Cheeto and co president morn musk do not care about anything having to do with helping people, the planet, or the poor or middle class. We should stop acting like there is hope and stop being shocked. They told us exactly what they were going to do for the past 4 years. moron musk is a Nazi cheeto is a sociopath. We should be shocked that we had no plan to counter all of this. We had 4 years to plan a contingency and what are we doing now? We're scrambling on the back foot yet again.

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Bill wrote:

*****Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The date of January 27 was selected because it is the anniversary of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz, the largest of the Nazi killing centers and concentration camps, where more than a million people, mostly Jews, were murdered.*****


I too have some thoughts relevant to this particular observance:

"There is much, much more one can say about the 45th/47th president’s courting of and support from vicious, violent bigots and his other acrid echoes of the world’s fascist past. Suffice to leave off here with the observation that the violent thugs whom he pardoned on his first day in office are as never before his very own brown shirts, with all that portends. History is rhyming."

Follow the link for the full essay.



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umm.. guys, Chiefs fan here; but I'll forgive you.

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Have you heard Musk speak? Elon's voice is as creepy as his face is punchable.

Musk may claim to come from South Africa's English-speaking tradition, but somewhere along the way he picked up a slight Germanic Afrikaner accent that might account for some is appeal among the AfD Volk.

Ann Applebaum believes Musk is infesting Germany in an attempt to prevent European governments from regulating social media. The Broligarchs hate having grownups tell them what to do.

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The damage trump and his goon squad of brown shirts, creeps, clowns, drunks, racists, fascists, and haters are going to do to life on this plant is incalculable. Frighteningly so. Hopefully we hear more from Bill Gates and Mark Cuban and less from the drug addled musk, and the cowardly, court jesters bezos and zuck. Just as clueless, aimlessly wandering dems need to step it up a few notches, decent billionaires need to take the lead or democracy, the rule of law and the planet suffer great harm. Go Eagles!

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"City of Brother Love" needs some love for the stand they take in 2018 and for the win they are going to get in the Super Bowl

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I don't see what's so oppressive about acknowledging the bad that was done in the past - which is part of rising above it. That doesn't mean a permanent taint of guilt on every generation. It's actually a way of affirming moral growth and redemption.

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An excellent piece. Damn Musk and all of his ilk in the MAGA movement - filthy bigots all. Remember that FL wanted slavery out of the textbooks in public schools to get rid of that similar "guilt." Germany killed a lot of Jews; our country killed a whole lot of Black human slaves.

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The key goals seem to be: ban, fire, suppress, distort, defund and just about anything else to make ordinary lives miserable.

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Operative word: punish.

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DeSantis is already pioneering guilt erasure in Florida, where history curriculum is not supposed to make whites feel bad about their heritage, and slaves "gained beneficial skills".

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I'm waiting for Florida's house of cards to collapse on his watch.

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What is the Lasik tweet supposedly clarifying?? Bc it shows neither where the ball is nor the first down markers.... Quit making excuses Buffalo, sincerely, Chicago.

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Not only do we all have a responsibility to remember, but we have a responsibility to act. I would love to hear suggestions of how to impact these concerns. I do not want my grandchildren to one day view me as a good German.

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"... foreign aid accounts for about 1 percent of the federal government’s budget."

And over half of that 1% is military aid. Less than half actually goes for doing something helpful.

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I share in the frustration with voters who refused to support Vice President Harris over Gaza, but let's put the blame where it belongs - white Americans.

And yes that's my flavor and they're all fired.

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Trump isn't attending the ceremony in Auschwitz . It is more important to be on stage in Las Vegas with one of the most violent insurrectionist that he pardoned. He will not be missed at this ceremony. This is a very direct and sad article that describes the weakening of democracy. But I appreciate your resistance. I am only a lifelong Boston Red Sox and Celtics fan . I had the football games on but muted yesterday. I did turn the volume up in the last quarter of the Bills/ Chiefs game. It was very exciting but I really didn't care who won .But your story of the Eagles refreshed my memory the last time Philadelphia won when Trump was president. I usually don't watch the Super Bowl but I just might tune in this year. You have converted me. Maybe the Harris campaign can send the Eagles leftover t-shirts that say : "When we fight, we win " !!!

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And then he went golfing. Any bets on how many days he'll golf this time?

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Lies, lies, lies and misinformation is all felon, conman, traitor trump knows!

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