It's Time for Republicans to Panic About DeSantis
The great hope for a post-Trump Republican party is in trouble.

1. DeSantis Watch
He’s not very good at this, is he?
You don't want to end up in like a Verdun situation, where you just have mass casualties, mass expense and end up with a stalemate. It's in everybody's interest to try to get to a place where we can have a cease-fire. . . .
The Europeans really need to do more. I mean, this is their continent. The U.S. has provided security for them. And yes, Poland – there's some that are doing stuff, and that should be appreciated. But Germany, they're not doing anything. . . .
We have foreign policy elites that do things without having a concrete objective in mind.
That was DeSantis yesterday talking about his desire for a ceasefire during the trip to Japan that is supposed to establish his Big Boy foreign policy credentials. And it was the second face-plant of the tour. The first one was this exchange,