
Do any of those worshipers of the divine sign that "He" saved TFG ever wonder why "He" did not think it necessary to save the father who was protecting is family (not being buried under a phalanx of agents), or the two other attendees who were wounded? And any bets that that "bandage" is a folded piece of gauge that sliips on and off whenever he is not in the public eye?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Yes. And why is Ronny Jackson the only doctor who Trump will let change the "bandage" and talk about his injury?

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Because Ronny drank the Kool Aid.

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There are finally questions being raised that there have no official medical reports on HIS condition - Ronny -"Trump will live to be 200" - doesn't count. Nothing from hospitals, nothing from ambulances, zip, nada. There is one close-up of him showing his ear as he was surrounded by agents.

So, when was his last physical and psychological examination?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Good questions, Eva, but destined for the dust bin of history since CFT has no interest in doing anything that could negatively impact his martyr pose: "See, I always told you I was a victim! Here is the bandage to prove it!!" The only thing left is for him to preserve that piece of gauze as if it were the Shroud of Turin, and then sell small pieces of gauze as souvenirs "worn for ten minutes on the right ear of TCO (The Chosen One)". The rubes would eat it up, especially when he puts a drop of blood on each one (not his, but a pig, or rat, or other animal).

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This acronym..CFT ...keeps coming , I must have missed the memo and I googled and couldn't find it's definition, I know it refers to Trump, but what does the C & F mean?

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Angie, try "Convicted Felon"....

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Thank you David, I tried all kinds of things and that never occurred to me...lol

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Yes, like pieces of the True Cross. Then there should be too some annual miracle on the level of boiling vials of blood... .

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As long as his blood is still in his veins, boil away.

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I don't know about right now, but for days media like the NYT and NBC were reporting that "Trump says" he was shot for exactly these reasons.

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CFT "says" a lot of bovine excrement which MSM dutifully regurgitates as if it were the gospel, directly from the Mount "... because he is an important public figure, former President as well as repeat candidate. A "critical" press is not what WE are, that kind of journalism is for Faux News" and other similar horse pucky.

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They are critical press when interviewing Biden, asking him the same question over and over and over and over again. They never seem to remember that question when interviewing Trump tho.

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He never lets them get a word in edgewise and they don't interrupt him because they want to be polite.

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What I got was that the "says" was like scorn quotation marks.

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Oh. It matters where those quotation marks were placed, before or after Trump. Your first post had the two words inside the marks which I did not see as scorn. Putting them only around "says" makes it crystal clear what the reporter thinks of the value and validity of what follows.

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Nope. I haven't watched but have others put bandages over their ears? I get this image of the three monkeys. (hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil)

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25 years ago it hit me that a certain subset of "Christians" (quotes intentional) are authoritarians first. They pick-and-choose Bible words only to suit - and sell - their authoritarian agenda. They play heads-I-win-tails-you-lose games, so they "rationalize" that it was God's plan to both "take" the father protecting is family, while "saving" their cult leader. And, as one of them famously said: "[it] will not be questioned."

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People who think "God saved him" are freakin' gross. What about the man who actually died? What about the children in Uvalde, or Stoneman Douglas, or Sandy Hook? Guess "God' didn't protect them. I HATE people who say that kind of crap.

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And Trumpster has not called the family of the firefighter killed. But that is par for the course for Trump.(no pun intended)

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I suspect that Satan protects his own, too. Just sayin....

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

There's a really good book on this topic, When Bad Things Happen to Good People by the rabbi Harold Kushner. I haven't read it in a zillion years but I remember it as being really helpful. IIRC the way he frames the question is: how can a god be all-powerful and all-loving at the same time? Because if he was all-powerful he could stop this stuff and if he was all-loving he would.

I don't remember how he solves it. But at least he gives it some thought, unlike these bozos.


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I haven't read it in a long time, but I don't think he resolved by saying that God picks winners and losers.

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That will disappoint certain football coaches.

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And all the other Christian Nationalists.

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yeah pretty sure on that too

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For homework tonight, read the Book of Job.

