I love Mallory. I wish we could see her on the national stage, but I also love her commitment to her state. She could have been just a single news cycle person. I'm so happy that she's shown herself to be more than that. She's got the talent to go far. Great conversation. 👍

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When Lindsey Graham emotes like he did on NBC, the fuel seems to come from the need to bury his own conscience. See also his performance at the Kavanaugh hearing.

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Regarding Lindsey, he should wear a bracelet that says WWJMD. (What would John McCain do) I'm sure John is spinning in his grave.

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We're in the midst of a real revolution. The election will only decide who shoots whom first. We must prepare.

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No psychoanalysis needed. Elon bought JD.

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Folks, let’s roll up our sleeves! ACTION STEPS! It’s dangerous to be over- confident that Kamala will win. In 2016 we were confident Hillary would win, but because 40 million registered Democrats did not vote, Trump won.

Pls join me in reaching out to moderate and low-propensity voters.

We need millions of low-propensity Democrats (a polite term for not motivated to vote), Independents, and undecideds to vote for Kamala. There are also some Republicans who are disgusted with Trump but they don’t want to “become a Democrat” – we need to inform them that voting Blue is in their best interests. WE CANNOT WIN THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE WITHOUT MILLIONS OF THEIR VOTES.

Two wonderful organizations - Galvanize Action - https://www.galvanizeaction.org/ - and One For All - https://oneforallcommittee.org/ -- are expert in crafting campaign messages to motivate people to vote Blue. They reach out to moderate women who admire Kamala but are married to Trumpers – giving them a nudge to follow their own common sense and vote for Kamala. Their messages are tried and true - created by veteran campaign experts, social psychologists, and data scientists - and are constantly tested and refined.

Another action step – Pls. support the work of kick-a*s investigative reporter, Justin Glawe. Only $5 a month gives you a subscription to his mighty Substack: “American Doom” - https://www.american-doom.com/p/how-georgia-election-officials-will - Justin does deep investigations into the shenanigans of the Georgia board of elections and has uncovered a lot of malfeasance. GA Republicans are doing everything they can to depress Democratic turnout, even submitting fake Death Certificates to have registered voters removed from the rolls. Much of this is only known due to Justin Glawe’s work. He writes for The Guardian and Rolling Stone; but he’s a freelance writer. Which means, in addition to no regular paycheck, he has to pay for all the FOIA (Freedom of Information) requests on his own. It also means if he’s sued, there’s no publication to cover his legal defense. Please join me in supporting him!

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You will never convince me Lindsey Graham isn’t being blackmailed…

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I think that lets him off too easy.

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I trust Bill to know this, But are you guys sure Moldova shares a border with Russia?

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Transnistria is basically a Russian enclave so yes.

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Trump was speaking in Latrobe, PA which was Arnold Palmer's home. The airport is named for Palmer. To speak that way about a local hero shows true cluelessness. People under 50 elsewhere may not know of him, but all of western PA certainly does....

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We need Bill Kristol next time in Detroit.

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I yelled when Mallory McMorrow talked about the focus on state races and the DLCC budget for the country. I submit that part of the reasone Dems are at such a disadvantage is becuase they essentially ignored races for state legislatures and courts while the Republicans organized and focused on state offices. This went on for the better part of two or three decades and allowed the GOP to capture state legislatures and gerrymander their districts in such a way that dems have to get more than 60% of the popular vote to break even in the state house and senate seats.

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Nobody below 50 knows who Arnold Palmer is and eats at say Chipotle instead of MickeyD's.

He's old, out date and has no rizz...

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"...oversized 3 wood..." 🤣🤣🤣

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

I think she's right. Close the campaign by bringing the joy back. There is nothing that will persuade Trump supporters away from him, so stop trying. Showcase the alternative! #coconutpower

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In your conversation with Mallory McMorrow, she mentioned a world where Donald Trump is irrelevant - ignored! Here’s what ChatGPT had to say about such a world -

In a world where Donald J. Trump is irrelevant, the political landscape has undergone significant transformation. The emergence of new leaders and movements has shifted the focus away from his influence, leading to a more diverse array of voices in politics.

In this scenario, the political discourse is characterized by a greater emphasis on issues such as climate change, social justice, and economic reform. Grassroots movements gain momentum, with younger generations increasingly taking charge and advocating for progressive policies. Political parties adapt to these changes, prioritizing collaboration and bipartisanship over divisive rhetoric.

Media consumption has also evolved, with traditional news outlets declining in power as social media platforms and independent journalism rise. This shift allows for a wider range of perspectives and reduces the sensationalism that once surrounded Trump's persona. Politicians are held accountable through transparency and fact-checking, leading to a more informed public.

In this world, the focus of national and international politics shifts towards global cooperation, with countries working together to address pressing issues like pandemics, migration, and technological advancements. International organizations gain strength as nations recognize the importance of collaboration in tackling shared challenges.

Culturally, art and entertainment reflect this new reality, with a surge in content that promotes inclusivity and challenges the status quo. The public's appetite for authenticity and accountability drives creators to explore themes of resilience, community, and hope.

Overall, in this world where Donald Trump is irrelevant, society trends towards unity, progress, and a shared commitment to building a better future for all, free from the divisions that once characterized the political landscape.

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Nice thought, but no. Voters must fully understand the danger of Trump being president again. This is not a normal race with normal stakes. We have to use the final days to make sure (!!!) that voters are appropriately concerned

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