a life long motorhead is racing around all the time. It feels to me that the article should have addressed more thoroughly the organizational strains such a late stage lunatic exacts on a campaign.

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To quote NSYNC (& Deadpool) this is what I say to tfg: “Bye, Bye, Bye.” 🎶

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After reading some of the first comments, it is quite obvious that I am not the only reader with a visceral reaction to this piece. Talk about sane washing….. Trump is exhausted because he has been running his whole life dodging the bullet of justice and now there is nowhere to run anymore. It’s all catching up to him in this campaign where he’s coked up half the time so he too can have the energy of his new 35 year old friend (#ETTD). I am waiting for his ugly head to blow into a million pieces during an interview with the mother of all strokes that will be called a mere “nosebleed”. But let’s use some truth when writing these pieces; not what his loyal followers are saying. Shame on you.

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Honestly, pointless normalization like this article is why I’ll cancel my subscription after the election. So much space used to say nothing of actual importance, but with a healthy dose of poor-Trump included. I don’t want to only drink the koolaid and bash Trump, but an old man who can’t manage his own sleep, and an entourage that is too weak to do so themselves, is not normal nor presidential.

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Give them a break. Not everyday is a stellar news day and they sometimes have to have filler. The story does confirm what we knew all the time: he is serviced by lackeys who are afraid of his wrath.

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Not that he's got a lifelong amphetamine habit fueling his "high energy" ravings...

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“So you try not to sleep” summarizes the stupidity of Trump and his minions. Health be damned in service of the Orange One. Responsibility and being able to actually show up and finish the job - nah, not if it means infringing on impressing Trump through some idiotic “manly” show of “strength”. It’s just sheer stupidity.

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^^^THIS. Nothing about his behaviour is admirable or sane.

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He would have a powerful motive for this frenetic pace: staying out of prison.

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I have one word-adderall.

The worst kept secret right next to Lindsey being straight.

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lol. You beat me to it! Remember the pictures of nose rocks on his clothes during his first administration? It’s adderall or maybe he’s had to go stronger now that he’s gotten so damned old.

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Sleep is necessary to recharge and make good decisions. In fact, I am sure I don't need to explain it all. It is one of the reasons I encouraged my daughter's choice to go to university in a less work-a-holic society. I don't admire it.

However, Trump is sounding a bit manic to me. In the part where they are rapid cycling they cannot sleep, and they have grandiose ideas of their own abilities, and lots of ideas that tumble out that are so brilliant in their opinion. That is part of the description.


I am not saying he is manic, just that some of what is being described sounds that way.

As for Trump being tired, we are tired of him.

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Agreed. Having worked with many many folks who had manic episodes, much of Trump's behaviour reminds me of them. And like you, I'm not saying he is manic, but his behaviour is very similar

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Most of Trump's interviews are by sweerheart stooges, he needs no preparation to have kisses sent his way.

Anyone can pontificate about a myriad of disjointed topics...

...that can be seen in any local bar across the country.

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