4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Hogan is a Republican who supported Trump and praised his Supreme Court picks. As governor he did whatever he could to limit women’s reproductive rights. Electing him would most certainly flip the Senate, and for all his talk, he is one of the spineless Republicans who will enable whatever horrible things the MAGAs want to do. He is a fraud.

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Here in Baltimore, where I live, yes, there are some Democrats who like Hogan, but plenty others who don’t. Plenty. And even among those who do, you hear, “I liked Hogan, but nope, I’m voting blue all down the ticket.” Most people don’t trust Hogan not to veer into a MAGA way of thinking on certain issues. And thank goodness this blue state doesn’t want any parts of that. Plus come ON, we want to keep the senate blue.

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I too am a Maryander and I dint know why Hogan thinks he's going to be any more effective than Mitt Romney. Romney became a pariah and Hogan should note he's not running for a second term. The Republicans are not going to tolerate like the Democrats, and Biden, tolerated Manchin. And why should I trust Hogan went turn into a Rubio or Graham who capitulated just to stay relevant?

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Senate Republicans have been very friendly to Hogan, as long as he represents a possible windfall seat. He wouldn't have so many friends if he were already there, and openly critical of Trump.

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“Maybe I’m not a MAGA Republican, like many people today, but I think there’s, I think there are people on both sides of the aisle that would like to get things done and fix some problems, but they don’t have the courage to speak out quite as much as I do. And rather than just giving up on the party and walking away—which I don’t think is going to fix anything—I’m trying to be one of the few that’s willing to stand up and fight back.”

Larry Hogan might not be as far gone as a Chris Sununu, who ties himself in logic pretzels every time he opens his mouth, but Hogan is a far cry from "courage... willing to stand up and fight back.”

I get your beat (or preference) is to cover Republicans but because you are very good at that task, I encourage you to pull Angela Alsobrooks aside for 5 minutes to ask one question only, Why are you running for US Senator, in politics at all?

You might be encouraged, perhaps even inspired, by her reply.

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I would very much like to read a corresponding article about Alsobrooks.

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Hogan seems like a good guy, but we need a Blue Senate. Maryland: Vote Blue!. The nation will be grateful to you.

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Living hard by the seat of federal government as we are, and so many of us employed there, Marylanders understand the stakes. A Republican Senate majority will hamstring every Harris administration appointment, rule, process, and legislative act - however remote the math makes the possibility of a Dem majority, we won't be responsible for making it easier on Republicans to do so.

But it's under a Trump administration that the real danger lies. There is no possibility Trump would not threaten Hogan, either personally or politically or why not both, to vote for his degenerate unconstitutional agenda. Maryland needs flood assistance? Well, Larry, we need your support on a federal abortion ban. I'll leave others to imagine the personal threats Trump may make; there are plenty of examples already. Hogan would fold "for the good of his state" no matter how principled he is (and I believe he is).

We need to use our votes to crush Trump and MAGA up and down the ballot, or this will be the last election. Marylanders understand this very well.

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I question his popularity. Yes, I voted for him for a second term. Had the Democrats had a decent candidate running, I doubt we would be talking about a senate run for Hogan.

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I agree. It's easy to be the Republican governor that looks both tough and reasonable when your state legislature is a Democratic supermajority.

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I would also add that Hogan is trying to position himself as a pro voice candidate when that's disingenuous. He says she's lying about him withholding funds when that's exactly what he did. He held up $3.5M that was supposed to go towards training more abortion providers in anticipation of the overthrow of Roe. That's the perogative of a MD governor. Those funds weren't released until Wes Moore became governor.

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Hogan seems like a nice guy, and that's refreshing when MAGA's main policy is "the cruelty is the point." But wrong state, wrong time. Marylanders know the importance of a Democrat-controlled Senate, and no one is going to waste their vote on Harris only to stymie her by electing a Republican Senator at the same time. It's Harris and Alsobrooks, or Trump and Hogan, all the way down.

Hogan lawn signs in Maryland are just people saying they will vote for Trump while hoping their neighbors won't disinvite them from the Christmas party.

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Per the subheadline, Hogan is an ex-Republican? Is that just wishful thinking?

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"A recent Washington Post poll found that while Hogan has a 52 percent favorability, 60 percent of Marylanders want a Democratic Senate."

Bingo. Lifelong Marylander who never voted for Hogan. Many of my democratic friends and neighbors did. They have no intention of voting to put him in the Senate.

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Larry Hogan is a coward!

If I still lived in Maryland I may have voted for him, but given that his latest comment about who he is supporting for President, “he’s not voting for any candidate!”


This may be the most significant election of our time! A Facist regime taking our freedoms away, or for a Democracy, supporting the Constitution of our Country!

Many Republicans have come out in support of Harris/Walz and the Constitution! Including the Cheney’s and many Four Star Generals!

Hogan’s weak position sounds whiny, “I don’t like Harris’s policies!” Fine. How about this, do you like Project 2025? Do you like rounding up immigrants for mass deportation? Do you like a National ban on abortion? Gutting Medicare and privatizing Social Security?

A Policy debate will happen but our country may not survive!

No wonder you are behind in the polls!

If I was still a Marylander, I’d be voting for Alsobrooks for Senate!

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Ex-Republican? I believe the editor made an error.

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If the Dems had a comfortable majority in the US Senate, yeah, Hogan would be a good presence. A negotiating partner who might provide a principled moderating (or practical) influence on legislation. But if Rs are in charge, just HOW can he persuade his fellow majority members to moderate their worst impulses. Threaten to vote with the Ds? A Democrat would alreadydo that.

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I don't know much of. MARYLAND POLITICS..but I formed an opinion re Larry Hogan: He is living in foggy reality of the GOP. How is it that a seemingly intelligent man cannot see HOW very much it is tattered,full of holes,so dirty and corrupt, rudderless twirling around in the filthy TRUMP SEAS.

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I'm in Maryland right now, and aside from yard signs, virtually all of what I'm seeing/hearing passively (without going looking) lately has been the PAC attack ad hitting Alsobrooks for apparently taking improper tax deductions. Alsobrooks isn't that well known away from PG County; some voters will go in knowing nothing else of her.

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