“Well, impeachment is fundamentally a political solution and a political tool. If you’re not doing your job, I think at a certain level, it does rise to an impeachable offense. It’s ultimately up to the House whether that’s true in this case.”

JD Vance obviously did not study the right thing in college and wouldn’t recognize the Constitution or the Federalist Papers if they hit him in the face. I don’t usually respond so snarkily but this guy is a tool and a fool.

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Given the outright thievery of a number of the Orange Snake's Cabinet members, Vance is a more than a stupid tool. How many of them should have been indicted criminally? And let's not forget that seemingly useless Emoluments Clause in the Constitution that Trump, his kids and other officials routinely ignored.

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I love Orange Snake. Hadn’t seen that one. It really ties in with his little story that he tells ad nauseum.

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I used to use TFF*G, but I think Orange Snake is way more appropriate. I couldn't think of something worse for him. I can easily imagine him as the Snake in the Garden of Eden. The first time I heard him read The Snake, all I could think of was he was describing himself! And he's too stupid to realize it.

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I don’t know if he’s too stupid or not. It continually amazes me that the cult doesn’t, tho. 🙄

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Thats why he reads it.

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I'd be a little more species specific, Eva, and call him "Copperhead."

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Too wordy. Orange Snake is succinct. :-)

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Maybe the next time he reads The snake,He'll slide orange in there.

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Was he supposed to say the bit out loud about impeachment being a political tool?

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I think his King is currently making the opposite argument before the Circuit Court.

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Ms Thomas,

No, the Tangerine Troglodyte is making the same claim; all of his prosecutions are really persecutions carried out by Pres Biden's "weaponized DOJ." His two impeachments and his criminal and civil cases are tools of the Democrat party and his enemies trying to take him down any way they can. (I can think of no American more worthy of a takedown than the Amber Australopithecus.)


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I can't believe he was in court today having his attorneys claim double jeopardy because he was acquitted in his second impeachment over these same charges. The inventifacted legal reasoning is mind boggling.

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I'm not a lawyer but impeachment is a political proceeding not a legal one .But judging by their arguments, it is hard to say they are lawyers also.

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Meanwhile, someone just posted on Twitter a video of Trump's lawyers arguing the exact opposite at the second impeachment:

"If [they] think my client committed a criminal offense, and let's understand, a high crime is a felony and a misdemeanor is a misdemanor...

After he's out of office, you go and arrest him...The Department of Justice knows what to do with such people."


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"The Department of Justice does know what to do with such people."

Well, now that it's doing it, why are you getting so upset?

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That's insulting to Australopithecus.

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You know, I'm really impressed by the breadth of imagination shown by trump opponents. Some of the names he gets saddled with show great flair, and a wide knowledge of wildlife, the spectrum, archaeology and anthropology.

While all we seem to get from trump supporters is "Let's go Brandon" or "Crooked Joe." They really don't seem to be trying very hard. . .

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Thats what one gets when having an imagination.

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It may have become a political tool but it was not intended to be one.

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Exactly. Needed 2/3 of the Senate to remove from office - well beyond any 'political' bias at that point.

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It's a little shocking to me that a US Senator, even J. D. Vance, has so little understanding of the "fundamental function" of the Secretary of Homeland Security. He's mistaking the Secretary for the Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services, and/or the Director of U. S. Customs and Border Protection. But then again, it IS J. D. Vance ...

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"It's amazing how a man achieved such responsibility and rank...............He was drafted" *Mash,1970

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Using the GOP tactics and rationale for impeachment, to their logical conclusion/end, would certainly have cleared out most, if not all, of Trump's administration within its first few months.

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But they were recess appointments. They didn't needed to be approved by the senate then.Remember when Trump said,"I can be flexible that way".

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At the beginning of Trump's term, most, if not all, were confirmed by the Senate. Their incompetency and cupidity resulted in many of them resigning. I think that, initially then, Trump nominated their replacements who I don't think always got confirmed. But then Trump just stopped nominating replacements and then relied on the "acting" director, for the reason you stated. He did seem to resort to that posture rather quickly.

