Charlie...I seldom take issue with what you have to say about most things, and when I do, it's usually of a nature that doesn't generate a compulsion to comment about it. But...
" If democracy really does face an existential crisis, perhaps the Administration and the Congress should act like it."
Charlie...I seldom take issue with what you have to say about most things, and when I do, it's usually of a nature that doesn't generate a compulsion to comment about it. But...
" If democracy really does face an existential crisis, perhaps the Administration and the Congress should act like it."
You are light years better than I at your skill with the printed word. And this statement is indeed correct in every way but one, imho. Allow me a brief moment to act as a junior editor, not to put words in your mouth, but to take a couple out...
Democracy really does face an existential crisis, and the Administration and the Congress should act like it.
There. All better.
Seriously, I know your position on this, and so this is not meant as an actual criticism. Rather it's my way of emphasizing what I believe to be the most serious threat our country now faces, has faced for sometime, and will continue to face for the foreseeable future. And the aforementioned institutions damn well should be acting like it, yet they are failing us miserably, because the party that controls those centers of power at the moment is failing us miserably on this front.
I've said it here and elsewhere before, and I will say it again. And again. And again at every relevant opportunity until I figure it's safe to stop being a broken record:
Voting rights and election integrity kaput = everything else that matters kaput. Period.
If this comes to pass, the noble and bold experiment in self governance that our country is will have failed, and it will not likely be repeated. At least not for generations, if ever.
Let me say something at this point about a term I've added to that equation since the last couple of opportunities I've had to toss it out there somewhere. By "election integrity" I don't mean the toxic bullshit the R's fling around when mouthing this term like a bunch of rabid parrots. When it comes to integrity, as a party they have none, and as a group it seems precious few of them have it as individuals. Wouldn't recognize it if it walked up to them and spit in their faces. Which if integrity were a corporeal entity, I would strenuously encourage it to do. ( Apologies to those reading this that still are, or consider themselves to be, Republicans. I have no desire to paint with too broad a brush, and the fact that you're reading this particular publication pretty much speaks for your integrity bona fides. Unless of course you are some MAGA world spy scouting out the enemy position. But I doubt most of that particular rank and file are that smart. And actual reading skills would be required. )
By election integrity I mean the Electoral College, and the vote counting / certification process of same, top to bottom. I'm pretty satisfied that election security is adequate, as long as the authorities responsible for it are continuously vigilant against new and emerging threats. And, of course, that they are in possession of the personal quality I just mentioned as being in such short supply in certain quarters.
The Electoral College and the processes surrounding its functioning are, by my lights, the weak link in the chain. And that link must be strengthened lest the chain snap, and the recoil takes us all down. And, again, the D's are failing us miserably in this enterprise.
I was never a single issue voter. Until 2016. But I'm damned sure one now, and will continue to be, unless and until the scratch is polished off that record so that the needle follows the grooves as intended.
But, I'm not going to tell you what the issue is that gets my motor running. I'll just let you guess.
Charlie...I seldom take issue with what you have to say about most things, and when I do, it's usually of a nature that doesn't generate a compulsion to comment about it. But...
" If democracy really does face an existential crisis, perhaps the Administration and the Congress should act like it."
You are light years better than I at your skill with the printed word. And this statement is indeed correct in every way but one, imho. Allow me a brief moment to act as a junior editor, not to put words in your mouth, but to take a couple out...
Democracy really does face an existential crisis, and the Administration and the Congress should act like it.
There. All better.
Seriously, I know your position on this, and so this is not meant as an actual criticism. Rather it's my way of emphasizing what I believe to be the most serious threat our country now faces, has faced for sometime, and will continue to face for the foreseeable future. And the aforementioned institutions damn well should be acting like it, yet they are failing us miserably, because the party that controls those centers of power at the moment is failing us miserably on this front.
I've said it here and elsewhere before, and I will say it again. And again. And again at every relevant opportunity until I figure it's safe to stop being a broken record:
Voting rights and election integrity kaput = everything else that matters kaput. Period.
If this comes to pass, the noble and bold experiment in self governance that our country is will have failed, and it will not likely be repeated. At least not for generations, if ever.
Let me say something at this point about a term I've added to that equation since the last couple of opportunities I've had to toss it out there somewhere. By "election integrity" I don't mean the toxic bullshit the R's fling around when mouthing this term like a bunch of rabid parrots. When it comes to integrity, as a party they have none, and as a group it seems precious few of them have it as individuals. Wouldn't recognize it if it walked up to them and spit in their faces. Which if integrity were a corporeal entity, I would strenuously encourage it to do. ( Apologies to those reading this that still are, or consider themselves to be, Republicans. I have no desire to paint with too broad a brush, and the fact that you're reading this particular publication pretty much speaks for your integrity bona fides. Unless of course you are some MAGA world spy scouting out the enemy position. But I doubt most of that particular rank and file are that smart. And actual reading skills would be required. )
By election integrity I mean the Electoral College, and the vote counting / certification process of same, top to bottom. I'm pretty satisfied that election security is adequate, as long as the authorities responsible for it are continuously vigilant against new and emerging threats. And, of course, that they are in possession of the personal quality I just mentioned as being in such short supply in certain quarters.
The Electoral College and the processes surrounding its functioning are, by my lights, the weak link in the chain. And that link must be strengthened lest the chain snap, and the recoil takes us all down. And, again, the D's are failing us miserably in this enterprise.
I was never a single issue voter. Until 2016. But I'm damned sure one now, and will continue to be, unless and until the scratch is polished off that record so that the needle follows the grooves as intended.
But, I'm not going to tell you what the issue is that gets my motor running. I'll just let you guess.