I am the worst strategist for anything interesting or important, though I can pack a mean trunk for camping. I did have 2 ideas for Joe months ago. One was that as he declared, he invite Dems to campaign along with Kamala, so "America could choose the candidate that would be his running mate and possible successor." And two, that he own …
I am the worst strategist for anything interesting or important, though I can pack a mean trunk for camping. I did have 2 ideas for Joe months ago. One was that as he declared, he invite Dems to campaign along with Kamala, so "America could choose the candidate that would be his running mate and possible successor." And two, that he own his oldness; mention it and joke about it during every noncrisis speech or interview. That is the only way to make people more comfortable with it.
Today, all I can think of (besides good Presidenting) is touting his moderate decisions whenever possible, and contrasting them with Trump. "We must support Democracy abroad, as it staves off accumulation of authoritarian power. If you have Trump, he will let Putin & China divvy up all the places they want power and then they will band together against the United States. Meanwhile, America will be crying about the 2020 election and kissing our own democracy goodbye." (not a speechwriter either ;))
You should give yourself more credit for campaign strategy.They are good ideas.An occasional joke about his age maybe all right.(but don't go overboard with that).
Actually, I like Harris. But BEFORE he declared himself plus her, he could have stated he wants her, trusts her, etc, but let's let voters have a say. (We all like to express our opinion for President if nothing else about governance.) That would also appeal to anti Trumpers that seem to already dislike her. We would have seen Kamala debate a couple candidates, and she would have either emerged a reconfirmed choice, or someone else may have emerged. Either way, we would have some data and interest and perhaps a backup plan for Joes death which we all need to acknowledge can happen any day. People certainly die even if they have no current health crises.
I am the worst strategist for anything interesting or important, though I can pack a mean trunk for camping. I did have 2 ideas for Joe months ago. One was that as he declared, he invite Dems to campaign along with Kamala, so "America could choose the candidate that would be his running mate and possible successor." And two, that he own his oldness; mention it and joke about it during every noncrisis speech or interview. That is the only way to make people more comfortable with it.
Today, all I can think of (besides good Presidenting) is touting his moderate decisions whenever possible, and contrasting them with Trump. "We must support Democracy abroad, as it staves off accumulation of authoritarian power. If you have Trump, he will let Putin & China divvy up all the places they want power and then they will band together against the United States. Meanwhile, America will be crying about the 2020 election and kissing our own democracy goodbye." (not a speechwriter either ;))
I like this idea, open it with the Cornucopia bloodbath as befit all Hunger Games.
You should give yourself more credit for campaign strategy.They are good ideas.An occasional joke about his age maybe all right.(but don't go overboard with that).
"I am the worst strategist for anything interesting or important..."
Well, at least you got that part right.
Give me more if it makes a diff in your life...
My apology for being snarky, Carolyn. It was a bad day that had left me in a mood.
And have them choose if they want to hang Harris or not, get some of that Republican crossover vote.
Actually, I like Harris. But BEFORE he declared himself plus her, he could have stated he wants her, trusts her, etc, but let's let voters have a say. (We all like to express our opinion for President if nothing else about governance.) That would also appeal to anti Trumpers that seem to already dislike her. We would have seen Kamala debate a couple candidates, and she would have either emerged a reconfirmed choice, or someone else may have emerged. Either way, we would have some data and interest and perhaps a backup plan for Joes death which we all need to acknowledge can happen any day. People certainly die even if they have no current health crises.
This also might have given the media something to do besides ask Repubs who won the 2020 election.
Who would ever ask the voters who they want as V.P.? A weakling, a loser and the press would know it.
prob none, but we've also never had a candidate ask if it's time for a nap while speaking with the press.
This one is 3 minutes and you should watch. He wants to go to bed at 1:37
He's done it a couple times. I love Joe, but it is disturbing.