Good Article.

Cheney reminds me of why I was once a conservative.

Graham reminds me why I am now a Democrat.

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Every once in a while I recall my first (glowing) impression of Lindsey Graham--as a house impeachment manager during Clinton's impeachment. I thought Lindsey was such a compelling advocate for the idea that presidents must be held to the highest ethical standards. The moral decay of this man is nearly unfathomable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoDKXGdi1xg

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This article is more of an indictment on the incompetence of Kristen Welker.

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There are a number of levels that represent the present and former Republicans. Group 1 - Charlie Sykes exemplifies this group that recognized Trump as something to be rejected, not conservative, not serious, even a danger if he were elected. They voted for HRC in 2016. Group 2 - I'm not sure I have names for this group, but they saw how Trump performed as president and didn't want to see more, voted for Biden in 2020. Group 3 - Those who rejected Trump after the January 6 insurrection - Liz Cheney is here after voting for Trump twice, she finally saw the danger. Group 4 - Those who worked in the Trump administration, John Kelly and others, who know what he is because they saw it every day and have found it in themselves to tell about it. Then there are the others, who, for one reason or another have stuck with Trump, not caring what he is, or liking it.

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What I do not get about Kelley and Cheney is how it took them so long to ascertain the character of the "true" Donald Trump.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

"On Meet the Press, Graham said Republicans should vote for Trump because if Harris were to win, 'I fear four more years of holding Ukraine back.' "

I was eating lunch while reading this and I nearly puked. Holding Ukraine back???? Jesus Fucking Christ, Lindsey, you fucking moron - Trump will surrender Ukraine to Putin!!!!! This is an unserious argument from a pathetic, spineless, weasel of a man. He has nothing of value to say on any subject of even a microgram of importance. Masticate feces and cease all metabolic activity, Lindsey.

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How about the obvious, that Putin and Trump don't have kompromat on Liz Cheney…

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My thoughts exactly!

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Lindsey Graham has proven time after time, the most important thing to him is being “relevant” (his own description). To him, taking a stand that would put him at odds with Trump, would end his relevance. To remain relevant, his own principles, particularly about foreign policy, must be swallowed many times over. His own lack of character is always on display.

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Charcter matters and so do morals and principles regardless of party. It's pretty obvious that Lindsey tossed these out when he sidled up to TFG. Deep down I believe that he and the rest of TFGs followers know how bad history will treat them and that is why they are trying so hard to get him back in power so they can rewrite the past and vanish their misdeeds. Always enjoy reading Will's articles.

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