The Bulwark
Across the Movie Aisle
Is 'Twisters' the Summer's Popcorn Hit?

Is 'Twisters' the Summer's Popcorn Hit?

Plus: Does Hollywood need to apologize for 'Hillbilly Elegy'?
‘Twisters’ (MovieStillsDB)

On this week’s episode, Sonny Bunch (The Bulwark), Alyssa Rosenberg (The Washington Post), and Peter Suderman (Reason) ask if Hollywood is to blame for the rise of J.D. Vance thanks to Netflix’s Oscar-bait biopic, Hillbilly Elegy. Then they review Twisters, the first real popcorn hit of the summer. Make sure to swing by Friday for a bonus episode about Hollywood’s role in propping up, and then tearing down, the Biden campaign. And if you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend!


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The Bulwark
Across the Movie Aisle
Here's the elevator pitch: It's "Left, Right, and Center" meets "Siskel and Ebert." Three friends from different ideological perspectives discuss the movies and controversies (or nontroversies!) about them.
Featuring bonus Friday episodes exclusively for Bulwark+ members.