What in God’s name gives you a license to offer a recommendation to the Harris campaign as to what they should do next? Have they done something wrong? Do you have access to information her campaign doesn’t? You overstate the obvious and offer nothing new. You represent the worst of MSM.

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How is it a truly "progressive" policy to want abortion to be legal, to have responsible gun restrictions and checks, and to feed children? At last accounting, over 70 % of the country supports these stances. We are a wealthy country, and the restrictiveness of supposed conservatives regarding our wealth (unless it goes towards tax breaks for the already rich) is obnoxious. Feeding hungry children is liberal?

To me, Tim Walz sits in the moderate middle. I think the country will view him as such, too. It's those faux conservative politicians and the right wing media that will brand him otherwise. But, facts are facts. His moves in Minnesota are overwhelmingly popular, and the only reason people speak up against there seem to be that they would rather have anyone with an R after their name.

I would love to see a debate with the specifications you've outlined for Kamala should she go on Fox. It would be the ONLY time I tune into Fox. It's just hard to think of the disingenuous/dishonest people who work at that network playing fair. We've seen how they're cleaning up Trump's truly appalling rally behavior so that their viewers can't see how awful he actually is.

If a debate like this were to happen, Trump would not recover from her opening salvo. He'd probably be unmanageable going back and forth, and back again to what she said and insist she was a nasty woman that says mean things that are not true.

Question: isn't anyone getting tired of Trump and his characterization of women being "nasty"? I'm beyond sick and tired of his old and tired schtick.

A personal hope of mine. I'd like to see many many women show up at a JD Vance rally with cats. Men would be welcome to bring theirs, too. Wonder what it says about a single man, not producing children who loves and owns cats in JD's vapid mind?

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Maybe agree to a debate on Fox if Trump also agrees to do one on MSNBC? “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

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I think the mistake that MAYBE the Bulwark staff is making is to forget that some meaningful portion of Trump’s base doesn’t really vote on conservative policies. One thing Trump has done successfully is drop a shit ton of conservative principles. Much of their frustration is that “coastal elites” don’t give a shit about them and think they are deplorable. Trump hates those elites and they appreciate that. He belittles them in a way they find highly entertaining.

Sarah saying rural voters recognize a rural liberal is likely true. However, saying Walz doesn’t code conservative, misses the fact that he codes rural and blue collar and that might matter more than we think. I’m guessing some of what attracts former democratic leaning blue collar voters to Trump is that he makes fun of people they don’t like. That’s what Walz is also giving them. Neither Trump or Vance are authentically blue collar and Walz is making that obvious and doing it with relatable humor. Our politics are mostly vibes now. And btw, Shapiro codes coastal elite.

Not sure this will work out, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it turns out that Walz was a master stroke.

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No means No. If VP Harris caves now, Trump has her number -- she'll be held hostage to his re-arranging the situation to suit his own agenda. Nope. Negotiating with a terrorist only buys you more terrorism.

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He's a good solid choice before he was selected and he's still a good solid choice. There was no perfect choice.

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He’s affable. Way more so than Vance. He’s a fine pick.

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Remember how we were feeling three weeks ago? What a 180 degree turnaround. I loved every moment of last night's rally. Shapiro was gracious and showed he has a stellar career ahead. Kamala was calm and cool. She's got this! And Walz! What a guy! As a retired teacher, I felt a bit of personal pride. A little side note that the lady readers might recognize: I grew up loving the Betsy Tacy Tib books by Maud Hart Lovelace. She wrote about the lovely lives of three best friends in Mankato, Minnesota. (She called it Deep Valley, but Mankato is where she lived.) That is where Walz lived and taught! I still reread these books today because it shows a way of life where people love and respect each other.

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Holy Cow! Signing legislation passed by a legislature now brand's you as a progressive liberal. Guaranteeing women can make Healthcare decisions seems like common sense. Since when is feeding children somehow beyond the pale of government responsibility? I guess letting the 6yearold sit in the lunchroom with a peanut butter sandwich and a arton of milk serves them right. Everybody knows now that your parent(s) are irresponsible and welfare cheaters. I will take being branded a progressive liberal everyday of the rest of my life if girls and women don't die and that child doesn't face discrimination because of a lunchroom ticket.

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Just watched Walz in Philly, the man rocked it. Now i see why she took him. The perfect fit for the perfect narrative. Good God he even cracked a vance couch joke.

As soon as it was over i jumped on my Actblue account.

JOY! Freaking joy!

