Thank you for your questions and for this rare example of someone actually willing to listen to the other side. Let me see if I can answer them.
I think Biden is doing fine, and I would never vote for Trump. For me personally, that's not the issue here -- but for many people it is, and I honestly think the only way to reach them is to tal…
Thank you for your questions and for this rare example of someone actually willing to listen to the other side. Let me see if I can answer them.
I think Biden is doing fine, and I would never vote for Trump. For me personally, that's not the issue here -- but for many people it is, and I honestly think the only way to reach them is to talk to them like you just did. I despair that more people are not doing that.
What is pushing me away from the left are the many examples I am seeing, including in this thread, of intolerance, rigidity, disdain for others, blind, "let them eat cake"-level oblivion to other people's feelings and circumstances ... and apparent inability to see that this is /not/ a seminar room, we are /not/ about to get patted on the head by some cosmic professor for our clever analysis, and it doesn't matter a whit how tired or exasperated we are. Remember how when this all started we used to solemnly intone to each other, "Nobody is coming to rescue us"? It's still true. And we won't rescue ourselves by dissing the opposition. (I mean, go after the leadership creeps as much as you want, but not the rank and file, it's obviously self-defeating.)
You said, "I just think you have a perspective on this issue I don't and would be interested to hear what you think."
Thank you for sharing. I can see how that message is coming across. I wonder if that message is from the "rank and file"? Those who have a platform aren't always speaking on behalf of anyone but themselves and their friends. The rank and file don't have this platform. When Rank and File expresses themselves directly as you have,dialogue works well.
I learned something from your post.
When one uses a leader as ones stand in, and someone is critical of that leader it's slightly incorrect to say "you are being mean to me". No i am being mean to that leader. You picked your avatar!
I find It's difficult to paint any group with a broad brush and it's equally challenging to find ones "tribe". That's why I personally focus more locally when it comes to finding a group...whether that's the city I live or the orgs I join. There is only so much synergy I can have with a wide groups like "left", "right", etc.
Thank you for your questions and for this rare example of someone actually willing to listen to the other side. Let me see if I can answer them.
I think Biden is doing fine, and I would never vote for Trump. For me personally, that's not the issue here -- but for many people it is, and I honestly think the only way to reach them is to talk to them like you just did. I despair that more people are not doing that.
What is pushing me away from the left are the many examples I am seeing, including in this thread, of intolerance, rigidity, disdain for others, blind, "let them eat cake"-level oblivion to other people's feelings and circumstances ... and apparent inability to see that this is /not/ a seminar room, we are /not/ about to get patted on the head by some cosmic professor for our clever analysis, and it doesn't matter a whit how tired or exasperated we are. Remember how when this all started we used to solemnly intone to each other, "Nobody is coming to rescue us"? It's still true. And we won't rescue ourselves by dissing the opposition. (I mean, go after the leadership creeps as much as you want, but not the rank and file, it's obviously self-defeating.)
You said, "I just think you have a perspective on this issue I don't and would be interested to hear what you think."
I say, ^^THIS^^
Thank you for sharing. I can see how that message is coming across. I wonder if that message is from the "rank and file"? Those who have a platform aren't always speaking on behalf of anyone but themselves and their friends. The rank and file don't have this platform. When Rank and File expresses themselves directly as you have,dialogue works well.
I learned something from your post.
When one uses a leader as ones stand in, and someone is critical of that leader it's slightly incorrect to say "you are being mean to me". No i am being mean to that leader. You picked your avatar!
I find It's difficult to paint any group with a broad brush and it's equally challenging to find ones "tribe". That's why I personally focus more locally when it comes to finding a group...whether that's the city I live or the orgs I join. There is only so much synergy I can have with a wide groups like "left", "right", etc.