Is it true that Laura Loomer suffers from mental illness that has caused her to be committed twice?

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Melania where is your self respect get the hell out of there !

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Melania has been "out of there" since the Stormy payoff trial.

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Well ... I guess it takes a whore to know a whore. 😉🤣😂

I am betting that Loomer is the next Mrs. Trump based on the hands-y, grabby that I saw going on in the videos posted on X and other sources. Isn't it about time for him to trade in for a newer model? Trouble is that her breasts are too small for a women of "his type" and we know his type. So I bet an augmentation is in her future and, if that happens, she is definitely the replacement. 🤣😂🤣😂

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Isn't Graham's sexuality an open secret/question? I've always been semi surprised that no one has taken (political) advantage of that.

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Trump/Vance are focused on getting out the "male vote" in the battle ground states. Men don't vote at the same rate as women. That said, Trump+Vance needs these sets of "men-children" to turnout: (1) "Men-children" disillusioned with the economy including those who voted for Biden in 2020, or didn't vote. (2) "Men-children" who well-relate to the Trump+Vance style of "man-child" masculinity, and get satisfaction from low-brow, lying politicians (e.g. Trump+Vance) with the same "man-child" chips on their shoulders. (3) Minority men who haven't seen much value re Biden's admin (4) Young, susceptible immature "men-children" who want to be part of a social media enclave that honors weapons, battles and blowing things up.

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It is unbelievable…she is nothing more than a foul mouthed bully. How can this happen in America? Trump is the most toxic person around…everything and everyone he touches will be negatively impacted.

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Who the he’ll cares what MTG has to say about anything except maybe she’s not running (give up the attention, in your dreams!). Hopefully Trump, Loomer, and MTG continue the spat until election day and then a pox on all their houses. The GOP is dead.

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She's in the House; she's running. Shawn Harris, a cattleman in Northwest Georgia, military vet for 40 years retired as a US Army brigadier general, and is black is running against her. He sounds optimistic, but . . . ln a sane world, he'd be a shoe-in. But we don't live in a sane world.

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I bet Cher is furious that the Loom Goon looks like her!

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Not a bit. I'm thinking Natasha Fatale, Boris Badeniv's long-time companion.

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Cher has higher cheekbones and a sense of humor.....:)

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Yes, Cher is beautiful. The years have little touched her. And she does have a sense of humor - she married Gregg Allman after all.

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Does anyone else think that Loomer looks like the evil Melisandre from Game of Thrones?

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

You know the situation with the Republicans have gone from the insane asylum to it's super-high security lockdown ward when MTG comes across as the voice of sanity.

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Is Loomer “Putting Out”? Asking for a friend. Not that that’s a bad thing, but Trump has ‘thoughts’ on the subject.

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She should ask Chat GPT what can be done with a shrivelled mushroom.

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See Seth Abramson's latest.

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Wow, just wow. Thank you for the recommendation.

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A subscription to PROOF is the best $5/mo available

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The Former Guy - a euphemism for Trump.

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If it wasn't so dangerous for the country, this would be funny.

Trump's two previous girlfriends weighing in on the current crush. and you can see why they feel threatened - she looks much more like Melania than either of them.

And she looks like she'd be a dab hand with a Forbes magazine. . .

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How does TFG always find the worst people? Mass Incarceration? Stephen Miller. Swift Boating? Chris LaCivita. Lying to the public? Peter Navarro. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap? Roger Stone and Steve Bannon. Physical assault? Corey Lewandowski? Russian interference? Paul Manafort. Election Interference? The 1/6 horde and choir. Sheer hatred? Laura Loomer.

I suppose they can always rely on his pardon pen. If he gets back to the Resolute Desk.

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All but Guiliani whom he squashed under the bus

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All they have to do is flatter his ego, pretend he's perfect and a god, and they can do whatever they want. If he wins, they'll be running the country while he plays golf.

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MTG seems positively angel-like when compared to the vileness that is Laura Loomer.

Don't look unless you really have to: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/9/14/2270325/-HEY-EVERYBODY-It-s-Laura-Loomer-s-GREATEST-HITS

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is simply the calculating, insufferable bully at school who is mad at the calculating, insufferable bully who stole her boyfriend. She's been outmaneuvered

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Yes, MTG way over-estimated Trump's potential attraction to Southern banshees.

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