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His punch line to his joke about crime rate under trump was a classic (“That's not even counting the crimes he committed!")

Ordered the bumper stickers and gave another donation.

I hope they make a t shirt with phrase “only in America”

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The beauty of his trump line was he never broke stride, not even a smile.

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Agreed! That whole event starting with Shapiro was stellar - the smiles and the confidence and the sassiness and the no-bullshit humor was inspiring!

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Sam, respectively disagree on meeting trump on fox for debate. Why does trump get to set the rules? He ain't the incumbent, he's been found guilty of 34 felonies, he's sundowning mentally, an early sign of dementia if not parkinsons. She should show up at the ABC venue and place a vacant chair there. The repugs have done it before, even at their convention when Clint Eastwood brought one out. The Dems need to start setting the agenda in this campaign. F*&k that demented old fart. Discount him in every way possible. He's weird, a flake, can't read the teleprompters, insults his voters, hair is falling out, small fingers, suits are over sized, chose a dick for VP.,and on and on. Descriptions limited only by your creativity.

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It's not about him ,, it is about the audience , some are reachable and you won't get them to watch it anywhere else

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Hard agree.

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Governor Tim Walz is the perfect VP nominee to continue pointing out to the American people what creeps and freaks both Trump and Vance are. He and VP Kamala Harris are happy warriors who do not come off as mean spirited, in the least. And Governor Walz in no way comes off as “radical” or “elite” either, despite the attempts by Republicans to characterize him as such.

Besides the character and personality contrasts between these four nominees, it is imperative for VP Harris and Governor Walz to also continue pummeling Trump and Vance over the fascist 2025 Project and their extreme and insane proposals on practically every issue. Of course, this must be repeatedly contrasted with the their positive vision and policies.

They must keep a safe distance from the toxic elements on the far left. If, there is a way to lose an election these people will find it.

Kol Tuv,

David Hurwitz

Chicago, IL

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As more reporting gets done it seems Shapiro all but withdrew his candidacy Sunday night. He probably is a better #1 than #2. Better for him and the party if he gets reelected, gets a trifecta, and sets up a 2028 or 2032 run.

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Walz is cool and I don’t personally have a problem with him but tbh I felt like I was gonna be sick when I saw the VP pick not gonna lie…this was a layup and I think they majorly made the wrong choice😔 hoping it works out for all of our sakes

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Who was the right choice? Why?

Frankly, as a male, Minnesota-raised boomer who went to the high school where Walz taught years later, I thought he is a great choice!

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Seriously? Debating on Fox adds legitimacy to that reprehensible channel filled with lies and liars.

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Maybe. But before that, it's a platform for her to look good. She doesn't even have to be perfectly brilliant or anything. She's a former prosecutor. She's done it before. She just has to be clear and reasonable. He'll look like a fool. There's a reason Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger glowed at the J6 hearings. They spoke clearly and directly. Sometimes I swear the Dems -- although they have all the talking points and arguments to speak to the majority of the electorate -- can't string a clear, jargon du jour-free sentence together between them.

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I agree with Willie. She could do an interview but only if FOX first admits the lies that they have told. Seems easy enough.

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She just needs to remind everybody there are 787 million reasons not go on fox for anything with trump.

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Remember Ross Perot and his charts? It would be so fun to see her reprieve that with the talking points you gave her on immigration, energy production, etc. The words whiz by fast when people are watching a speech or debate - reinforcing with a chart could help it stick in people's minds. I know it is a little hokey, but it might get more press attention on the stats and force them to mention it just because it is unusual. And, "we haven't see this since Ross Perot" might pique the interest of some old (really old I guess) cross-over independents and Rs. Just a (probably stupid) idea but I would love her to put the facts out there in black and white. Force the press to deal with it.

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1. Dems are now getting purity tests from the far left and conservatives. Just funny to me.

2. OK everyone, get your cry out. Your fave was not selected.

3. Now get to work.

(I make sure not to use GOP or Republican because that party is gone. I refuse to allow the words progressive or conservative to be negative words)

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I didn't know anything about Walz until two weeks ago, and to hear the GOP's criticisms, one would think he's a transgender pedophile on welfare who also happens to be an undocumented immigrant. But really, it seems that his record should put the GOP to shame, as a governor who has provided for kids' school lunches, family and medical leave, responsible gun laws reproductive rights and other topics that most Americans support. And as long as he did it without bankrupting his state, then I don't see how the right would have a leg to stand on....

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But can the Dems do it? They're the geniuses of home goals. All they have to do is sell their own record...Go team, go.

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