Are we sure the 30-day NM gun policy is unconstitutional? I'm not clear on where the Constitution says "anyone can carry any gun in any way they want at any time in any place". Oh wait, that must be the Supreme Court's *interpretation*.

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As a New Mexico resident, I want to know how I can support MLG's executive order. As for the Constitutional interpretation of the Second Amendment under Heller, it's wrong. In every way, including parsing the words.

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There's a more recent case, NY State Rifle and Pistol Assn v. Bruen (2022) in which Justice Thomas ruled that a state may not require someone to show an individualized, exceptional need to carry a gun in public so long as he or she satisfies general requirements that are consistent with gun regulations in the US historically.

Unfortunately for Justice Thomas, it seems those regulations have often been remarkably strict over the course of history. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gun-control-old-west-180968013/

BTW, The Bulwark's longtime hero, J. Michael Luttig, joined the state's defenders in that case.

Whatever you may think of a blanket, largely symbolic ban on public carry inside Albuquerque, Governor Grisham seems to have been on the side of history.

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EVEN by fellow Dems? That’s EVEN worse. I can’t EVEN believe it. EVEN If no one at the Bullwark saw what was wrong with the headline, I’m sure EVEN occasional readers did. EVEN Democrats. As a headline, “New Mexico Gov’s Gun Order Attacked by Fellow Dems” is EVEN better.

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I'm totally in favor of abrogating the 2nd Amendment. There. Said it.

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I’m I’m

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I agree with New Mexico Governor. Good for her! And MTG is an anarchist and maybe a communist. Or just a stupid clown.

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Margie Greene does not have the intelligence nor the maturity level required to be a member of the nation's lawmaking body. Full stop.

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The Constitution only gives an age requirement. You don't have to be smart. You don't have to sane. Isn't that right George Santos? Right now, there are many who would not qualify if the test was the second grade math test. The bar is not low, it is under ground.

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I applaud the re-branding of ‘gun control’ to ‘gun safety’; it’s a lot harder to argue with safety. Now, I think that instead of using the term ‘guns’ they should be referred to as weapons, because that’s what they are. ‘Weapons’ is a bit more menacing.

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It will be interesting what the courts say about NM and what the historical record shows about gun laws in NM itself. NM safety laws and provisions and history as well. A small part of me admires the Governor of using her bully pulpit the rights’ tactics against it. Especially if it turns out that all of the deaths she cites as proximate causes were at the hands of those “good” gun owners. I think these are fights worth having. It’s a 30-day timeframe. Maybe we could hear more about the sheriffs in NM who are not enforcing gun restrictions that are legal, too, while we’re having the debate about absolutism when it comes to 2A.

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I live in Albuquerque. I sympathize with the governor, but she didn't present this to the public in a way they might have accepted it. Too late for that now.

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I think the reaction to it has been swift and fierce and that has overwhelmed the Governor somewhat. I have yet to see detailed legal analysis, just actions and reactions, even from the legal community.

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The big difference between the Dems and GOP is one party still has ability to call out its excesses and overreach and the other absolutely will not police itself.

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Okay I am going to intrude a little here. McCarthy just directed the opening of an impeachment investigation, no vote. “That’s why today I am directing our House committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. … We will go wherever the evidence takes us.”

That should be interesting since there is no evidence after how many months of investigation.

Maybe they think an impeachment investigation will hurt Biden, I doubt it. However the Republicans are going to become more and more desperate, look for manufacturing evidence and hiring people to lie, especially when the t***p trials begin. Oh and that speakers "gavel" well Kevin has turned it into a toy plastic hammer about 3 inches long.

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What the governor of NM did is probably unconstitutional, but only because of the views of the current Supreme Court. There were many restrictions in the 1990s that seemed reasonable.

Of course, no one is saying the governor is wrong. They are saying that Americans prefer to have innocent people die any place and at any time rather than live in a safe and sane society. In 1870, when you rode into Dodge City, KN, you had to check your gun at the sheriff's office. Why can't that happen in New Mexico? Why don't they allow guns into the Supreme Court, or Trump rallies?

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Once again I am compelled to point out that the current Supreme Court standing interpretation *allows for gun control.*

Someday I will find someone on either side of the gun debate who has read the Heller decision.

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Where it gets chaotic is the gun rulings after Heller. The SC has basically made all laws relating to guns, void or moot without meeting a list of criteria, and state legislatures have in many places set things back to zero.

We’re going to have to re-legislate and re-litigate gun restrictions one law at a time at both the state and federal level. Be in it for the long haul -- most of the gun owning public isn’t on board with the maximalist positions of the 2A maximalists.

I view the Governor’s action as a step in the direction of engaging the fight by using the only tools the State has left her to use. We also have to address Sheriff’s that will not enforce restrictions, even those deemed constitutional thus far. A lesson in voting in all elections, not just national.

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There are zero reasons for any reporter to ask Ted Cruz his opinion on anything. You knew what his opinion was going to be and his embellishment and performance efforts in reaction are not worth any space.

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On gun terminology: part of the reason "gun safety" is leaking into discourse is because in the absence of "gun control" there's a lot of chatter in the public health sphere about taking a "harm reduction" approach (phrase borrowed from addiction advocates) where you acknowledge that public health cannot do anything about net number of guns (ditto for fentanyl and meth) in the US, but can potentially impact the number of gun deaths (especially since suicides are the most common gun related deaths).

These includes activities like mental health outreach to gun clubs, offering temporary storage to anyone going through a rough patch (through either a local police department, a gun club, or a friend with a gun safe), and more vaguely violence prevention. The best documented programs are across NM's border in Colorado.

I think it's worth mentioning for two reasons. One is because public health ostensibly has a toolkit to partially address gun violence without causing legal pandemonium (and I think it's disingenuous NOT to call this a public health problem. It's the leading cause of child mortality now.) The second reason is that even in a scenario in which the US passes sane gun safety/control laws, I can't see a scenario in which the net number of guns doesn't continue to negatively impact child mortality/disability for several decades.

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“Control” is a loaded word in politics since it implies “anti-freedom.” So the term “gun control” was easily weaponized by the right as “the anti-freedom commie libs are trying to CONTROL you and remove your constitutional rights.” “Gun safety” is a much more palatable term and should have been promoted from the start.

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MOAR GUNS! Hell yeah! So happy that all those patriotic, gun toting, hero citizens are saving society from the scourge of mass shootings. Especially the ones that leave their rifle leaning against a wall so some escaped fugitive can get a free weapon and exercise their rights too. BTW, about that fugitive; does nobody own a bloodhound in PA? Seriously, WTF? Nobody's seen Cool Hand Luke in the keystone state?

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