Can anyone tell us what the GOP has to offer that is directed to solving problems? It is true that in the 1990s Bill Clinton told workers that certain jobs are not coming back - this was true. This has somehow been rebranded as the Dems abandoning workers, but it was not. So what do we do? And by the way, even if US manufacturing does increase, our technicians have automated many dirty and difficult jobs. So welding and painting in an automobile assembly line are automated. And the outsourcing of manufacturing (made possible in part be emasculating unions) was the gift of the Reagan presidency.
All I see is that when Dems suggest there is a problem, the conservative think tanks come up with a set of talking points that say either there is no problem, or it is not as bad or (as with student loans) ...the solution will be to help folks who are not the poor (with the implication that if we help anyone, we should only help the poor).
Even when conservatives admit to a problem, they do so in a begrudging way. Thus a few news cweeks ago Brett Stephens wrote about global warming and seemed wedded to the notion that the market will solve this. (No it won't - at least not in time - if you disagree look to the history of providing clean water in states in NJ, it took government).
So what does the GOP offer but distraction, so cries of freedom while making sure that libraries don't hold certain books, and redesigning freedom of worship from being the right to believe any nonsense one chooses to imposing acceptance of their social order on all of society. (And really does gay marriage really threaten our social order?)
But for the GOP to reform, so start telling the truth, a bunch of big wigs like Ted Cruz, or Mark Rubio or Mike Pence would have to admit that it was all a lie.
"... how the right was finally getting good at… humor. Or not."
Today's right wing will never be any good at humor, because the best humorists know how to laugh at themselves. See, for example, any recent comment on the Democratic Party by a sympathizer...
Mo Brooks, what took you so long to see the truth? You are a dumb as he is and you do not become a Never Trumper by virtue of one true statement after a career of servility to the Orange Man.
Just maybe…Trump’s big announcement tomorrow is his candidacy not for president but for Speaker of the House. Would any Republican vote against him? Would it be a viable placeholder/stepping stone on the way to starting his presidential campaign at a later date?
All this analysis about the lack of a red wave, etc., is reasonable exuberance given expectations and relief. However, it is a "glass half full" viewpoint. Half empty: some of the most extreme, unqualified, and even dangerous candidates received close to 50% of the vote in many races. Kari Lake came so close to 50%. Doug Mastriano--by message and campaign maybe the weakest candidate of the year-- still received the approval of 2.2 million Pennsylvanians--42%. So, with all the positive to revel in, there's way more than the 30% MAGA-forever Republicans out there.
What is funny is that Donald Trump's lying, misogyny, and bigotry did not alienate Republicans as Brooks maintains (independents, yes). It actually drew them to him like a flyzapper light.
Big name Republicans have the perfect opportunity to no show at Mar a Cheeto and shut him down hard. Betcha they chicken out. So much losing by so many losers.
Hmmm, looks like raising the voting age won't be enough, the'll also try to prohibit single women from voting. I wonder if they have thought through this messaging?
@CathyYoung63 (even though I'm fairly sure you'll never see this)
You're clearly intelligent and seem sincere, so why do you continue to pretend that either the Republican base or the vast majority of elected Republicans have any interest in winning over any people they don't already have? They've demonstrated over and over that they will do as much as they can to simply take power away from the people that aren't like them- ie, everyone who isn't willing to be subordinate to straight white Christian men.
Similarly, if conservatives use misogynistic arguments to explain their failure, presumably because they believe those arguments will resonate with their base, then is it really too simplistic to conclude that their base is in fact misogynist? And that the conservatives making the misogynistic attacks are at the least okay with it?
Hmm, I wasn't taught that and have never heard it. Sounds like something a conservative Christian would say. Is that you?
Can anyone tell us what the GOP has to offer that is directed to solving problems? It is true that in the 1990s Bill Clinton told workers that certain jobs are not coming back - this was true. This has somehow been rebranded as the Dems abandoning workers, but it was not. So what do we do? And by the way, even if US manufacturing does increase, our technicians have automated many dirty and difficult jobs. So welding and painting in an automobile assembly line are automated. And the outsourcing of manufacturing (made possible in part be emasculating unions) was the gift of the Reagan presidency.
