Bill, Andrew and Sam have the unenviable task of trying to keep up with the firehose stream of “loathsomeness” (Charlie Syke’s word) issuing daily from the Trump campaign.

Clearly the MSM has not been up to the task. Looking at you, NY Times!

I assume broadcast TV news has also shrunk from the demands this movement requires, though - truth be told - I don’t watch TV, so I may be wrong about that.

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The values and behavior of the Trump/Vance campaign are the exact opposite of Jesus', and it's infuriating that they appeal to so many Christians. I haven't read it all; maybe there's a part in the bible where Jesus pulls a Costanza later in life - decides it "isn't working" and starts doing the opposite.

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Bill, how would a Dubya endorsement assist Harris? Her voters *despise* that man! They remember Iraq and the war on gay rights and the 2008 crash he oversaw. Same with John Bolton!

Why on earth would Harris give air to some of the people the democratic rank and file hate with a visceral energy? Don't you remember how people turned on Ellen just for palling around with W? It already dissatisfied a good number of dem voters that she accepted the Cheney endorsement. You've got to remember there are Democrats voting in this election, too.

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You ask: "Bill, how would a Dubya endorsement assist Harris? Her voters *despise* that man!"

It would help because many Republicans still admire Dubya. The appeal is not to Harris' Democratic party supporters, but to old school Republicans. You know, squishes. RINO.

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Trump suggests that "One rough hour - and I mean real rough" would end crime "immediately." DC, New York, Georgia and Florida courts, are you listening?

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Hope those people who lost everything in the flood had the foresight to grab their acceptable form of voter ID: https://democracync.org/take-action/legislative-advocacy/north-carolinas-voter-id-law/

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One problem with making the election about foreign policy: In the past elections you cite, foreign policy was important either because Americans felt themselves directly threatened by foreign powers or because large numbers of Americans were engaged in combat abroad. In other words, American engagement with the world was *itself* an "America First" strategy. For too many people, it no longer is.

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44 mins ago·edited 40 mins ago

Time for Choosing

About fifty percent of the national electorate is either gung ho for or at the very least ambivalent of American dictatorship. It's a fact. This is what the great experiment has come to for them. Democracy is the weak and moldy past. Totalitarianism is the vigorous and masculine future. That is the malignant choice of MAGA/GOP.

PS "Trump heading to Georgia to help with relief"

This is a joke. Right?

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The darker-than-usual rhetoric from the Kool-aid haired Trump is a sure sign that he is running scared. He knows he is not going to win and he is desperate.

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Thank you Bill for calling out people who worked either for or with Trump and who now should speak out loudly and clearly in support of Harris. Most of them have already said they find Trump unfit for the presidency. They should take the next step and publicly state that they will vote for Kamala Harris and urge others to follow suit. Liz Cheney deserves enormous respect for her courage in taking that stance early. It is easier to be brave if you have company, and Ms. Cheney stood alone for far too long among Republicans and other conservatives. Since then, many others have spoken out in support of Harris. It's time the people Bill mentions to do so as well. All of them have held positions of power in government. With power comes responsibility to act when you see someone like Trump threatening our Democracy. Get on it, people.

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The Harris Walz Campaign is looking Republican women who are planning to vote for Harris, but who are married to Trump voters. Please reach out to me if you want to talk to them!

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I would think a divorce attorney referral would be appreciated.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

I wouldn't say Trump is going to Georgia to "help." He wants a photo op. And he'll mostly suck resources away from cleanup efforts because he needs enhanced security after one guy took potshots at him and another lurked in the bushes waiting to try.

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CAn anyone tell me ONE other Western country that embraces the lunatic "We believe in demons! Demons are destroying the world!" in it's political ethos? Germany? Denmark? Australia? Any one?

I don't think even in China that's their political take on their "enemies."

How on earth did America get that way? Or has it always been like this? Are the Salem Witch Trials still

influencing the way we vote?

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We've always been this way. We are the most religious Western country, and that means some of our religious people are nutters. (I suppose other countries have nutters with different types of delusions. Also grifters. But this stuff works here because religion provides such fertile ground. I say this not to bash religion - I am active in a church - but by way of explanation).

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To its credit, please check out Kurt Streeter’s article “Outcry Over a City’s Welcome Mat to Refugees” on the front page of today’s NY Times. I wish more papers would carry this article about what’s happening in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Thank you, NY Times.

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Eau Claire? That's a French name, isn't it? Probably from the French trappers who moved in before the Europeans. . .

Wonder what the Sioux and Ojibwe, who were there first, called it. . .

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Finally, Jeff Flake, Thank You. Now, Where's Corker and John Boehner and Paul Ryan? McConnell I think sold his soul and the deal is not to be renegotiated. GW Bush?? Grow a pair.

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Who needs 'em? I can't imagine any one of them would have much influence over any voters.

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Unfortunately, Susan, the old saw, "Every vote counts," is still a valid statement.

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Surely, you recognize that the world has become unstable , violent, and dangerous during the Biden years? Also, during the Biden years, we have been invaded by illegal aliens, 400,000 of which are criminals, just as Trump has tried to explain, and which you have consistently mocked.

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troll alert🙄

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I'm a fan of dead pan humor. The problem is that there are so many people who believe this very thing, so the sarcasm isn't obvious.

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Ruse (rooz) n. An action intended to deceive someone; a trick.

You, sir, are a victim of your assumptions and beliefs. I say "assumptions and beliefs" because facts they are most definitely not. I'd like to say I feel sorry for you, but a liar I am not.

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Did I miss the sarcasm sign?

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Sadly, no.

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It must be awful to live your life in fear! You can't be Christian because Jesus said to love your enemies. Perhaps getting involved in a Church and learning more about loving your neighbor would give you more peace of mind. Trade your dark vision for one of light and understanding.

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Great. Then why did Trump kill the immigration bill that would have addressed this problem? He did it because he wanted to campaign on the issue. He put his own selfish interest ahead of what was best for the American people.

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Austin - the values apparent in your self-proclaimed Catholicism aren't familiar to me. I'm grateful that in my area, Catholic Charities leads the way in serving our neighbors. Your view of this world also is more dystopian than mine. I hope for you that your faith might bring you more security in God's love.

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To be fair, most of us Catholics do care about immigrants and aren't Trumpers. Polls show Catholics support Harris over Trump.

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Austin - I am so sorry for you - you are voluntarily swimming in a cess pit of misinformation.

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Or we could just say, "specifics + evidence or buzz off." That would work too ;)

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You don’t read the papers?

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There is no shame, nuance, or subtlety. The Republican Party is the white, Christian, nationalist supremacy party and nothing more.

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