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Thank you for informing us of the GOP’s latest shenanigans. They are proving PJ O’Rourke right everyday.

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Don't forget PT Barnum."There is a sucker born every minute".

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Joe, you refer to Republican senators who "are eager to accompish something meaningful on immigration policy." Can you give some examples? And how many do you suppose there are.

Rick Scott is yet another example of the dangers of letting sociopaths off the hook. Here's the man who was CEO of the company that received the largest Medicare fraud fine ever, who then rose to become a Senator and is now so confident that he is untouchable that he is grandstanding and accusing Mayorkas of lying under oath! What a disgusting human being. Yet another poster boy for why we need a wealth tax.

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I can't. Not many. (short and simple)

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"If it doesn’t seem very tactically advantageous for Republicans in one chamber to initiate the censure and firing of one of their colleagues’ negotiating partners mid-negotiation in the other chamber, that’s because it isn’t. It’s alienating and conveys a lack of seriousness."


The lack of seriousness in the House is to be expected from the bomb throwers of the New GOP (the "O" used to stand for "Old" but now stands for "Obstructionist"). Unless their scripts say what is serious, one can't expect that trait from actors in political theater. Furthermore, the time the House takes to deal with this bogus impeachment is that much less time that the Dems can achieve any legislation worthwhile to the entire country, and as we've witnessed over and over, and over and over, and over and over ad nauseum, bipartisanship is anathema to the Psychiatric Facility Escapee Caucus as they steadfastly refuse to give the Dems a "win," even if it benefits their own constituencies. It is not serious, in any way, to hold the American people hostage (there's that word again) to achieve political gains that can't be won on their own merits.


JD Vance -- that stalwart purveyor of honesty, decorum and the American Dream said "It’s actually kind of shocking how little the guy seems interested in doing the fundamental function of his job, which is enforcing the American southern border.” I'm sorry to be the one who informs you of this Mr Vance, but securing the southern border is *not* the fundamental function of DHS; it may be one function but it is far from being the prime directive. For you to make that claim is ludicrous to the extreme. The DHS is comprised of a whole bunch of alphabet agencies responsible for securing our nation, e.g. the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and the TSA, as well as other agencies with the same directive. I have family members either currently employed by or retired from DHS agencies, and none of them are/were stationed at the US/Mexican border with the exception of one who was temporarily assigned to a Port of Entry in Arizona.

Let me also add that the "porous" southern border is not so porous since Mexico started enforcing its own immigration laws:

"her family had permission to go to the U.S. Instead, they flew her to Mexico’s southern border as part of a surge of enforcement actions that U.S. officials say have contributed to a sharp drop in illegal border crossings.


Arrests for illegal crossings into the U.S. from Mexico fell to about 2,500 on Monday, down from more than 10,000 on several days in December, according to U.S. authorities. In the Border Patrol’s busiest area, arrests totaled 13,800 during the seven-day period ending Friday, down 29% from 19,400 two weeks earlier" https://apnews.com/article/mexico-immigration-enforcement-crossings-drop-b67022cf0853dca95a8e0799bb99b68a

Mr Vance, I refuse to be gaslighted by you and the rest of the MAGAdroids into fearing for the safety of my family and me. The unauthorized crossings along our border with Mexico should continue to decrease as Mexico continues its own immigration enforcement; we are not being "invaded" by criminals and terrorists infiltrating through the unprotected border (it's impossible to completely seal off the borders, wall or no wall); immigrants and asylum seekers are not mules smuggling illegal drugs (a vast majority are coming to America to create a better life for themselves and almost all of the drugs entering from the south come through staffed Ports of Entry).


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Unfortunately, you can't put this on a bumper sticker like you can rage,grievence and victimhood.

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The dire consequences of this impasse can't be overstated.

The global consequences of allowing Putin to succeed in Ukraine are profound.

From the Trump/Johnson perspective, a deal on fixing the border problem is toxic. They have much greater political interest in blaming Biden for a Ukraine & immigration crisis next fall. It's a cynical argument, but they likely believe it will work.

