McCarthy had shown himself to be an immoral, spineless, toady, beyond even Lindsey Graham. But now, he has revealed that he, like most of the MAGA people, relies on divisiveness and cruelty as part of his quest for power.
He is acting like the cowboy at the end of Dr. Strangelove, happy to ride the nuclear bomb that will destroy the world.
McCarthy had shown himself to be an immoral, spineless, toady, beyond even Lindsey Graham. But now, he has revealed that he, like most of the MAGA people, relies on divisiveness and cruelty as part of his quest for power.
He is acting like the cowboy at the end of Dr. Strangelove, happy to ride the nuclear bomb that will destroy the world.
McCarthy had shown himself to be an immoral, spineless, toady, beyond even Lindsey Graham. But now, he has revealed that he, like most of the MAGA people, relies on divisiveness and cruelty as part of his quest for power.
He is acting like the cowboy at the end of Dr. Strangelove, happy to ride the nuclear bomb that will destroy the world.