If it wasn't so heinous to see, it is almost in your face comical to see Musk display this absolutely awful unfettered naughty little boy Nazi pose with the "look at me" expression. Do these "nerds" not realize that they are being watched and judged by several other billions in the human race that recoil at their blatancy? I guess they think that because of their billions of wealth, and self proclaimed super genius, they have all the power to behave any way they damn well wish (duh). The meaner the better are they with quote of Roald Dahl's mantra from the story of "Matilda" or the plot of "The Twits" to goad them on. It may be rude to bring up the neurodivergent minds of a lot of them (Musk and Zuck are autistic spectrum), but it is of little surprise that their actions of disconnect immaturity and symptomatic lack of composure would start to appear. I didn't think this behavior would show up this early, but since Trump actually encourages this.... they have not disappointed in full frontal...just like the knob who drop their drawers, pick their noses, flick their boogers and tell potty jokes like a bunch of attention whores. I suggest Jamie Dimon lock up his liquor cabinet before they raid it.
It’s high time we stopped praising, and giving money to such mentally disturbed people. I have sympathy from most who are on the spectrum—but these guys are celebrated not for their ability to function (which is worth praise) but because they figured out a way to obtain and abuse great wealth. I don’t care if you are autistic or not. This is BAD BEHAVIOR and should not be tolerated, let alone rewarded. We need to get back to the days when our heroes were selfless and worked toward building a better future for humanity, not toys for other rich guys or faster ways to kill the planet.
I love how MAGAs exclude billionaires like Musk from the much despised "elites" that they excoriate. To be an elite, by their definition, means you not only got a good education, but that you are capable of integrating compassion into your world view.
I know I'm late, and I can already tell this will be unpopular. But I don't understand why Costco's move is noteworthy, let alone praiseworthy.
DEI is bad for society. It was discriminatory and made everyone poorer. It only served to foster enormous resentment, barring some very specific instances in areas related to law enforcement. I haven't looked into the exact wording of the clauses, but if Costco's DEI policies are as they seem, then this is simply virtue signalling.
That doesn't mean a private company isn't free to make their own mistakes, or even that it is a mistake - for all I know, their virtue signalling could persuade more people to buy a membership on net.
But what is the point of praising it? Come on Bill, don't you realize that not every single part of every single thing that Trump or MAGA does is bad for America?
Being anti-Trump does not mean being pro-Democrat. It does mean steering clear of an easy TDS label.
Well, this is confusing. First I read you say it made everyone poorer and yet at the same time, my company had the best financial results it had last year since 2019. DEI was a standard embraced for wider growth for all...but it seems the minute one particular diverse group is highlighted, some status quo gets its nose out of joint. And I didn't necessarily see quality taking a back seat either when it co-existed...the economy grew anyway. Now that there is the Spanish Inquisition style ban of DEI, that seems now to cause more disruption than the implementation of DEI itself...there certainly are fewer choices to buy in retail, fewer jobs offered and fewer new curriculums offered to learn because of this lash back. The only winner I have noticed so far, are HBCU's...who have basically seen the backlash writing on the wall and are happy to grow in enrollment where they feel safer to embrace "more choices and diversity". I guess that is your compartmentalized "wet dream"?
"Hitler is a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder. . . . The Nazi regime is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination. It excels in all forms of human wickedness, in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression."
All you have to do with Churchill's remark is change the name Hitler to Trump....and there you have it.
Here at The Bulwark, sympathetic, interesting comments. I posted the same thing, with an extra photo and link to the Climate March background, as a newsletter, and heard from old friends. Then I thought I would post it on the community board on Facebook, to see if anyone else had had similar experience. There, along with ordinary comment, was vitriol as well as the same excuses I heard from neighbors. I'm not sure if this says something about the liberals of the Berkshires or about how awful Facebook is.
MuskX is a neo-Nazi. He complains he is misunderstood, he's canceled, he's such a victim. The whining is all a show. It's been working for the fpotus, why not him. That, or even though he is the world's wealthiest person, he still has such a weak personality he feels the need to be outrageous all the time, is pathetic. But he is a Nazi, inside and out. That is not just a show. Fact.