Even if a majority of Republican lawmakers prefer to fix Ukraine and the border (a shaky theory), the MAGA element holds more power in the GOP.

Hard to be optimistic for Ukraine. I do think Biden will beat Trump next fall, but what a year ahead.

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The skeptic in me says there won't be anything done at the border.They want it as an issue.

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Exactly spot on. The chances this bunch of idiots does what is right is at best low but more likely no chance.

If you can’t even get a deal with the senate republicans the chance you get it through the house seems impossible to me

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The chances are slim and none and slim has left town.

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I know. I’m surprised the bulwark hasn’t focused on this much (I know Tim and bill have) but the idea of Biden caving on Republican’s ask and they still don’t pass Ukraine funding screams weakness. Don’t think it would look good politically

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

All factors (Ukraine, immigration, Israel, Taiwan, ....) are in a single bill, so there can't be any double crosses.

The problem with the immigration part is that MAGA republicans want to empower Trump to do mass deportations if he gets elected. Border security is the easy part.

At this point, I'd be surprised if anything passes. The GOP is throwing up too many impediments.

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Apologies I think we are saying the same thing but I didn’t explain it well.

I agree with you the chance of cutting a deal with the senate republicans is low if nonexistent. My point was slightly different though in that I assumed Biden cut a deal with the senate republicans but the speaker of the house refused to put the deal on the table because of politics. This would make Biden look incredibly weak with his base.

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Joe, don't you ever get the

heebie-jeebies standing next

to and speaking with some of

the congresspersons and

senators? You're very brave,

taking it on for us. Thanks.

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Don't they know who he is? Not.

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When Ohioans want to know why we think they're idiots, JD Vance is exhibit 2.

Only because Gym Jordan is exhibit 1.

They could have had Tim Ryan -- who knew what he was doing, stood up to Democratic leadership and actually cared about regular people but no.

Instead they went for Peter Thiel's bitc- sock puppet.

(I started to call him a bitch but it's an insult to my dogs.)

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You are a saint for spending time with these House GOP doofuses, and we are grateful to you for keeping us up to date and giving us much-needed perspective on it all.

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Well that was depressing. The idea that the republicans would trade Ukraine for immigration reform always seemed like a long shot to me but to actively impeach the guy who is negotiating with senate republicans on behalf of the White House really gives away the game

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Nikki Haley, You and Mr. Pence represent two of the most unctuous individuals ever to hold office in any presidential administration. But that is all old news; I want you to know that I will walk the streets of my town till my feet bleed to see that YOU never sit behind the Resolute Desk!

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So grounds for impeachment has now become perceived badness at doing one's job? Used to be for high crimes and misdemeanors. Nothing means anything anymore. Even if Trump is defeated, we're severely damaged and it may take a generation to recover. If we ever do.

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What is Mr. Perticone’s responsibility at the Bulwark? To report the news. Or, like others, to interpret and offer an opinion? I guess it’s the former. Here’s the thing. Virtually all news relating to impeachment from the GOP is not serious news because it has little basis in facts. Impeach Biden? For what? Impeach Mayorkas because he’s doing a job for which the GOP doesn’t like policy? Maybe they’ll impeach Obama for wearing a tan suit. To report this as news in accordance and equality to reporting actual factual news is patently ridiculous. But as long as the media don’t push back consistently and constantly on Republicans lies and stop reporting the same, we’ll keep hearing it.

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I think that is what he is trying to do. He is showing, through extreme sarcasm, how absolutely stupid their comments are. On top of that, he knows they are stupid, they know the arguments are stupid and they know that he knows their arguments are stupid but unfortunately about half the country believes them.

Don’t get me wrong, I am utterly at a loss of what to do. It’s all so stupid yet half of our country believes this BS.

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And another R in the House bites the dust - this time, Pence's brother. That "majority" is slipping away from Johnson. He might be gone soon. LOL.

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"And another one gone .And another one gone and another one bites the dust" *Queen

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