I can't wait for the day we can all look back on this and think "how could that aberration have happened, good thing it is over"

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Nobody took Hitler or Mussolini seriously at first. Just like none of us took Trump seriously at first. Now he’s back, breaking laws, openly defying judges, and trying to erase history. Anybody see a pattern?

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A comment I've seen a few times when people liken the current situation over in the USA with 1930's Germany, is that it can't happen in America because Trump doesn't have his own 'army'. I disagree with this completely, much to the dismay of many of my American friends.

Hitler's Sturmabteilung (Storm Troopers) were not much different to your various militias, except in the fact that they were under one banner. They were made up of disaffected WW1 veterans, many unemployed and the majority struggling financially under Germany's terrible economy at the time (caused by the recall of American loans after the Wall St crash). America's economy was the opposite to 30's Germany as Trump moved towards his second term, but it didn't HAVE to be bad, he just had to constantly say that it was for his cult to believe him. The best lies have a kernel of truth, the people Trump was appealing to didn't feel a great economy day to day. Does anyone really believe that Trump doesn't have his own army, especially after he proved with the Jan 6th pardons that he has their backs if they fight for him?

Hitler failed in trying to take the government by force (November 8th 1923) as did Trump on Jan 6th 2021. Hitler made great inroads in gaining voters from the working class, preying on their fears about affordability, employment, immigrants, etc. He promised to cut prices, create jobs and kick out the foreigners leeching off the German people, and to make Germany strong again (we are still talking about Hitler here). You know how the story goes after that, but there is one thing that many people forget. The Holocaust was a horrendous example of the worst that mankind can be, but it was not just the Jewish people that suffered.

In mid 1933 the Nazi's targetted those with physical or mental disabilities (including addictions like alcholism) with the "Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring". This involved the compulsory sterilisation of hundreds of thousands of people, and then they moved on to killing. Then they went after gypsies, blacks, LGB+ and anyone they considered to be non-Aryan, which of course included the Jewish peoples of Europe.

Do I think Trump would go that far? To be quite frank I don't think he cares one way or the other, it's all about power and money to him. I have no confidence whatsoever in the people he surrounds himself with, many of whom are proven racists and some that appear to have Master Race thinking in their plans (that's what white supremecy is). MAGA may not go as far as the Nazis, and I certainly hope they don't - but hope doesn't stop bad things from happening.

I watch on as America's corporations & media organisations take the knee, I listen as politicians who yesterday spoke loudly about their principles who now hold the opposite view. I notice the empty void where former Presidents should be standing as one, denouncing what is happening. Clinton, Bush, Obama & Biden - you all seem to have forgotten the oath you swore to the American people. As Tim has rightly pointed out where are the Genocide Joe protesters when the current POTUS talks about the ethnic cleansing of GAZA, or are they taking the knee like MSNBC who removed the hosts who talked about Palestine too much for the network's liking,

Look out for your neighbours and your local community in the times that come. Do not trust that norms will hold, that laws will stop things or the rulings of judges will be obeyed. Place no hope in the current Democrat leadership, as Schumer, Pelosi and the rest of her old guard act like it's 1999 and flog books instead of fight. Jeffries may have a good heart, but he needs Crockett & AOC standing beside him smacking him upside the head whenever he talks about working with MAGA lol. There are some Dems that want to fight, so give them support when you can. Keep your neighbourhood strong, and then your state. Look after one another and remember the strength of people fighting together. Remember these words below, because they really describe how bad things can happen before you know it.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

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"In other words, Joe Biden did not sign them but, more importantly, he did not know anything about them! The necessary Pardoning Documents were not explained to, or approved by, Biden. He knew nothing about them, and the people that did may have committed a crime. Therefore, those on the Unselect Committee, who destroyed and deleted ALL evidence obtained during their two year Witch Hunt of me, and many other innocent people, should fully understand that they are subject to Investigation at the highest level. The fact is, they were probably responsible for the Documents that were signed on their behalf without the knowledge or consent of the Worst President in the History of our Country, Crooked Joe Biden!"

