Ever thought about having David Pepper on your podcast? He's an Ohioan, former member of Cincinnati City Council, former state Democratic chairman, and the author of what's happening in our statehouses today (including Ohio and Tennessee) -- "Laboratories of Autocracy." https://twitter.com/DavidPepper/status/1540667774967713795

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Myriad existential problems for the GOP in general, and leaders individually. Enough to castrate them politically in any country that adheres to the rule of law.

But are we that country?

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Was thrilled that Amendment 2* was voted down by Kentuckians last November. Hasn't made a lick of difference to our legislators, though, who keep proposing bills to restrict access to privacy and healthcare for women.

*A vote in favor of the amendment would have carved out an exception to those rights, barring any court from even considering the constitutionality of abortion, let alone concluding that it is protected.

(Jordan Smith 11.9.22)

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You want the hard core Republican base to think twice about banning abortion. But this is completely against their religious beliefs. How can you approve “a little murder”? Murder is bad, and it must all be stopped. Compromise is unthinkable when you deal with this issue for so many republicans. Abortion is murder, not a tax dispute or a funding issue that you can compromise around. The more you are drunk on religious fervor, the less possible compromise becomes.

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Your last sentence says it all.

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Here's the Deal

It would seem that these guys are stepping all over themselves.

The GREAT GOP Boomerang Principle at work yet again.

(or so it would seem)

GOP is adhering to a good strategy if and only if their vision of now and the potential future is based on great perception.

I'm conflicted on that.

The USA has had one Major foreign policy utter failed hypocrisy ongoing blunder. (bad grammar intended - editor)

It is this:

If you are going to bother your neighbor, you better have your shit together.


If you are going to interfere in a completely different and very old culture and try to flip flop it, you better be damn careful. Sovereignty of nations and all.

The folks in control of this country do not have the best interests of the country .

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I am mostly convinced the Republicans are in a state of synchronous psychosis for which they have no choice but to double down on every part of their current wretched political philosophy, locked in a deadly embrace with their voters. I don’t see a way out for the party and I see no choice open to them except a full Monty tyranny. I think they have crossed the Rubicon.

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Interviewers need to ask Trump if he thinks Jesus was smart or dumb.

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Thank you so much for the hypothetical opening statement of the prosecution from Dennis Aftergut. I did very much enjoy it.

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Um, no, in regard to Clarence Thomas. It won't be a problem at all.

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Um, no, in regard to Clarence Thomas. It won't be a problem at all.

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Exit take: Who thinks this is a winning issue in 2024?

I do! I'm a Democrat after all. Gonna get my peeps plenty of winning next year

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At best the republican party is addicted to lunacy.

At worst, it is addicted to bigotry, hatred and punishing

anything / one that scares and / or confuses them......

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The Republicans really aren't able to change short-term because the party base--and don't EVER forget, it's the voters who control a party and not the elected officials--won't let them. To talk about abortion specifically for a minute, it's not just an inconvenient issue for the party's voters. There have been millions of single-issue pro-lifers in GOP politics for my entire life, and this issue cuts to the heart of why they're Republicans in the first place. As you, Tom Nichols, and many other Never Trump Republicans discovered in 2016, some issues are more important than winning an election. For better or worse, the right-to-life movement is firmly convinced that abortion is such an issue and they're perfectly willing to go down with the ship over it.

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In which red states are the state Republicans in danger of losing their majorities or super-majorities?

They may lose state-wide seats; but as long as they control the legislature and the redistricting apparatus, they will keep themselves in power, and that is what matters to them.

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All these elections are too close for me to get comfortable with the MAGA losses becoming a trend. Hershel Walker lost but looking at that vote count had me scratching my head like how can this be this close? Like if they picked a guy that could put together coherent sentences, didn't beat his wives and wasn't caught paying for abortions you could have had a MAGA like candidate still win.

Margins are so thin these elections its no surprise that Republicans are hesitant to re-tool especially when the base loves things in Trump's image.

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Old Clarence is going to take the Supreme Court back to those thrilling days of yesteryear!! Approximately the Gilded Age!!

Tom Cannon

Asheville, NC

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