Jane is one of my fav guests whenever she comes on. I think that if I could have a "Bulwark guest blunt rotation" it'd be between me, Jane Coaston, Derek Thompson, and Bill Kristol as the odd/older standout lol. Plus I'd just really like to see what Bill would look like high. Could that smile of his possibly get any bigger? haha.
I don't like Joan's theory. It works for some people in some places but I know plenty of rural folk in WVA or VA who fear the godless crime ridden coastal cities and they have never seen an annoying leftie except on TV or *maybe* their facebook feed. Perhaps they are the exception that makes the rule but I very much doubt it.
The secret to success during the internet revolution of trusted news has been the ability to lie with conviction. We see this with Trump, musk, the techbros, etc. They recognize each other and support each other, because that is how you keep the grift going.
Jane is one of my absolute favorites. She makes me laugh, and she makes me think; a perfect combination. I still think about what she said the last time she was on-that new House Reps want to be in Congress to complete a task(s), then they find out that "this is not a task-completing place". Love it.
How do find new music and bands? Do you listen by streaming or CD? The diversity of music at the end of the podcast suggests a great widespread taste level.
Bears. Bears were mentioned. I love bears. Last year, a new mom “introduced “ me to her two 4-5 month old cubs. No lie. My house has a four foot rock wall holding back a little slope that has trees and bushes. Mom came down up to about the wall to my right. She looked at her cubs and told them to come down to my left. Mom looked at me, then looked at her cubs, then back at me. I couldn’t believe it but wasn’t going to turn down the offer to introduce myself. So I walked up to where the cubs were and said hi to them, they smelled my hand. And that’s how I met the two newest bears in our hood. They returned with their mom this spring, a year older.
Why isn’t Jane a regular contributor to The Bulwark? She is intelligent, perceptive, measured, knowledgeable, and a gifted interlocutor. I miss her podcast she used to have withe NYT (The Argument)……maybe that could become a Bulwark thing??
Interesting commentary by Ms Coaston on purity and the reason why young people are't too interested in having children. I'm in my 60's, so older than her, but in my high school years a girl getting pregnant was the end of her aspirations to go to college, to have a career that might come from that. Getting pregnant meant withdrawing from high school maybe for good or maybe just going to class but no extracurricular things. It wasn't called purity then. It was called don't have sex and if you get pregnant you pay for it by having the kid and dropping out of school.
I think you are overthinking the tech bro support for Trump. Sure, there is lower taxes and access to government entities, but deregulation is their north star. The degree to which they want to be ogliarchs who are free of burdensome labor, immigration, antitrust, and financial regulations cannot be overstated. To your point, they know that if they stroke Trump's ego and donate enough money, he will repeat back whatever they say.
They’re not for deregulation; they’re for regulation that benefits them, as you rightly point out.
That whole All-in/Trump saga has sent me over the edge because it’s just so nakedly cynical. They’re smart enough to know the quid-pro-quo-ness of their exchange with Trump and smart enough to know their audience will buy it. They’re just a more digestible version of crypto boys.
exactly. Marc Andreesen says the not so quiet part out loud when he gives interviews openly calling for a return to the Robber Baron dynamic. Big tech is going to have to stick it to orders to keep providing shareholder value (e.g. Google announcing a 10 billion dollar stock buyback after announcing thousands of layoffs).
Jane is one of my fav guests whenever she comes on. I think that if I could have a "Bulwark guest blunt rotation" it'd be between me, Jane Coaston, Derek Thompson, and Bill Kristol as the odd/older standout lol. Plus I'd just really like to see what Bill would look like high. Could that smile of his possibly get any bigger? haha.
To hear Jane Coaston likening Trump's theoretical explanation of cryptocurrency to "a cat falling down the stairs" Hilarious...!
I don't like Joan's theory. It works for some people in some places but I know plenty of rural folk in WVA or VA who fear the godless crime ridden coastal cities and they have never seen an annoying leftie except on TV or *maybe* their facebook feed. Perhaps they are the exception that makes the rule but I very much doubt it.
The secret to success during the internet revolution of trusted news has been the ability to lie with conviction. We see this with Trump, musk, the techbros, etc. They recognize each other and support each other, because that is how you keep the grift going.
Grifter flock to each other.
Good podcast. One correction. Tim Tebow won one Heisman, not two.
Jane is one of my absolute favorites. She makes me laugh, and she makes me think; a perfect combination. I still think about what she said the last time she was on-that new House Reps want to be in Congress to complete a task(s), then they find out that "this is not a task-completing place". Love it.
"ALONE" is fantastic...the women are so fantastic in this series!
Some of the guys are totally MAGAts, others don't give a shit about the outside world, and women take this shit seriously.
How do find new music and bands? Do you listen by streaming or CD? The diversity of music at the end of the podcast suggests a great widespread taste level.
Bears. Bears were mentioned. I love bears. Last year, a new mom “introduced “ me to her two 4-5 month old cubs. No lie. My house has a four foot rock wall holding back a little slope that has trees and bushes. Mom came down up to about the wall to my right. She looked at her cubs and told them to come down to my left. Mom looked at me, then looked at her cubs, then back at me. I couldn’t believe it but wasn’t going to turn down the offer to introduce myself. So I walked up to where the cubs were and said hi to them, they smelled my hand. And that’s how I met the two newest bears in our hood. They returned with their mom this spring, a year older.
Why isn’t Jane a regular contributor to The Bulwark? She is intelligent, perceptive, measured, knowledgeable, and a gifted interlocutor. I miss her podcast she used to have withe NYT (The Argument)……maybe that could become a Bulwark thing??
Also, you Tim kill it daily! 😘
I thought the exact same thing-get Jane on board at The Bulwark!
Tim, are the moderators in the debate going to push back against Trump when he starts his fire hose of bullshit? Seems like you know Jake pretty well.
I’d love to hear your opinion, please ?
Interesting commentary by Ms Coaston on purity and the reason why young people are't too interested in having children. I'm in my 60's, so older than her, but in my high school years a girl getting pregnant was the end of her aspirations to go to college, to have a career that might come from that. Getting pregnant meant withdrawing from high school maybe for good or maybe just going to class but no extracurricular things. It wasn't called purity then. It was called don't have sex and if you get pregnant you pay for it by having the kid and dropping out of school.
I think you are overthinking the tech bro support for Trump. Sure, there is lower taxes and access to government entities, but deregulation is their north star. The degree to which they want to be ogliarchs who are free of burdensome labor, immigration, antitrust, and financial regulations cannot be overstated. To your point, they know that if they stroke Trump's ego and donate enough money, he will repeat back whatever they say.
They’re not for deregulation; they’re for regulation that benefits them, as you rightly point out.
That whole All-in/Trump saga has sent me over the edge because it’s just so nakedly cynical. They’re smart enough to know the quid-pro-quo-ness of their exchange with Trump and smart enough to know their audience will buy it. They’re just a more digestible version of crypto boys.
exactly. Marc Andreesen says the not so quiet part out loud when he gives interviews openly calling for a return to the Robber Baron dynamic. Big tech is going to have to stick it to orders to keep providing shareholder value (e.g. Google announcing a 10 billion dollar stock buyback after announcing thousands of layoffs).
Holy shit, Jane for prez 2028.
Jane Coaston is a national treasure. Thanks Tim, for having her on the pod.