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"the freshly re-indicted George Santos, who clearly wanted a quid pro quo to protect him from being expelled"

Here's how you deal with a liar like George Santos. Promise you won't expel him in exchange for his vote. Then, when you're Speaker, expel him.

The Trump comments on the brilliance of Hezbollah are the exact same garbage he said about his handler after he invaded Ukraine. Putin doesn't look so smart now.

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Yesterday I saw a few sarcastic comments that Trump would say Hamas is smart.That was only yesterday.Who would have thought that he actually would call Hezbulluh smart! But that is par for his course.

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I think that calling HAMAS smart was a step too far even for Trump at this point. Give him time though.

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There is no step too far for Trump. He just a) probably never thought about it or, b) doesn't know the difference between Hamas and Hezbolluh.

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Agreed, at least as far as teh MAGA folks are concerned. there's NOTHING he can say or do to make them turn away. I can hear them now; "But Hamas WAS smart they way they attacked Israel!"

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That's true. Fox News will start reporting the excellent attack on civilians.

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I would go with B

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Trump thinks if he repeats that line long enough, it might just come true. Even a broken clock is right twice a day....:)

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As hilarious and just as that might be, I imagine it won't do a Speaker any good to have so flagrantly gone back on your word like that.

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It works for Trump and Santos.

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True, although I think any reasonable person should agree that there ought to be a George Santos exception. I think the main reason it wouldn't happen, though, is the GOP majority is too small to lose anyone.

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Why isn't Santos in jail already?

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But then they act as if they prefer to stay in the minority. That's alright, supporting Santos will probably lose them more votes in the long run.

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They're perpetually the dog that caught the car.

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Trump, and the current Republican Party, are all part of a terrorist organization. They have already stormed the Capitol once, there is no reason to think they won't do it again when he loses another election. But we may not have a government by then as the House may never vote to fund the government. Biden will have to declare a state of emergency and then they will call him a dictator. The insurrection continues, except these people are incompetent and thankfully have no army except for random lunatics they allow to have assault weapons.

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Incompetent? They've frozen the 118th Congress without funding the government. That seems pretty consistent with the Trump agenda. I think they are doing exactly what they want to do exactly how they want to do it.

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Agreement from me on your points. A missed opportunity from Biden. He should have made this part of his speech...that Israel took its eye off Hamas because of a fractured government which included reservists refusing to serve if Netenyahoo was going to continue ravaging the independence of the judiciary. IOW, internal strife. That is what the GOP is doing now to our gov't. We are unraveling before our very eyes and I think that is worth a mention. Don't you?

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Why is this guy still walking the streets? Why is he still walking?

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Trump walking! Surely you jest.He probably gets around in his golf cart.

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