I have no idea what Eric E's tweet means.

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Or the fake electors, or the stolen top secret documents, or the election interference, or the possible bribery l/campaign contributions of the Saudis and Egyptians,and Kushner's billions paid 6 months after leaving office.

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I’m studying Italian and just learned a new idiom: arrampicarsi sugli specchi. Literally it means “to climb upon mirrors” but is employed, apparently, to describe to act of justifying the absurd or indefensible.

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<<But the fact is that the unrelenting effort of Trump and his supporters has, as of now, succeeded.>>

"And his supporters" needs to be in bold caps and underlined. If they numbered even 5% fewer, we would not be reading this.

<<It’s telling that nowhere in his article does President Biden mention the name of the person who has been behind the effort to “rewrite—even erase” the history of January 6th.>>

He knows that anyone not in a cult knows how to read between the lines.

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It boggles my mind that Trump has avoided any federal prosecution save for the indictments issued by a grand jury.

A thought, what if Merrick Garland does not release Jack Smith’s report in some form before Trump’s inauguration?

A possible answer, is that there is collusion between the Justice Department, The Donald and Americas oligarch’s to erase Trump’s crimes. The oligarchs have controlled the US government for quite awhile and it would not surprise me if they are the puppeteers of this reality show.

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I think next time we don't leave it to "the court of public opinion".

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It just occurred to me today.

If Trump pardons the felons convicted of seditious conspiracy, he will have given "aid and comfort" to people who have been proven to "have engaged in insurrection or rebellion."

That means he will disqualify himself from holding the office of President, under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. And the only way to overcome that disqualification is a vote of two-thirds of both Houses of Congress.

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History has been re-written many times. That we can’t easily point to livid examples is part of how successful the re-writes have been. We are in the midst of a new re-write. That many of us know better, that we have Truth on our side means next to nothing if the re-writers succeed. And they are succeeding. The GOP concedes. Fox News is participating. Education programs are blocking learning better. Libraries are eliminating contrarian points of view. We essentially eliminated indigenous history. We are eliminating the history of slavery. We are trying to preserve the true Civil War history and we are failing.

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It's only the truth if (mostly) everyone believes.... we no longer have that... on anything.... how do you have democracy when (almost) half the country lives in an alternate universe?? YOU DON'T!


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The WSJ like WaPo is totally useless. They will continue to occasionally hand wring, blame democrats for as much as possible, and completely normalize t***p. I remember Jan 6, I watched, and I hope CNN replays their wonderful documentary tonight, and every Jan 6, for the foreseeable future, if they are allowed and that is a big if. But I have a cousin, she is almost 90, she saw Jan 6 as well but what she saw was Antifa and FBI agents, because that is what trumpville told her she saw.

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A few comments...

1) January 6 is truly a day of shame, especially for those who voted for Trump in 2024. As I always want to ask them – if you don’t consider Trump’s actions around January 6 to be disqualifying, what actions would be?

2) There’s kind of a hierarchy of excuses that the Trumplicants use for January 6:

a) The first level goes like this” “It wasn’t that bad”. Sure a few people went out of control but the overwhelming majority of the protestors were peaceful. They had a right to protest. It’s the people’s house after all. And the cops just sort of let them in. And Democrats always complain about elections that they lose. The only person who died that day was Ashli Babbbitt. It’s been blown way out of proportion.”

b) Second level: “Okay maybe it was that great. But these were patriotic Americans who were protesting an election that was stolen from them.”

c) Third level: “Okay maybe the violence was bad. And maybe the courts did rule against Trump in his election fraud cases. But really it probably wasn’t Trump supporters who were behind the violence. They would never do that. It was almost certainly the CIA or the FBI or Antifa or BLM. And Trump used the word “peacefully” once so he clearly isn’t to blame.”

If the first level doesn’t work (because the video evidence is so damning you have to be pretty out of touch with reality to believe it), the Trump apologists move on to the second one. And so to the third. And these three levels will capture 99.9% of the Trumplicants. Because to not accept one of these means that you have to violate the Prime Directive – nothing is ever Trump’s fault. And they can’t do that.

3) McCarthy might be the specific target in today’s Morning Shots, but let’s not forget the other quisling – Mitch McConnell. He so clearly wanted to be rid of Trump, but he also so clearly wasn’t willing to get his hands dirty to do it for fear of hurting the GOP’s electoral prospects. There is no better example of putting party ahead of country.

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Mitch McConnell is the single politician most responsible for putting t***p in the WH again. He had two chances to stop him, two chances to actually save the GOP and he refused. I am a great fan of "Lucifer" and I am pretty sure in the vernacular of the show I know what Mitch's "hell loop" will be if indeed he does arrive there.

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Unfortunately, the confederation of people who saw J6 for the treasonous travesty that it was failed to convince the average voter that it wasn’t merely the White, Evangelical version of Ferguson or Minneapolis. That’s how most people registered it — another aggrieved group venting their anger. Also, the larger culture cannot perceive the J6 villains in their barbaric fullness because of their demographic makeup. But, it should be remembered that conservative, White, Protestants were the architects of the last disruption of the peaceful transition of power. Who — of the Bulwark — will finally expose this truth in a sustained and efficacious way? Who will show that the religious and political doctrines held by these people are antithetical to republican ideals and have been from Salem to Selma.

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Merrick Garland should be the one to parade the flag of shame for miserably failing to hold the leaders of Jan 6 accountable.

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No one should ever forget the absolutely shameful capitulation of Trump supporters to the J6 violence he incited, enabled, and now tries to memory hole.

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So far no one has addressed the obvious: pardoning terrorist acts sets a precedent that could be used from the pardon date forward, to where attacking government workers and/or buildings will not be held as criminal acts ,

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It is likely to get much worse before it gets any better as the craven opportunists fall in line with Project 2025 goals. Yay.

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