Loved Bill Kristol’s segment.

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Bill, if you are going to write inside the mind of Trump pieces, you have to have to write like he speaks. He does not have cogent thoughts constructed in full sentences. You make him sound downright normal, when he is barely able to string sentences together and warps words like a toddler. He doesn't think about being 0.8 points ahead, it is up or down - MAGA is nothing else if not very binary in its thinking.

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"The operation came with a cost, reportedly resulting in the death of hundreds of Gazans. Some of them knew about the hostages; others likely didn’t."

I found this line incredibly jolting, and I'm not sure how to process it.

Hundreds of Gazans were killed in an operation that resulted in the rescue of 4 hostages. And how many Hamas terrorists were killed in this "daring, unconventional, and heroic" raid?

Other stories I've checked give no indication of Hamas deaths, and say the militant status of the Gazans is undetermined.

It seems like this should be more than a casual aside.

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I've gotta say, I'm with Bill (and Sarah) regarding the Biden campaign's messaging to date. Currently, we have the moral and legal arguments on our side and NOW is the time to shout that message (from either Biden or a surrogate). This campaign seems a bit too passive for my comfort and frankly, I'm worried.

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Has the National Guard been prepped to fight Americans on American soil?

Are they prepared for the small overtaking of state capitals that will start it? Have they been forced yet to re-take their oath to uphold the Constitution, "against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC?"

There are militias openly recruiting on social media! Is anyone calling for them to be "well regulated"?

What do you think Micheal Flynn has been doing on his Re-Awaken tour? We see his public face, but who does he meet with in private in all these places? He is prepping and recruiting "God's Army".

Is he under FISA surveillance??

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Now we can officially say that Trump jumped the shark.

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He's right. He will pull out of the debate, and he won’t pay a price. So why should he risk it, even though, of course, he can only ace it.

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Trump is insane. Recognise it or pay an horrific price,

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I don't think Trump can think in such big beautiful words.

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See I don't understand why the media is all in on Trummp. When he won over Hillary, she had about 2.9 million more votes. Biden won about 6 million more votes. Doesn't the media (CNN NYT network tv) tealize they are going piss off all those voters? That can't logically be doing this to get ratings. Even Fox which has more viewers, (I really believe because it plays in waiting rooms and airports) and usually the sound is off. So why do they think this is what viewers want?

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They don't care what viewers want, they care what they (their owner(s)) want. The owners are wealthy and would probably like the tax cuts and not to be shut down by Trump (because they figure he is more likely to win than Biden, especially with the help they have given him). A Trump Administration would be more profitable, overall, to them than a second Biden administration, regardless of what their AUDIENCE wants. I am sure that revenues are down in the post-Trump era for these guys.

Besides, most of their audience doesn't even really know what they want--other than some entertainment... and Trump is certainly more entertaining.

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That is so true. They remember he was a game show host. It reminds me of the Truman Show. If he is a good guy on TV they'll vote for him. This is evidence that people believe .are up Tzv shows more than real life because it's entertaining.

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After reading the part about "Reading Trump's Mind" I felt a strong need to inject bleach into my brain. And follow it up with ultraviolet light to finish things off...

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Thank you AB for your article. I often have to force myself to read your articles. Not that they are bad but like eating broccoli I have to force myself to do something I know is good for me. This one gave me some hope. And Rubio's quote was just despicable. “Our current President is a demented man propped up by wicked & deranged people willing to destroy our country to remain in power.” That is why suggesting Joe take an "acuity test" is such an awful idea. Nothing will satisfy these liars. MAGA is unified but there are enough anti-MAGA to win in November if we can somehow stick together. Joe passed the only acuity test I care about in his Normandy speech. And Trump failed the only acuity test I care about when he told Dr Phil that he won two presidential elections. He needs professional help. Did you here the one about the shark and the electric boat? Now that is failing an acuity test.

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"Reading Trump's Mind" left me conflicted as whether to laugh or cry.

A few months ago David Frum crafted the analogy of the GOP playing rugby and the Dems are plating cricket... on the same field. The Dems are wondering why the GOP are winning, when they clearly aren't following the rules and are never penalized.

Who is running the Biden campaign?

Where are the hard hitting surrogates?

Why haven't invitations to never Trumpers and even wavering Trumpers been extended?

The clock is ticking and the Dems seem to be doing 2016 all over again

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Excellent monologue from Trump, but I never knew he could think beyond Me me me.

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Bill has done a brilliant job of getting inside Trump's head, but the bigger problem is how the minds of his supporters work. Here's a statement he made to the crowd at his rally in Las Vegas this past weekend,

"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'"

Trump supporters' minds are such that they think it's funny when he tells them, to their face, that he doesn't care about them.

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Bill, keep those Trump stream of consciousness posts coming! They are spot on and are entertaining if a bit alarming.

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How about Bill just uses the Snake's actual posts? Given today's state of mind, parody/satire just doesn't work. People who don't know think ALL of the Snake's posts are jokes instead of what he actually believes or will do if he's back in office. That's been the problem since 2016 - people give him a pass - "he doesn't mean it" or "he's joking".

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Bill, thank you for reading trump's mind so insightfully. I hope the Biden campaign is reading you reading trump's mind. Please keep doing it.

The Biden campaign is looking frighteningly like the administration's approach to Ukraine: too little, too late. It's not working against the Russians, and it's not working against trump. The result is stalemate on both fronts, with potentially catastrophic consequences if stronger steps are not taken soon.

Unshackling Ukraine's self-defense would help rally Europe to the side of democracy in the face of rapidly rising far-right ethno-nationalism. Ceremonies and speeches are not doing the job. Tell the American people what will happen to their Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and access to affordable health insurance if Russ Vought holds the purse strings in a trump administration. Tell them what trump's promised tariff spree will do to the economy and their 401Ks. If Biden can't do it, deploy surrogates en masse who can--especially ex-Republicans.

Take off the gloves, Joe. We're in the late rounds of the fight.

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"Too little, little late" seems to be Biden's approach to everything.

He did the exact same thing on the Immigration issue. Waited for 3 years & 6 months before finally doing something, when it was far too late to help him politically.

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