Thanks Marc. You've been a particular voice from Florida and will be missed. Be well in all that lies ahead.

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Of course he could. Trump survived and even prospered,

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FL elected Rick Scott the king of Medicare fraud. They'll vote for anyone with an R next to their names.

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Without joy, I predict there will be a President Gaetz before all this is over.

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That you are even debating the issue!!!! Why not just PUT THE TRUTH OUT THERE about Gaetz and call him a wealthy sex pig who has absolutely no respect for women and thinks his shit doesn’t stink! I find the waffling about what will be in the future is pandering to him as if he is sweet and innocent as roses!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG with everyone….Take him down the way he should be for his atrocious behavior when given the privilege of participating in the government of the USA !!! He obviously is rotten to the core and undeserving of holding any public office, PERIOD!!!!! While you are at it you can remind the world that only when a fascist narcissistic socio path pig like TFG would nominate him to serve as the Attorney General of the US….putrid water seeks it’s own level!!!!!

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Wish you success in your new gig Mr Caputo!

I'll miss your seeing the crossbow hanging in the background on your video reports.

Good luck hunting in Trumpland!

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Great article. Best of luck in your new venture and will really miss your work at the Bulwark .

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Republicans have been brainwashed for 30 years by Rush and Fox and now the other outlets to believe that you have every right to analyze any and all issue's strictly on the basis of its immediate financial impact to you. Now that's one of politics most basic appeals and a person and a families most basic reality but its a short cut in leadership and citizenship. They say "I didn't vote for Trump to raise my kids....I voted for him to lower the price of eggs". In some ways Democrats see America as and extended family and local community....Republicans see it as a monopoly game that produces or does not produce individual material gain

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If people are stupid enough to think a president can cause deflation, then they shouldn't be having kids to raise in the first place.

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Sadly, you are right. Nothing is too low for many Americans.

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Godspeed to you, Mark, on your future endeavors.

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He'll go great on Dancing with the Stars

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Best line ever: 'He has portrayed himself, to a degree, as the mythical Icarus who fell to earth after flying too close to the sun—in his case, having possibly snorted it.'

Happy holidays, Marc. I'll miss your commentary and videos. Good luck at Axios and come back to visit!

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I would not be shocked in the least if rapist, junkie, creep Matt Gaetz actually gets a boost in MAGA world out of this damning ethics report. Especially in Florida with its Top Gun wannabe Governor, crank Surgeon General urging parents not to vaccinate their children against preventable diseases like measles that inevitably led to an outbreak of measles, out of control property insurance crisis, worthless Senators who won’t do anything to address climate change or even acknowledge the existence of climate change, and failing public schools where high school students learn that African Americans benefited from slavery.

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"One close ally who talked to Gaetz said the former congressman should take a page from 'The Godfather.'"

It may not be fully understood how much all these people, and none more so than the Next Occupant of the White House himself, desperately want to be mobsters.

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Correction: MAGAtville. You missed the 't'.

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I'm with Marc. Although nobody should be so cynical on December 24th, of course Matt Gaetz has a bright future in MAGAVille. All he has to do is refuse to leave. This is working beautifully IRT for Pete Heghead, who will obviously get his DOD job. For which he must send Joni a bouquet of flowers.

As with Petey, this tactic will open new MAGA vistas for Matt. There won't be enough white-washing time for Florida Ron to put him into Rubio's seat. Which is more fascinating now that first daughter-in-law has cancelled herself here. My bet is we'll see more of Eddie Munster's double, in some future venue. He just needs to take a short tour paddling among the Everglade swamp cypresses before his comeback.

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Re: .."all the hypocrites in the House who have used tax money to cover up their sexual depravity."

MTG has threatened to "out" this alleged depravity too. I say to both her and Gaetz, go for it. The longer you pretend you have some kind of proof without ever producing it, the more we'll know you're completely full of **it.

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Well, MTG does have some general expertise here. Her subcommittee show and tell of Hunter Biden's "sexually explicit" home movies proves her cred. So we can confidently leave this kind of thing up to her.

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