Never Forget: Mitch McConnell Underwrote Trump’s Big Lie
When power was at stake, McConnell helped the people pushing the lie that led to the Capitol insurrection.
Leading The Bulwark…
Never Forget: Mitch McConnell Underwrote Trump’s Big Lie
AMANDA CARPENTER: When power was at stake, McConnell helped the people pushing the lie that led to the Capitol insurrection.
REMINDER: We’re doing a livestream for members tomorrow night. We’d love it if you joined us!
🎧 On the Pods… 🎧
Josh Kraushaar on the Long Lasting Effects of the Capitol Siege
On today’s Bulwark podcast, Josh Kraushaar joins Charlie Sykes to discuss how the January 6th siege of the Capitol will impact the GOP for years.
For Bulwark+ Members… 🔐
MORNING SHOTS: Trump's Pardon Dump Day 🔓
CHARLIE SYKES on deep cleaning the GOP.
THE TRIAD: History Will Crush Trump 🔓
JONATHAN V. LAST: Donald Trump's presidency is over. Next comes judgment.
THE SECRET PODCAST: The Last Days of Disco 🔐
In less than 24 hours, the Trump presidency will be history. What just happened to America? How close did we come to the abyss?
What Films Define the Trump Era? 🔐
On this week’s bonus members-only episode of Across the Movie Aisle, Sonny Bunch (The Bulwark), Alyssa Rosenberg (The Washington Post), and Peter Suderman (Reason) discuss the defining movies of the Trump Era.
'Wandavision' Reviewed! Plus, Armie Hammer's Cannibalism Conundrum 🔓
This week on Across the Movie Aisle, Sonny Bunch (The Bulwark), Alyssa Rosenberg (The Washington Post), and Peter Suderman (Reason) review the MCU’s big new release: Wandavision, now streaming on Disney+.
From The Bulwark Aggregator…
Texas real estate agent on Capitol riot: ‘I’m glad I was there’ – Cynthia McFadden, Anna Schecter, Didi Martinez and Rich Schapiro, NBC News
Inside Trump’s Pathetic Final Weekend in Office – Asawin Suebsaeng, The Daily Beast
The Battle to Keep the Pandemic’s Best Data Running – Alexis C. Madrigal, The Atlantic
An Abject Apology Highlights the Legal Exposure for Promoters of Trump’s Election Fraud Fantasies – Jacob Sullum, Reason Magazine
Study: Parler users were more likely veterans or in military – Gopal Ratnam, Roll Call
A Quarter of Renters Say They Would Be Homeless if They Lost Their Current Home – Claire Williams, Morning Consult
Teacher called to protect the Capitol holds class from a Humvee – Sydney Page, Stars and Stripes
In Today’s Bulwark…
Republicans Must Confess Their Complicity in the Big Lie
MONA CHAREN: Dominion Voting Systems goes to court to get an apology from the right-wing conspiracy mongers. Where does the country go for its apology?
Outgoing Trump Team Scurries to Extend Anti-Immigrant Policies
MARIO H. LOPEZ: These desperate DHS maneuverings could take the new administration some time to unwind.
Trump’s Dereliction of Duty on Jan. 6 Is Part of His Incitement to Insurrection
WILLIAM KRISTOL AND JEFFREY K. TULIS: His months of lying about the election and his failure to respond immediately to the attack are further evidence of his guilt.
Gresham’s Law of the Internet
ROBERT TRACINSKI: Content moderation isn’t “censorship.” It’s what built the Internet.
A quick palate cleanser…
It’s the last full day of Trump’s presidency. How are you celebrating? Unfortunately, this poor teacher had to teach his music class from the back of a National Guard Humvee.
Inaugurations are always a special time for me. Even though I’ve never attended an inauguration for a President I voted for, I’ve attended or participated in each of them since 2009. These ceremonies are special and I am looking forward to tomorrow.
It’s one thing be be tapped to sleep on the floor of your office for one night, but the 20,000 national guardsmen sleeping on marble floors drives me nuts. This is not a part of history they should be proud of. They shouldn’t have to be there.
Still, I am thankful for their service and optimistic about tomorrow.
Where does The Federalist Society go post Trump? It’s a good question.
A “no ride” list is not a good idea. Agree wholeheartedly with this. Prosecute people who committed crimes, yes, but creating a list for people who didn’t seems ill advised.
Does the WH really need a deep clean? No, not really.
The QAnon Congresswoman had some really wild views back in the day… A school shooting as a “false flag?” Come on.
Do as I say, not as I do… Rudy Giuliani edition…
If Trump doesn’t keep you up at night… Mike Lindell will.
You know how to reach me if you have any questions: Hope to see you tomorrow night.