Also, about the White Supremacist Militia groups being released from prison to be Trump's Brown Shirts, or Sturmabteilung, the police should be checking how much of its own membership belongs to this group.
So in addition to Putin having a target on Trump's back if he fails to follow through on weakening the US beyond recognition, we also have Trump consorting with militia who could just as easily turn on him because Trump is just a vehicle for them to achieve their White Ethnostate, but not the end. They are not MAGA as much as focused on their own goals. But, Trump only cares about becoming the richest man in the world, surpassing Putin and Musk, by using his office to become the supreme grifter on the planet. If the US has to be sacrificed for his wealth, well he does not mind doing it.
Musk is a bad joke, and a fascist. Dimon is a prick. He also said that a little inflation is no big deal. Where was that asshat when Biden was around. Of, that's right. Bowing before trump the mad kig of corporate profits. Thanks Costco! At least there is one corporation not trying to charm the mad king... Denali and the Gulf of Mexico will never change to whatever the brain addled trump mumbles. I am surprised he didn't rename Christ to trump, since trump has the bibles...
Yet more fodder for my contention that "stupid" is infinite. Not that I really want to win this argument with my beloved brother, but we're only in the first week with these maroons. Yeeesh
Too many people don't realize or remember that it was NIKOLA TESLA who was the genius behind the work that Musk has adopted as his own. Tesla was an equal to Einstein. The two competed fiercely in their relative fields in the same era. Mr. Tesla could do Integral Calculus in his head! Musk, the venture capitalist, simply commodified Tesla's work. Musk is certainly no equal to either great scientist. He is a smart, high stakes inve$tor. Right place, right time.
Follow up. You wrote: "If I were, say, a state or local law enforcement official, I would keep an eye on these guys." See:
Indiana man pardoned for Jan. 6 crimes is killed in traffic stop shooting by deputy
Matthew Huttle, 42, pleaded guilty to entering the U.S. Capitol and was on supervised release before President Donald Trump pardoned him last week.
If it wasn't so heinous to see, it is almost in your face comical to see Musk display this absolutely awful unfettered naughty little boy Nazi pose with the "look at me" expression. Do these "nerds" not realize that they are being watched and judged by several other billions in the human race that recoil at their blatancy? I guess they think that because of their billions of wealth, and self proclaimed super genius, they have all the power to behave any way they damn well wish (duh). The meaner the better are they with quote of Roald Dahl's mantra from the story of "Matilda" or the plot of "The Twits" to goad them on. It may be rude to bring up the neurodivergent minds of a lot of them (Musk and Zuck are autistic spectrum), but it is of little surprise that their actions of disconnect immaturity and symptomatic lack of composure would start to appear. I didn't think this behavior would show up this early, but since Trump actually encourages this.... they have not disappointed in full frontal...just like the knob who drop their drawers, pick their noses, flick their boogers and tell potty jokes like a bunch of attention whores. I suggest Jamie Dimon lock up his liquor cabinet before they raid it.
It’s high time we stopped praising, and giving money to such mentally disturbed people. I have sympathy from most who are on the spectrum—but these guys are celebrated not for their ability to function (which is worth praise) but because they figured out a way to obtain and abuse great wealth. I don’t care if you are autistic or not. This is BAD BEHAVIOR and should not be tolerated, let alone rewarded. We need to get back to the days when our heroes were selfless and worked toward building a better future for humanity, not toys for other rich guys or faster ways to kill the planet.
I love how MAGAs exclude billionaires like Musk from the much despised "elites" that they excoriate. To be an elite, by their definition, means you not only got a good education, but that you are capable of integrating compassion into your world view.
So can trump change the names of states also?
I know I'm late, and I can already tell this will be unpopular. But I don't understand why Costco's move is noteworthy, let alone praiseworthy.
DEI is bad for society. It was discriminatory and made everyone poorer. It only served to foster enormous resentment, barring some very specific instances in areas related to law enforcement. I haven't looked into the exact wording of the clauses, but if Costco's DEI policies are as they seem, then this is simply virtue signalling.
That doesn't mean a private company isn't free to make their own mistakes, or even that it is a mistake - for all I know, their virtue signalling could persuade more people to buy a membership on net.
