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CHARLIE SYKES: Hamas's Useful Idiots
JVL: Let’s Just Say It: Biden Has Done a Great Job with Israel 🔐
JOE PERTICONE: Jim Jordan’s Bad Bet on a House Divided 🔐
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A.B. STODDARD: Hey, House Republicans: It’s Time to Govern.

ONE OF THE BENEFITS OF BEING AN ELECTION DENIER is that when you lose a vote yourself, you can just pretend that’s not what happened.
So after Rep. Jim Jordan, in his bid to be the next speaker of the House of Representatives, was walloped on Tuesday—with twenty of his fellow Republicans voting against him—instead of quitting he decided to try for a second ballot.
CATHY YOUNG: Rush to Judgment and Bias on Gaza Hospital Story.
TUESDAY’S EXPLOSION at the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, which killed a still-undetermined number of people and injured many more, was a horrific tragedy for those who sought refuge at the hospital building from a war raging around them. In the ensuing rush to report and comment on the deadly incident, many journalists, activists, and politicians shamefully ran with an insta-narrative blaming Israel for the attack, and often persisted in this narrative even as it looked more and more discredited. This fiasco reflects the complicated nature of fog-of-war reporting in the age of social media and rapid reactions—and it raises uncomfortable questions about journalistic ethics, bias, and political integrity.
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CARRIE CORDERO: The Lessons of 9/11 Can Help the U.S. Dismantle Hamas.
HAMAS’S SAVAGE ATTACK ON ISRAEL on October 7 has pulled the world’s attention back to the menace of international terrorism. Although it did not disappear in the twenty-two years since al Qaeda attacked New York City and Washington, D.C., it had appeared to recede as U.S. and coalition forces degraded al Qaeda and its progeny. And the threat is not just against Israel and Israelis. Citizens of at least 29 countries were killed or are missing as a result of the attack, including at least 30 Americans killed and an unknown number held as hostages by Hamas in Gaza.
BILL RYAN: Algernon Blackwood’s Exploratory Horror.
WHEN YOUR NAME IS ALGERNON BLACKWOOD, you basically have two choices: become a horror writer, or build some sort of death ray. The one man I know of who was named Algernon Blackwood thankfully chose the more peaceful of the two options (possibly because his middle name was merely Henry), and he went on to become one of the most revered authors of weird tales of the last century. He was admired by H.P. Lovecraft, with whom Blackwood is often compared (or, at other times, among horror connoisseurs, set at war against). In his long essay “Supernatural Horror in Literature,” Lovecraft once wrote…
Happy Thursday… Here come the Romneyisms. And, as JVL says: “One of life's rarest delicacies is watching bad things happen to bad people.” But a bittersweet one, given the impending government shutdown. But, do we have a “human CR” in Patrick McHenry?
Amid House speaker chaos… Georgia’s Mike Collins finds comedic relief.
House Republicans reflect… on the state of their self-imposed chaos.
Inside the complex world… of white paint. Check out my pal Chris Moody at the Post.
Klepper returns… to the 2024 campaign trail.
The Mindbogglingly Dumb Charade… Comparing Every Protest at the Capitol to the Jan. 6 Riot.
Sign the petition… And demand a real majority in the House.
In Saint Louis… A rowdy dog, loose in the zoo, leads to the death of an elephant.
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