Re Trump and Miranda rights, to paraphrase Shrek, he has the RIGHT to remain silent, he just lacks the ability to do so.

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Jack Smith is in the pocket...he projects confidence because he’s done his homework and he holds all the cards!

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If the special counsel indicts President Trump in Washington, D.C. for anything related to January 6th, that will be considered a major outrage by Republicans, because you could convict any Republican of anything in Washington, D.C.”

Only if you committed CRIMES, Senator Graham.

I admit that at this moment, that does seem to be a lot of Republicans but just because you and Josh Hawley and Chuck Grassley et al are members of a seditious conspiracy, that doesn't mean all Republicans are.

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Enjoy Asheville, it is my home town and I live there now. I happen to be in Italy as I write. I appreciate your work. And listen to your podcast frequently. It helps me stay sane in this insane world.


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Michael Anton is a grotesque grifter pretending to be an intellectual.

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I was very happy to read the reports of the unwavering “intense stare” that Jack Smith kept fixed on Twaitor Twump. This extraordinarily persistent and committed prosecutor has his man in his sights, and intends to complete his mission. I’ll bet it scared the trembling toddler no end!

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I suspect that no one other than his father has ever scared 45. And given how many of the commandments he's broken, not even the God he pretends to believe in.

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I heard that the MAGA congresscriters held a "hearing" about Jan 6 that was essentially a seditionist love fest celebrating the patriots who were just "visiting " the Capitol.

All the usual suspects were there and while watching the news report the thought crossed my mind MTG, Gaetz, Gosar, et al should possibly wait until all the indictments have been announced before they start to rock'n'roll like they are untouchable.

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Was that recently? I know they've had at least one before and after. Hard to keep track of seditionists lately.

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". . .[S]ome senior Republicans are preparing to attack any prosecution of Trump for his schemes to block the peaceful transfer of power. . . . ." No wonder that group includes the hysterically frightened Graham; for if an ex-president can be indicted for attempting to overthrow the 2020 election, clearly so can a mere senator (who also made an unfortunate phone call to Georgia).

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Off topic.

Huge fan and hope that you enjoy our mountains, we’re about 46 miles west of Asheville in Sylva. Let us know if you ever need a local brewery tour.

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loved 'metaphor alert'

many thanks for everything

by the way

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So, Rudy, dead men tell no tales, eh???

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tRump is an imposter. He’s vulnerable to anything or anyone who stands up to him and won’t back down.

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So Knowels want to go back to 1220, to when there were no guns, no elections, no internet, a flat earth. Please God, grant him his wish.

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You forgot no electricity, no cars, no modern medicine, no TV, no travel beyond your town (unless you were heading for a war, of which there were dozens everywhere even between British lords), etc. Like I said, a completely illiterate idiot with zero knowledge of history (or real life for that matter).

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The list is too long... :) What an idiot.

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Excellent work by Sarah Longwell, who moderated an apparent PBS-sponsored focus group of...uh...very fine people. Sarah displayed discipline and grace while interacting with the very fine (but insufficiently well informed) people. Well done Sarah! I don't know how Sarah manages to remain in moderator-mode and not better inform inform the people.

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"On Wednesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham told CNN: “If the special counsel indicts President Trump in Washington, D.C. for anything related to January 6th, that will be considered a major outrage by Republicans, because you could convict any Republican of anything in Washington, D.C.” On Fox News, Graham added that if Trump were to be indicted in Washington “for January 6th activity . . . that will tear this country apart.”" (from Mr Saletan's piece)


Attention, Sen Lindsey "Karen" Graham:

If special council indicts TFG for his (obvious) efforts to suborn the Constitution on 6 Jan then the MAGA Rs will express "major outrage" while the few remaining Normies will actually cheer. The laws of our land will have been upheld, no special preferences for a disgraced former POTUS who can't help himself to stay out of the system - since the universe revolves around him, and him alone, he can do no wrong, everything he does is perfect (no matter how much he screws up).

Further, if you truly believe that indicting the Tangerine Tyrant for 6 Jan will "will tear this country apart," you have been even more of an ostrich that I thought. The Mango Menace tore this country apart beginning at noon on 20 Jan 2017, and he has not stopped his divisive rhetoric and actions to date.

You, sir, are a prime driver of the increasing split we are experiencing in the US. You, and the rest of the MAGA apologists, lack the honesty and perseverance necessary to excise the Orange Cancer infecting the body politic. As long as you and the others dwelling within the tent of the Psychiatric Facility Escapee Caucus refuse to hold TFG accountable for his crimes - not a simple difference of opinion on interpreting the Law - this country will *never* heal.


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We do the victims of Flight 93 a disservice when we strangely ignore the grievances of the 9/11 families whose activism forced the creation of the 9/11 Commission in the first place. While these families' knowledge of the event is far greater than ours, we encourage Americans to ignore them, even to openly laugh at them. Yet we somehow simultaneously honor their loved ones? Our hypocrisy and ignorance are poisoning our country, and Trumpism is the result.

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