Dropping in to say this: Team Harris, now is the time to be pedal to the metal! Want to be registering thousands of new Democratic voters to expand our base in key swing states? Please join Field Team 6's virtual phonebanks to swing states ASAP. It's a kinder, gentler version of phonebanking and it makes a huge strategic difference.

Let's grow that base, LFG!!!! I'm going to 3 this week, please join me!

Link to all weekly sessions: https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/?q=phone%20banks&tag_ids=20038

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The dealbreaker for me was weeks ago, when I saw him standing before a cross declaring, “Some people need killing!”. That’s right up there beside making fun of a journalist with a crippled hand.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

North Carolinian here. Robinson is the worst, but the entire statewide GOP ticket is batshit crazy. The woman running for Superintendent of Public Education (who homeschools her kids) is a J6 truther who called for Obama to be executed at Gitmo. Dan Bishop, running for attorney general, crafted the infamous Bathroom Bill that cost the state millions. The NC GOP has lost its mind.

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"DONALD TRUMP ONCE CALLED Mark Robinson “Martin Luther King on steroids,”

Only an openly racist like Trump [sic], a politically ambitious self-hating POC, and those who believe that these two are ones who will be leading the fight -- one at the pinnacle and the other walking at a respectable distance behind -- to "Make America Great Again" would not think that is very insulting to (I would hope) a majority of Americans. I would also hope that, unlike those fine people I mention above, a majority of Americans do not consider melanin content in an individual as a criterion in defining who a person *is*.


"Trump, who hours later headlined an event denouncing antisemitism"

Isn't this like the Exalted High Grand Dragon of the KKK -- or whatever the title used today is -- being one of the speakers at the groundbreaking for a new AME church just down the street from where he lives and across the street from the Synagogue that was consecrated last year?


"And if voters dislike Robinson and have qualms about Trump’s character, that could have a reverse-coattail effect"

May G-dess hear.

Question: who could still have qualms about TFG's (lack of) character? By now most people realize Trump [sic] has none, kinda sorta let some of his peccadilloes skate because he has the the country's best interest at heart, or since he's the Second Coming he is pure. [Please, no one jump on me about this, I'm of the first school. You have to admit, though, that the other two exist.]


“This is Martin Luther King on steroids,” Trump said at a March 2 rally in Greensboro. “I told that to Mark. I said, I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two.”

This is close to the ultimate disrespect. I should be flabbergasted, but I'm not, that TFG say this: if it was one of his ad libs then he was still showing is true colors, and if it was one of his speechwriters, that person should be fired (instead they'll probably get a promotion).


Yes, I'm aware that the rally was six and a half months ago but it's like eating bad clams: you just keep burping up that same vile taste over and over again.


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MLK was probably the greatest American. When you consider the centrality of the civil rights story, his singularity, his grit and persistence, his oratory and charisma

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He stands above most for sure. There are a couple others like Rosa Parks & Harriet Tubman that are iconic on his level.

Unfortunately there is a gaping hole in our society since the passing of John Lewis recently. He truly was one of the last connections to the civil rights heroes.

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Wonder what the thoughts are about friend of the Bulwark's Olivia Nuzzi having a relationship with RFK Junior? Yuck.

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She definitely got the inside access from RFK Jr

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So sad, proximity to power does weird things to people. And also yuck!

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I don't want him to be governor; I want him to run for governor. I can't be the only person who thinks that CNN did Harris no favor. If they haven't done it already, there's almost two hours left for Republicans to pressure Robinson to back out of the race.

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Has that ever worked in the GOP? They love this kind of stuff. Roy Moore won his primary easily. Trump became more popular in the Republican base after Access Hollywood.

This guy is a perfect avatar for the modern GOP. Not because they are Nazi crazy anti-Semitic racists (not all of them at least) but because the crazier they are the more Republicans will contort themselves to support them.

I guarantee within 2 weeks Mark Robinson is a shiny full hour Tucker Carlson guest where he gets the Tucker vote of confidence.

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Too late. Ballots are mailed.

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It is always the ones you most expect.

He needs to stay on the ballot FFS...they have already started mailing them!

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Oh, it’s too late now. The GOP will be carrying this baby to term.

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Loved Michael Steele's reaction on MSNBC: "THIS is where they draw the line????????????" After all the other despicable details that have come out about Robinson, Steele has a good point.

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I’ve never read or heard anywhere that Robinson is or was a pastor. Accuracy?

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I don’t think he’s technically a pastor but he does give crazy sermons nonstop so he practices crazy.

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Isn't it great how the people who say they want slavery back all just assume that THEY would be the owners.

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Yeah, right? Who is he going to own?

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Libs. lol

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Robinson and Trump are cut from the same cloth.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Republican voters of my state, North Carolina, well done. I hope you got what you wanted. You had two other choices, either one had a shot to beat Josh Stein, but you nominated the craziest sumbitch on the ballot, because all you care about is pissing off liberals. And now, we'll have another Democratic governor for the next four years, and you may even cost your cult leader the state and the presidency by dragging him down with this piece of work. Thanks, and I hope it was worth it!

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I don’t know how to interpret your comment.

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Interpret it as one Democrat’s joyous celebration of Republican voters’ insistence on shooting themselves in their own feet.

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There is no bottom for MAGA. This is what victory looks like to the Conservative Entertainment Complex (CEC).

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Thanks for this - I am appreciative of your inside connections!

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Good Lord... this man Robinson sounds exactly like my virulently racist father. Actually, he sounds worse. I find it hard to believe he was ever able to hold a job.

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He barely could. Sounds like the Lt Gov job was one of his longest. And he was a pastor?!

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