Quick question, Charles; historically, who are the true and real and original "native Americans"?

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Just one point about immigrants and innovation in the US. Many top Ph.D.'s in engineering and the sciences are foreign-born or the children of immigrants. If we cut off that pipeline, US inventiveness and innovation, which has been a major source of our economic growth, would suffer substantially.

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Apologies for the off topic comment, but I do sincerely hope one of the journalists on The Bulwark conduct some investigation into DeSantis 'big government' authority in terms of stripping localities from local rule as well as the news out of Texas today where the state passed a bill also stripping local governments of local control. This runs exactly contrary to the platforms Repubs/conservatives traditionally advocated for. It would be funny, if it wasn't so sad (and scary).

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Fox News hosts joined in the pile-on, insisting that no way was America a racist country and that it was, in fact, the “least racist country in the world.”

Pardon an education lacking in details, but I do recall an intramural debate or something like that called the American Civil War. I also once heard the South argued on the side of slavery but got really, really mad and shot up the place to "preserve our way of life." As in, you know, white supremacists owning human slaves. But I could be all wrong about this. Sometimes I don't remember things very well.

Sort of like FOX and white supremacists of the GOP ilk. On purpose.

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PS" But as conservatives once understood, ideas have consequences; and poisonous rhetoric can have deadly results."

It's awful to say, but it sure looks like deadly white racial violence is the point. It is the hoped for outcome I think it's even dog whistled in the GOP corporate mission statement.

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Worrying but very enlightening articles. Thank you.

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I was just wondering what was going on with Rudy lately, and voilá! Giuliani is what Trump would’ve been with liquor and a law license.

Hopefully more people will realize, like that assistant, that you do not have to take it.

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Re: Tee-totaler Trump. It might have been Dean Martin but I'm pretty sure it was Frank Sinatra who said, "I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that's the best they're gonna feel all day." WC Fields: "Never trust a man who doesn't drink."

Both of these, combined with the fact that Trump hates dogs...well, I think that makes Trump's asshole bona fides an open and shut case.

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Trump’s a survivor. He’s a tee-totaler because he saw his brother die young of a heart attack brought on by alcoholism. That’s understandable. As to the dog hating, dogs are pretty good judges of character, and long ago one of them may’ em let him know what he thought of Trump. That, and he’s a fastidious neat freak. Either way, I don’t trust anyone who hates dogs.

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That would be the brother whose daughter Mary was cheated out of any fair portion of the estate left by her grandfather. Which is not saying that the family fortune was not tainted in its accumulation.

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Yup. Money is money.

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“ the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate, the voters now casting ballots, with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World.”

I dunno. One of the constant worries in Democratic circles is the number of Latin voters who supported Trump in 2020. Lots of digital ink has been spilled on this question. OBEDIENT?? Where’d they get that idea??

On the other hand, Trump says something stupid and MAGA rises as one to salute.

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Tucker Carlson asks: "Do you get along better with your neighbors, your co-workers if you can’t understand each other or share no common values? Please be honest as you answer this question."

My honest answer: Unfortunately no, when my neighbors and co-workers are MAGA Republicans. We have no common values. So I don't get along with them.

It used to be that Americans all had some common values, such as respect for the Constitution and democracy. Even when your neighbors spoke a different language or were of a different race, you knew you had something in common. I miss those days. In that sense, Carlson makes a good point, but not the point he meant to make.

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It is hilarious how rapidly the Right jumps all over any statement about racism or gets upset over talk about institutional racism... because they resemble that remark AND they know it.

As the saying goes: methinks thou dost protest too much. My apologies to Shakespeare for the generalized paraphrase.

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"America is the least-racist country in the world!" Riiight. Let's talk once your whole country can admit that the Civil War was about slavery.

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The right wing is projecting their own feelings and motivations on to Biden. They have neatly categorized the country into the groups that are good (white Christian republicans) and bad (people of color and their fellow traveler democrats). This was no more apparent than the reaction of the right to the killing of Jordan Neely in New York. Obviously Mr. Neely was "bad" because of his color and his state of homelessness therefore it was perfectly acceptable for the "good" Mr. Daniels to dispatch him. I make no judgement of Mr. Daniels here, that is for the law to do. However IF their roles had been reversed and say Mr. Neely was minding his own business and Mr. Daniels experienced a mental health crisis, maybe PTSD triggered flashbacks, and Mr. Neely felt it necessary to subdue him and that resulted in Mr. Daniels death, what do you think the reaction would be?

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What would the reaction be if skin color had been the reverse of what it was? In the first place, the black-skinned restrainer would still be in jail and there would be no $1M (and swelling) fund raised for his defense, and "conservative" media would be hair-on-fire demanding immediate execution of black man. Any "fair trial" can wait.

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nearly half of all Republicans believe that there is a plot to “replace” native-born Americans with immigrants...

Interesting poll: Do these people not realize that already happened when the indigenous (a.k.a. Native American) population declined - and declined substantially - after the arrival of Europeans in the Americas?

But, hey, who needs history?

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Most of them don't even know their family history! They were all sprung from pure, unadulterated American soil.

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Native Americans are the true “Legacy Americans.” Everyone else came from somewhere else.

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Point taken. But you do know that Native Americans also came from somewhere else some 20,000 years ago? :-)

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And I'd like to know where they were on the night the sabre tooth tiger and wooly mammoth went missing. Can anyone vouch for their whereabouts?

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Watching a few "Ice Age" movies? :-)

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Been a while on those, so not what I was thinking, but I like the connection.

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Regarding Biden's speech on White Supremacy, methinks the GOP doth protest too much.

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I think they all think he is talking about them because they all are guilty of the thoughts he attributed to White Nationalists.

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when our default right now as Americans is to want to love each other, want to work together, want to be together.”

Apparently she wasn't listening to the t**** rally when people were laughing about sexual assault, or where rally goers ask "when can we just start killing democrats". Really?

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Joe Biden's speech was truth. Everyday we awake to a new attack from white nationalists wrapped in MAGA Republican clothes. Trump is deranged. He spews hate and cruelty on a daily basis. DeSantis bans books and tightens an iron fist around academia. The Holocaust is banned. The LGBTQ community is banned. A teacher is being investigated, INVESTIGATED, for showing a Disney movie with a gay character! In Texas, migrants are being bussed out of state. I expect box cars any minute. Carlson called migrants "dirty" just like Nazis called Jews dirty. The Right threw a hissy fit because Biden kicked their ant hill and they went crazy. The Right doesn't even hide their agenda anymore. They are the book banning goose steppers of today. God bless Biden for calling it out.

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I think Biden might have pulled back to 32,000 feet and defined this atmosphere, in which racism and ethnocentrism are parts, as our greatest threat. Terrorism brings certain things to mind and narrows the definition. It’s the wrong word. This is an atmosphere of people unwilling to compromise, live amongst each other or stand for ethics. Violence is the fallback. Racism is one element but so is Christian nationalism, misogyny, demographic decline, opioid addiction, cultural isolation, and depression. It’s a mess that needs a bigger box than racism.

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Yes. Racism is so...what’s the word I’m looking for?...Oh yeah, “triggering.” Maybe what they want is some kind of trigger warning. The only triggers they find acceptable are the triggers attached to guns.

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