Mark Robinson Proves—Again—That the Republican Party Is a Failed State
The GOP is an impotent institution.
I don’t want to oversell it, but today’s Secret pod is an instant classic. We talk about the homicide Sarah committed on live television this morning. We talk about Mark Robinson’s kinks. We talk about THE GREATEST BOAT PARADE EVER.
The word “flesh” is used.
The Secret pod is here. Run, don’t walk.
And if you want to prep for the show, here’s the boat parade video with some Very Fine People in desperate need of a Falcon Heavy.
1. A Failed State
I don’t get what the big deal is.
He’s just an honest, God-fearing man who loves guns, America, and watching dudes go to town on chicks with dicks.
But there are two important points to discuss concerning Mark Robinson.
First: Why were yesterday’s revelations supposed to be so damning? Robinson exists in a context in which every one of his supposed sins has been normalized by the Republican party.
He talks about enjoying “tranny” pr0n? That’s just locker-room talk.
He says he’s a “black Nazi”? The Republican presidential nominee invited an actual neo-Nazi to dine with him at his residence.
He bad mouths Martin Luther King, Jr.? That’s just a joke. Look at how it triggers the libs because they hate free speech, what with their cancel culture snowflake blah-blah-blah.
Point is: Why should any of yesterday’s stories about Robinson disqualify him in the minds of Republican voters? There’s nothing new in there. Nothing that they haven’t already excused a dozen times for Donald Trump, or Elon Musk, or Herschel Walker, or Laura Loomer, or any number of others.
Those permission structures are almost a decade old and at this point, they’re less like hidden smuggler trails and more like a 12-lane freeway for rationalization.
The second, and more important point, is this: Why wasn’t the Republican party able to push Mark Robinson aside?