This is yet another remarkably brazen performance from Donald Trump,. the 21st century master of the art of the big lie. THIS is why Trump is running rings around Democratic politicians. Trump's people believe only him and those in his orbit. Trump has instructed his base not to believe the mainstream media organizations or their employees. Furthermore, the hatred Trump has instilledin his followers against Democrats generally and, more recently, specific individuals, will keep his base in line even when Trump's incompetence begins hurting them financially.

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We have got to fight for the role of law if we lose that it is game over or the second amendment kicks in

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“A turducken of lunatic conspiracy theories.” Now that’s writing. 🤌

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Let me be the first to ask. Should we be buying guns?

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You’re talking about just the kind of thing that Trump would love, because then he could justify deploying the army or the National Guard.

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I had to look up turducken but my wife knew what it was. What a metaphor. A first I'm sure to use in a political post.

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"One trusts that the United States isn’t going to go the way of Germany in the last century."

Considering what's happened in just two months and what Trump's set up, including a Secretary of Defense who is prepared to set the military on the people, why isn't the possibility of going "the way of Germany in the last century" something that needs to be faced?

My question is a serious one. I don't have Bill's knowledge or experience, so I'm willing to accept that my question is a silly one.

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I wish I had Bill's optimism to trust that we are not going the way of 1930's Germany, but I think all signs say we absolutely are going that way.

If the Executive Branch ignores the orders of the Judicial Branch, and the Judicial Branch has no way to hold the Executive Branch accountable for violating their rulings; And the Executive Branch ignores the laws of the Legislative Branch, instead making up its own rules and rulings by decree alone; And the Legislative Branch refuses to use its tools to force the Executive Branch to obey the law or impeach that executive, then do we still have a functioning republic at all? I think the answer has to be no.

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The only question is when will someone be brave enough to stop him. Democracy is being destroyed in plain sight and very few, save for those paying attention, realize it. This administration is brazenly breaking laws and trashing the Constitution and many in congress are ignoring it. It's despicable and disgusting and it needs to stop.

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“Someone” won’t. Looking and waiting for a savior is a sure path to our demise. Stopping him is going to involve something of a coalition of strange bedfellows who are willing to put aside all differences and instead unite around a single cause: defending democracy. Unfortunately decades of extreme individualism and selfishness has put Americans at a distinct disadvantage to rise to the challenge. We are more atomized and splintered than ever, each living in our own individual reality. We have become completely unpracticed at coming together, organizing, mobilizing, and sacrificing. We do not know how to cooperate with each other for the greater good, as Covid revealed. So it will not be easy, and it will take time…time that we likely don’t have, if I’m being honest.

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I have to wonder if these guys like Carlson have any recognition of the ultimate doom they are hurling themselves into.

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Wow, Eggar..."a turducken of lunatic conspiracy theories." Masterful.

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Bill, your opening reminds me of something Lewis Black said in his set here in Sarasota last week. Both his parents lived well past 100 and he said their secret to longevity was, "They didn't do a fucking thing! And so, they didn't prematurely spend their precious life energy. All you exercisers are fucked!" Of course, they way he says it is just so.

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"Just a ripple on the pond, but when there are enough ripples there will be a tsunami.”

...our STANDING UP FOR AMERICA AS WE KNEW IT group asked our Congressman to do his job...will he? We'll see


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That's not how tsunamis work.

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Unless the law has changed since I defended someone who committed an offense on an American plane, those planes flying anywhere in the world are a piece of America; and so, it would seem, be subject to the order of the court to return to the United States.

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I looked at your bio. You are a retired judge! What happens when Court Orders are meaningless? Who enforces a Court Order against the White House? It reminds me of when Covid shut down our Superior Court and no cases could be filed. There was just...no law for a while....this is what it feels like...we are free falling with no law for while.

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You are right about the uncertainty of where we are and how the executive branch seems to be respkndjng. We will have to see what the judge does, but his enforcement comes through the U.S. Marshall's Office that is in the executive branch of the federal government or possibly some direction to non governmental entities that could impact the government. He could hold the attorney in front of him in contempt and give him or her time to correct the non compliance. No easy answers.

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US Marshalls report to DOJ - do you think they will support court order enforcement? Ain’t gonna happen.

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Especially after they are purged of anyone who might disagree.

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The AG told them all that their job is to "fight for Trump."

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