I hate to say this but I think This shows what some Palestinians have become due to their treatment and actions of the state of Israel :(

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Those would be HAPPY CAMPS for the undocumented.

Eat Snacky Smores.

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Re Hamas fighter's call home from Israel: Harris, How old are you? I remember common local and national conversations re "gooks dead," "body counts" (justifying bombing raids), and other braggadocio from U.S. assaults in Nam and Cambodia. War is War and Fighters on all sides try to assuage their guilt by dehumanizing opponents. Your view is one-sided.

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Please don’t compare that to the Vietnam War. Not one person I knew who was in Nam felt that way. Not one. Nobody bragged like that. They felt horrible about the killing. It weighed heavily. Yes, they got angry and they fought, but this religious based glee at butchery was never part of Americans fighting in that bloody war.

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Donald Trump is a sick psychotic man who absolutely must not win the presidency. All hell would break loose with a nutcase like this in office. It's time that everyone----especially Republicans----admit the truth-----Donald Trump is mentally ill and unfit for any office ever again!!!!! Terri Quint

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Absolutely true. Trump has emerged as the dictator he wanted to be, revealing himself almost fully now. He softened his message on the interview for Hispanics on Univision though. Didn’t mention the camps. Univision refuses to run Democrats ads or have a Biden interview. What’s to be done about this? How do we get through to them?

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You are terribly confused about a lot of things.

Terrorism has a specific meaning and the death of civilians isn’t it. The deliberate targeting of them can qualify. Also, terrorism isn’t a “war crime;” that too has a specific definition.

You claim you don’t know how much deliberate targeting (of civilians?) the Israelis are doing, yet you say they are committing war crimes. Manslaughter doesn’t apply to combat either.

Again, the death of civilians in a active war zone - as terrible and tragic as it is - is not a war crime. Civilians die in wars; its why “War is hell”

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This attitude is naive … can’t imagine KKK-era celebrating yet another torture and lynching??! Try imagining what crimes Trump’s characterization of his opponents (‘vermin’) will unleash on fellow Americans!

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Good point.

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What if Trump’s Plan B in case NY courts fine him big dollars and shutters his business is a return to the White House—so he can monetize it even more than he did the first time.

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Dear God, this whole post is disturbing from beginning to end. Gee Thanks Charlie...Maybe I need to buy you your own My Little Pony.

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"So, once again, it is essential to pay attention. Trump may be clownish, but the clown car is carrying a neutron bomb. Possibly several."

Try thousands. Once again, scores of rabid anti-Republic radicals - politicians, lwayers and other shysters - are lining up to do all the heavy lifting - and protecting of their golden boy. Those who naively thought they could keep all the others in check now know better than to apply.

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Reading further I see that you warn that the already-vetted are doing the "pre-vetting" to assure that the likes of Kelly, Mattis, Tillerson - even Barr and Pence, who stuck it out to near the end - need not apply. The most important takeaway from this is that Trump himself never had to lift a finger - except to throw his food against the wall if he hears something he doesn' like. And a likely electoral majority of voters are fine with that.

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I do hope the majority of electoral voters care about the heinous policies Repubs are offering, and vote against it. It’s up to Democrats to get the messaging out there. The majority of Ohioans in latest poll want someone other than trump in their primary.

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Everyone needs to listen to this particular podcast. Harris doesn't make one misstep in an hour-long monologue where he explains comprehensively and with utter clarity, the challenge we face. It's a tour-de-force.

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When Mussolini came to prominence in Italy, a lot of Italians supported him and his plans to strengthen the country.

Then he got into power - and a lot of Italians found that, much as they wanted their country to be strong and powerful, they didn't like the fact that many of their Jewish, Communist , Liberal and anti- Mussolini friends were disappearing. Many, many Italian Jews were hidden by Christian Italians. And whole villages were wiped out (and some still stand empty) because of pro-partisan action.

This was a country with thousands of years of culture, art and philosophy - so don't think "Oh, that couldn't happen here!" Once your foot is set on the slippery slop, it's amazing how quickly things pick up speed.

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True. I knew an older Italian woman who still swooned over “Il Duce”. She thought he was so handsome and sexy! Macho!

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"Slippery slop" is probably a typo. But nevertheless appropriate.

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You all are pothead, delusional morons.

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Based on the kind of reasoning that has been used in this thread, US citizens could be considered murderous fiends because we (yes, based on the kind of reasoning that has been used multiple times in this thread, we — you, me, and the five-year-old down the block) voted Trump into office and maybe will do so again.

Yeah. “Maybe.” The word “maybe” has been carrying a lot of weight in this thread. Too much, and with too little support from either evidence or logic.

Here is a complete, exhaustive list of every single thing those three members of one Palestinian family said to their freak-o son during the quoted part of that phone call.

“May God protect you.”

“Oh, my son. God bless you!”

“May God bring you home safely.”

“I wish I was with you.”

“You killed ten?”

“Come back. Come back.”

“Well, promise to come back.”

That conversation is like a Rorschach test — it could mean anything. Maybe it was a blood-lust freak-out, and maybe it was not. We don’t have anywhere remotely near enough information to make that call.

Maybe you or I would do a better job of establishing our moral and cultural superiority for the record in the split-second after a very close loved one happily confessed to mass murder, or maybe we wouldn’t.

This is the hot phase of a war. We are being bombarded with incomplete, contested information and a barrage of conflicting spins. There are huge chunks of critical information that we just don’t know. The LEAST we can do — while other people are risking their lives, and getting the crap bombed out of them, and trying to keep children alive in a disaster zone — is not rush to judgment about shit we don’t know.

By the way, that whole thing about non-European cultures that don’t “value life” the way USians do? It’s a myth that’s been long since debunked. And even speculations (like the fantasy of who Gazans would vote for if, for the first time in 17 years, they somehow had an election) should have some evidence and logic behind them.

I only hope that when it’s our turn, the world shows us a bit more grace and mercy — or at least half-assed disinterested fairness — than we in our pointless partisanship have been showing, depending on our personal tastes, to the Israelis or the Palestinians during this tragedy.

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Ha ha lol 😂 😝 🤣!

You guys will love this story lol 😂!

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Harris’s comments are good ones, but the situation is even worse than he indicated. Expanding on his analogy, My Lai was an aberration. The officer responsible for it was convicted of murder in a court martial. Hamas’s atrocities on October 7th were a policy and a strategy – the planned purpose of the entire operation. Hamas’s officials and spokesmen said so and bragged about it, at least one promising to do it again. Its members were proud enough of their work to live stream some of it. They are savages, and so are those in Gaza supporting them and cheering what they did. Based on the news, there are plenty of those, maybe a majority.

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My father was in Army Special Forces for most of his career. He was deployed to Iraq and Iran in the mid 60’s. Very infrequently would he discuss any of his missions, however, I do recall him explaining to us that many people from those countries “have no value for human life as do Americans.” I had little idea exactly what that meant until I was much older, and you apt recording o Hamas call to his family perfectly summed it up! They view martyrdom over their own lives and those who think differently then they as roadkill.

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