All I see is that when Dems suggest there is a problem, the conservative think tanks come up with a set of talking points that say either there is no problem, or it is not as bad or (as with student loans) ...the solution will be to help folks who are not the poor (with the implication that if we help anyone, we should only help the poor).
Even when conservatives admit to a problem, they do so in a begrudging way. Thus a few news cweeks ago Brett Stephens wrote about global warming and seemed wedded to the notion that the market will solve this. (No it won't - at least not in time - if you disagree look to the history of providing clean water in states in NJ, it took government).
So what does the GOP offer but distraction, so cries of freedom while making sure that libraries don't hold certain books, and redesigning freedom of worship from being the right to believe any nonsense one chooses to imposing acceptance of their social order on all of society. (And really does gay marriage really threaten our social order?)
But for the GOP to reform, so start telling the truth, a bunch of big wigs like Ted Cruz, or Mark Rubio or Mike Pence would have to admit that it was all a lie.
"... how the right was finally getting good at… humor. Or not."
Today's right wing will never be any good at humor, because the best humorists know how to laugh at themselves. See, for example, any recent comment on the Democratic Party by a sympathizer...
"I belong to no organized political party...I am a Democrat." Will Rogers.
A lot of Democrats on this list:
Also note that the last two Governors of New Jersey were top executives at Goldman Sachs.
Oh man, Liz shot Kari Lake RIGHT IN THE FACE!
Make that everyone is calling AZ for Hobbs. If Kari incites her ultra supporters, I hope they throw her butt in jail.
CNN on its website and MSN are calling AZ for Hobbs! Prepare for Kari's insanity to break!
After Cecily Tyson's brilliant take down of Lake Saturday night, I'm calling her the Vaseline Queen of MAGA.
I'm a single woman with no children, though a bit of an old one now, I have been for a long time...and I am none of those things...yikes...
Mo Brooks, what took you so long to see the truth? You are a dumb as he is and you do not become a Never Trumper by virtue of one true statement after a career of servility to the Orange Man.
Rhetorical, I know, but it took his losing the AL Senate nomination.
Just maybe…Trump’s big announcement tomorrow is his candidacy not for president but for Speaker of the House. Would any Republican vote against him? Would it be a viable placeholder/stepping stone on the way to starting his presidential campaign at a later date?
All this analysis about the lack of a red wave, etc., is reasonable exuberance given expectations and relief. However, it is a "glass half full" viewpoint. Half empty: some of the most extreme, unqualified, and even dangerous candidates received close to 50% of the vote in many races. Kari Lake came so close to 50%. Doug Mastriano--by message and campaign maybe the weakest candidate of the year-- still received the approval of 2.2 million Pennsylvanians--42%. So, with all the positive to revel in, there's way more than the 30% MAGA-forever Republicans out there.
What is funny is that Donald Trump's lying, misogyny, and bigotry did not alienate Republicans as Brooks maintains (independents, yes). It actually drew them to him like a flyzapper light.
Big name Republicans have the perfect opportunity to no show at Mar a Cheeto and shut him down hard. Betcha they chicken out. So much losing by so many losers.
Hmmm, looks like raising the voting age won't be enough, the'll also try to prohibit single women from voting. I wonder if they have thought through this messaging?
@CathyYoung63 (even though I'm fairly sure you'll never see this)
You're clearly intelligent and seem sincere, so why do you continue to pretend that either the Republican base or the vast majority of elected Republicans have any interest in winning over any people they don't already have? They've demonstrated over and over that they will do as much as they can to simply take power away from the people that aren't like them- ie, everyone who isn't willing to be subordinate to straight white Christian men.
Similarly, if conservatives use misogynistic arguments to explain their failure, presumably because they believe those arguments will resonate with their base, then is it really too simplistic to conclude that their base is in fact misogynist? And that the conservatives making the misogynistic attacks are at the least okay with it?