Came late to this Triad, and now I'm weepy. Even the part about watches!

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Jul 28Edited

I am re-watching President Biden in Ballina. He was a completely different person in April 2023. I was holding onto this version of the President from 15 months ago heading into this year's election until Jun 27. It is not the ending he or I was looking for, but history will remember him as the most consequential one-term president, and one who truly puts the country above himself. We now have 101 days to secure his legacy and save ourselves from tyranny.

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I find it so interesting that we took a page from France. Macron was facing slumping approvals, so he took the ultimate gamble to make a coalition against the far right nationalists. They succeeded- and we will too. It takes 40 (!) years for a presidential legacy to play out, and I think that- in the end- he will be viewed like an FDR. What a great man.

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MTG already says Biden is the most accomplished president since FDR (but in her ignorance she thought it was an insult).

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All the LOLZ

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JVL, all of your work on Biden has been excellent. Each piece has touched my heart and captures my feelings about this great president. Thank you.

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JVL thank you for these words which convey the heart of folks like me who honor Joe Biden as a great and honorable Patriot in the truest sense if that word. He loves our country. The greatest act of love is to lay your life down for them. Thank YOU for keeping the faith and stoking ours.

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This is my favourite Triad yet - thank you JVL!

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I'm sure this has been said many times in these comments, but...

Biden's actions here deserve a place in our history books right beside George Washington stepping down after his second term.

So very admirable to see a politician place the greater good of the country above personal ambition.

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As frustrated as I have been with Biden's inability to see his own failings, this brought tears to my eyes. We love you Joe!

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I think Biden has always been poignantly aware of his own failings.

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Biden… what character, what true humility, love for our country and patriotism. 💙❤️🇺🇸 That is how I heard his message as well.

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I agree with everything JVL says about President Biden and think that he 💯 percent deserves to be lauded in this way.

I’d add this opinion: the fact that he struggled with his decision to step aside - and even actively resisted it - doesn’t take anything away from his nobility. It might even add to it. Someone who struggles with his pride in order to come to the right decision has done two difficult and praiseworthy things.

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His struggle just proves that he’s human and is one reason he can identity with us. Thank you so much for pointing this out.

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Thank you so much, JVL. Your Triads both yesterday and today were brilliant and beautiful. We are blessed to have Joe Biden and we are blessed to have The Bulwark.

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President Biden said he would pass the torch when the time came and he did; he balanced integrity and pragmatism in his decision making; his decision is more effective, efficient, and productive because his Intelligence over powered his ambition rather than his ambition over powering his intelligence.

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I love the way you express that. Thank you.

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Thank you JVL. This was beautiful. All the negativity thrown at Biden since the debate has been disheartening to me. Your piece gave Biden the grace and respect he has earned as a good man who truly loves this country. I feel this kindness has been missing in a lot of commentary and I appreciate you.

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Beautiful. You're wrong on Clinton, though I get it. Still, nicely written.

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Mona, Tim, and a few other friends have swayed my view of Biden in the last few weeks. I think he's had some petulant, human moments in all this, a few too many you might argue. But humans must be allowed to be human. And in the end, he did a very hard, very right thing. At the end of the day, I still ascribe to a rather soaring view of Joe Biden, from his decision to run in 2020 until now. If you're gonna give Mike Pence enormous credit for his actions on January 6, I think you owe Joe Biden that in spades (and I know you give both men great credit, JVL, not sure if our resident Biden critics are as consistent).

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Thank you JVL - Based on the follow up webcast by Tim, Mona, Will and Sarah last night (each of whom I respect and adore BTW), I am not sure what speech they were watching… perhaps a double toe loop or triple axel was missing, but Dark Brandon’s speech was fine and, in fact,more than fine. It shouldn’t have been an infomercial for Kamala as some have suggested. It should have been just what it was… a correction of the gross mischaracterizations of the state of the country and a clear statement of the distinct choice that confronts this country in this election… if we are so focused on the degree of orange tint, the less than completely articulate delivery or whatever other technical demerits one can think of, we miss the message… and if we miss this message, good luck America (as somebody says from time-to-time)…

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