Well, the joke’s on you, JVL, because Hassett is no doubt pulling down the big bucks in the Magical Orange Kingdom now, showing that conservatism has a very, very low bar for qualifications to run the world. That is Hassett’s true comic success.

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Hurry, Hurry! Step right up folks and see the Silly Man. Watch as he leads his country into the abyss. Look! There's the ringmaster with his orange hair, long red tie and flame thrower. Only the poor and less fortunate will be burned! Send in the clowns. So many clowns.

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Based on several of his recent comments, Hassett also believes that you reduce inflation by increasing the money supply and he would support trump's call to reduce interest rates.

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met Hassett in 2015 on a National Review Cruise. Decided then he was a jerk, and have not seen any reason to change my mind.

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So he's like Jonathan Turley, but for economic issues?

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'but rather to demonstrate how bankrupt the conservative intellectual world has become.'

It's the inevitable outcome when the primary tool of conservative 'thought' is arguing from vapid moral opinions, with little regard empirical evidence, ie basic irrationality.

Conservative 'intellectualism' has been an exercise in trying to figure out how to enforce 'proper morality', often self-serving, onto people with a complete avoidance of real-world considerations.

I bring this up, because there's no reviving conservative 'intellectualism' *in governance*, and I feel like TheBulwark wants to back to the same old approaches, without acknowledging it will lead to the same exact problems we have today.

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I remember him from the Covid times in particular...

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So now that we are in our 10th+ year of mocking all of these clowns, how can we finally banish them? The morons are winning bigly -- this is not a drill

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Sorta off topic but live in an Asian ethnoburb and kids who have 1500 SATs, near 4.0s, the right activities, parents who can afford the schools easily are not not getting into highly selective institutions (note didn't state good). You see enough of that, the meritocracy myth goes away fast.

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Hasset’s home is probably filled with unopened boxes of Stinky Pete.

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The funniest part is that Kevin’s theory on comics was tried by many many people and not only failed spectacularly, but almost killed the industry… a decade before he pitched this to JVL. What a fucking moron

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Your story is magnificent in the stupidity that it reveals. It is actually depressing too, because as a lifelong liberal I always believed that while I didn't agree with some of the premises of conservative thought, I still believed that some of their luminaries were of above-average intelligence.

This proves me wrong. I am no investment genius, but even I can see that this guy is a dolt. One problem with the comic-book story that you didn't even mention is that you would have to have foreseen that there would be a market of people who in the future would WANT to pay huge sums for old comic books. No one could have known that.

It happens that I did overhear part of his Face the Nation interview last Sunday. I didn't know who it was that was pontificating about "securing the perimeter," but being a scientist myself and having family members who are very much expert on infectious diseases, I could tell right away that this was complete horseshit. I figured it was just some GOP talking-point robot deployed to the Sunday shows to spew out the latest narrative that was cooked with consultants to try and shift the blame for egg prices on Biden. I can hear it now: "Yeah, throw in some manly warrior terms like 'secure the perimeter' to impress Jim Bob. Haha!"

It looks like the best way to determine if a Republican is an idiot is to note whether or not sounds are coming out of his mouth. The ones who are not idiots have had their lips sewn shut.

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All I could think about while reading this piece was that Hassett's argument for comics as an investment vehicle is the exact same dipshittery that everyone was saying about Beanie Babies 30 years ago. Which, admittedly was an even worse idea than comics, but still the same kind of "tell me you don't know what you're talking about without saying you don't know what you're talking about" kind of obvious mistake. The phrase "invincible ignorance" is going to come in very, VERY handy over the near to medium term everybody. Thanks, JVL.

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I was thinking the same thing with regards to Beanie Babies as an investment vehicle. I worked with a woman in 1998 who invested all of her retirement savings into Beanie Babies. She retired on SS disability, which I presume is probably her sole source of income, if she is still alive.

Some people really cannot be saved from themselves.

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Drucker's article...whoo!

Excellent JVL. You always

post these great

introspective pieces.

As for Hassett, he's an

economist? He needs to be a

chicken farmer to learn the

downside of bird-flu.

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Oh, JVL, but you’re missing the biggest, most insanely stupid Hassett idea ever, which is the “cubic” COVID case prediction of April 2020. I have all the receipts, and I really wish I could post them in the comments, because it entertained a whole group of my felllow engineers. (Though, to be sure, it was a very dark form of humor...)

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I, for one, would like to hear more about that.

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He also said on the Sunday show that Biden ordered all the chickens killed, that's why we have an egg crisis. I just laughed at this fool. Really? He wants us to believe this?

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