But what is the point of praising it? Come on Bill, don't you realize that not every single part of every single thing that Trump or MAGA does is bad for America?
Being anti-Trump does not mean being pro-Democrat. It does mean steering clear of an easy TDS label.
Well, this is confusing. First I read you say it made everyone poorer and yet at the same time, my company had the best financial results it had last year since 2019. DEI was a standard embraced for wider growth for all...but it seems the minute one particular diverse group is highlighted, some status quo gets its nose out of joint. And I didn't necessarily see quality taking a back seat either when it co-existed...the economy grew anyway. Now that there is the Spanish Inquisition style ban of DEI, that seems now to cause more disruption than the implementation of DEI itself...there certainly are fewer choices to buy in retail, fewer jobs offered and fewer new curriculums offered to learn because of this lash back. The only winner I have noticed so far, are HBCU's...who have basically seen the backlash writing on the wall and are happy to grow in enrollment where they feel safer to embrace "more choices and diversity". I guess that is your compartmentalized "wet dream"?
Interesting that you think hiring a workforce which looks like the American population causes resentment.
The UK comedy show dealt with the matter of Elon Musk forty years ago.
Under the new GOP, the only protected class will be Nazis.
"Hitler is a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder. . . . The Nazi regime is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination. It excels in all forms of human wickedness, in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression."
All you have to do with Churchill's remark is change the name Hitler to Trump....and there you have it.
Here at The Bulwark, sympathetic, interesting comments. I posted the same thing, with an extra photo and link to the Climate March background, as a newsletter, and heard from old friends. Then I thought I would post it on the community board on Facebook, to see if anyone else had had similar experience. There, along with ordinary comment, was vitriol as well as the same excuses I heard from neighbors. I'm not sure if this says something about the liberals of the Berkshires or about how awful Facebook is.
MuskX is a neo-Nazi. He complains he is misunderstood, he's canceled, he's such a victim. The whining is all a show. It's been working for the fpotus, why not him. That, or even though he is the world's wealthiest person, he still has such a weak personality he feels the need to be outrageous all the time, is pathetic. But he is a Nazi, inside and out. That is not just a show. Fact.
Just a little Hat Tip of Prescience to https://www.jefftiedrich.com/
who coined the sobriquet 'Space Nazi' for You Know Who well over a year ago.
And Jeff Tiedrich posted this meme on his Substack this week. Someone else isolated it. No question here what Musk was doing.
Also, about the White Supremacist Militia groups being released from prison to be Trump's Brown Shirts, or Sturmabteilung, the police should be checking how much of its own membership belongs to this group.
So in addition to Putin having a target on Trump's back if he fails to follow through on weakening the US beyond recognition, we also have Trump consorting with militia who could just as easily turn on him because Trump is just a vehicle for them to achieve their White Ethnostate, but not the end. They are not MAGA as much as focused on their own goals. But, Trump only cares about becoming the richest man in the world, surpassing Putin and Musk, by using his office to become the supreme grifter on the planet. If the US has to be sacrificed for his wealth, well he does not mind doing it.
Musk is a bad joke, and a fascist. Dimon is a prick. He also said that a little inflation is no big deal. Where was that asshat when Biden was around. Of, that's right. Bowing before trump the mad kig of corporate profits. Thanks Costco! At least there is one corporation not trying to charm the mad king... Denali and the Gulf of Mexico will never change to whatever the brain addled trump mumbles. I am surprised he didn't rename Christ to trump, since trump has the bibles...
Yet more fodder for my contention that "stupid" is infinite. Not that I really want to win this argument with my beloved brother, but we're only in the first week with these maroons. Yeeesh
Dimon said Musk was "our Einstein."
I think he meant Albert's brother, Frank.
That guy was a real monster.
German broadcasts blurred his Nazi salute. Like I would expect.
Too many people don't realize or remember that it was NIKOLA TESLA who was the genius behind the work that Musk has adopted as his own. Tesla was an equal to Einstein. The two competed fiercely in their relative fields in the same era. Mr. Tesla could do Integral Calculus in his head! Musk, the venture capitalist, simply commodified Tesla's work. Musk is certainly no equal to either great scientist. He is a smart, high stakes inve$tor. Right place, right time.