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Trump is done. That may be premature, but, I think he's done. The actuarial table has caught up with him. The alleged campaign launch was lifeless. He is speaking to OAN (odd choice)...he's having dinner with Whatever-Name-Kanye-West-Is-Using-This-Week...he's not doing "campaign events"...he's sitting on his ass and doing whatever Truth Social is. I told people years ago that if you close your eyes and listen to Trump speak, he sounded like an elderly person. Well, now his mind has caught up with the voice, and he is an elderly person in a full sense. MAGA/Trump Supporters need to just give it a rest--if this is the best you have, then you have nothing. Large chunks of the population are turning on the Rule by The Elderly that we have had going for several years. Trump, Biden , Pelosi, McConnell, Hoyer, Schumer-- all are over 65, and Schumer is the only one under 70. I am of the view that the Presidency, the Senate, the House, the Federal Judiciary ALL should be age limited at 70--you hit 70, you retire, period. If we can have age minimums for federal office, then we sure as hell can have age maximums. We as voters need to start demanding age caps on elected federal office and the federal bench. It is not age discrimination if age minimums are already on the books.

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I don't agree with age caps per se. I'm surrounded by older people here (and I'm 71!), and they have more energy than people half their age, and more mental awareness - look at the junk younger people are getting fed on social media and "entertainment". But they should be taking real cognitive and medical tests, not the kind that loony Jackson gave Trump.

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Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah, Miss Eva. Respectfully, I disagree. One of the contributing factors to the collapse of the Soviet Union was that it had become a deeply entrenched gerontocracy. I do not want that to take root here. I agree that *some* older Americans are as sharp as ginsu knives, but I see them as exceptions. Most are not. If an age 70 cap is in place, then we encourage turnover & encourage new thinking on policy. It's not me saying "Old people suck", but it is me saying we need to break the pattern before the pattern becomes the problem.

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