Ben Shapiro, yet again, spent a bunch of time on his program talking about how Trump’s policies are putting the US economy at risk. He’s been doing it a bunch.

Can you guys make a video taunting him and highlighting the rift between him and MAGA on tariffs? The republicans are way better at making Dems fight with each other than Dems are at making republicans fight with each other

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About Derek Chauvin and pardons . . . he was convicted under Minnesota law, and Trump can not overturn that jail sentence. A Trump pardon would be effective as to Chauvin's federal conviction, but he would still have to serve out his state sentence. So Trump would be doing it mostly to make a statement, and (of course) to get some publicity. Not sure it would the kind of publicity that would help him ... ?

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I was detecting micro wavering on Ben Shapiro‘s part. I felt that was coming through sometimes with what he was posting as well as his videos. He has had conflict with guys like Nick Fuentes. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he is feeling some cognitive dissonance with what’s happening in the regime right now. He is a very observant Jew so there’s gotta be stuff that he’s seeing that is giving him the chills.

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Benny Johnson, by contrast, is fascist to the core and stays on fascist message 100% of the time.

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As someone who 💩 posts Ben Shapiro, I and other folks commenting on his Facebook posts noted disparate thoughts on issues. Conservatives were pointing out, sometimes polar opposite views on tariffs, especially towards Canada, sometimes favoring sometimes opposing, then the whole Derek Chauvin issue, which seemed really weird. Most of his lesser thought that Derek Chauvin issue was a good idea. I thought it was very strange for a Jewish guy to be calling for Derek Chauvin’s pardoning. All in all, conservatives were pointing out that Ben was all over the place and not staying consistent on message. I wonder if the people behind the scenes writing these posts were having some internal conflict about the positions to align with and stay on memo.

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In the composite picture, which witch is which? Fortunately I've never seen Shapiro or Boreing before.

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Is it just me....or are a lot of MAGA media types starting to appear as they are a bunch of resentful theater kids who hate that people do not recognize their entertainment "brilliance"?

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Russia money dried up for all the bro podcasts.

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Wake me up when they catch Ben Shapiro in bed with James Lindsay.

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How I understand it is that the national Republican Party and at least Texas Republican party aren’t democratic organizations any longer. they are full-blown authoritarian with the exception of maybe five or six elected officials out of 40 or 50. And I say this living in Houston. One question I have is are the MAGA’s Christian nationalists? Or are they fascist or both?

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Looks like he spoke up a bit too forcefully about MAGA's Brownshirt Energy

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All of these various RWM setups are basically rooted in entertaining the MAGAts... and if the MAGAts are not sufficiently entertained, you are in trouble... and as time passes, you need to be more and more extreme to be entertaining--because people quickly get jaded.

If you were seriously into informing rather than entertaining, the dynamic would be different and it wouldn't matter who the tlking head was. But in the infotainment industry (with the stress on the 'tainment), it does. You could see that already back in the day with Rush.

Things are also very personality-based... and once you establish yourself, it remains a question whether you should continue to toil along as a cog in someone else's machine or get your own machine going.

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The only way I can be happy is if the Daily Wire gets rid of Ben Shapiro. I doubt that’s possible to get rid of the founder it’s hard to tell what level of ownership or power he has but if it ever did happen I’d be ecstatic. He is truly one of the worst human beings. Him and JD Vance must’ve been separated at birth because they are identical in their repulsiveness.

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Amazing article but I will have to say this is the loosest definition of the word ‘talent’ when saying “the company has been bleeding talent.”

One of the hallmarks of the rise of Fox News and right wing media was that you didn’t need talent at all to make big money. Tucker is loathsome & evil but he was talented. Same for some others like Will Cain who could actually run a successful talk show on sports on ESPN radio.

But so many of these absolute morons could write a book with a cover title of Barack Obama is a socialist Kenyan terrorist and leave the next 100 pages blank and it would be a bestseller because that’s what the base always spent their money on.

Think of Diamond & Silk, Dan Bongino, Pete Hegseth, Candace Owens, Greg Gutfeld and so many others. The dumber you sound the more your appeal.

Ben Shapiro is not without talent but he is nowhere near the intellectual mind that right wingers tried to bestow on him back in his Breitbart days. God Milo was smarter than Shapiro was.

But the Daily Wire only path to success is not through talent but through trolling. To stand out in MAGAverse you don’t need to make intellectual entertainment just need to be as demagogic & lizard-brained on the cultural issues that play to the low information consumers.

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Ladno, kogo volnuyet?

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How odd. Trump really wanted to be in the movies and bought his property along the West Side Hwy to turn into a movie studio.

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