\Vince S

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Free Will and the Butterfly effect IMO. As no child wants the parent to control everything about her life, people really don't want God to do that as well. Does anyone really want God to take control of their entire lives? I admit I'd love it if He decided to give me the lottery numbers for the $1billion jackpot. But do I want Him to tell me what to do with the money? The 10 Commandments are pretty basic - how many of us fail in one way or another?

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What is also probably cogent in that instance is that the 10 commandments was a start. It was not nearly comprehensive. When Jesus walked the earth as documented in the new testament... those commandments were revised. A new standard was written.

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Yeah, one of them even harder. Love your neighbor as yourself. I guess a lot of people actually hate themselves. Then again, maybe they should!

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Have the Trump sheep considered that maybe God sent Trump as a test and they’re failing? Bigly.

Also, I suppose being in a plane crash could’ve scrunched John Jr up a bit.

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That's the premise of "God Made a Dictator" by the Lincoln Project. It's on You Tube - should be run on every TV show every hour.

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Paul Harvey would be proud of LP.

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Some nonpolitical news:


Bob Newhart, a soft-spoken Everyman who stammered his way to comedy stardom in the 1960s, has died at 94."

I saw him in a live show 10 years to a packed audience of 2,000. Just the man in a sweater, sitting on a stool. Fantastic. The obit in the NYT missed his role in one of my favorite TV shows, the Librarian movies and series."

Rest in Peace, Bob, and thank you.

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First Newhart show was one of the greatest sitcoms of all time.

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I loved Newhart.

that other series.. I'm Larry... Here is my brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl.

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The biblical analogue for Trump is neither Jesus nor King Cyrus but the golden calf in Exodus 32. The people of Israel decided the Lord God was no longer adequate, so they had Aaron fashion an idol for them to worship, in the shape of a calf, from their gold jewelry (and smaller online donations).

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I'm going to make a pedantic quibble. If you look at Exodus 32:4-5, you get

וַיֹּאמְרוּ--אֵלֶּה אֱלֹהֶיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל, אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱלוּךָ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם

וַיַּרְא אַהֲרֹן, וַיִּבֶן מִזְבֵּחַ לְפָנָיו; וַיִּקְרָא אַהֲרֹן וַיֹּאמַר, חַג לַיהוָה מָחָר

Translation mine:

And they said "This is the (ruler) God of Israel, that took you up out of the land of Egypt".

And Aaron saw this, and build an altar before it, and Aaron called out saying "tomorrow shall be a festival to YHWH"

The Golden calf gets conflated with God, and identified as such. I mean, that's a stupendous error, but it's not really a new god to replace the one that they were so recently worshipping. And overall, I think that makes it an even better analogy; people aren't (consciously) turning from God to Trump, but identifying Trump as the divine agent or even a god himself.

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"PizzaGate conspiracy" . Didn't part of that include the drinking of slain children's blood by the evil Ds for rejuvenation? If so, please ask JDV or his mentor, Peter Thiel, how that differs from Thiel's effort to live forever by receiving blood of much younger people? Seems like much of a muchness to me.

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Is Thiel really a modern day vampire? I mean, I always would joke about the super rich dining on the blood of the young poor people but really! Is it that easy? Should we be constructing a high point list of the rich, the true veal we feel are a gourmet's Michelen STAR on the main course menu? Sushi anyone?

As we have been told, Hannibal Lecter was a great man. Is his invocation a metaphor for another?

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I have read that Thiel has invested more money in start ups than you or I would ever have (I am making assumptions about you) with the idea of basically swapping new blood for old as a way to "live forever", but I think in the conventional way, not like Dr. Dracula.

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You would be correct, I would never see that kind of money, unless I went to Yale and grew a lot of facial hair and a penis like JD Vance.

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I will not sink to the bait and ask how you know about the last item....

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Well, he did pass a US Military physical before they allowed him in the Marines.

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Didn't know that the last item as a requirement for Marine service.

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I'm just surprised none of them have come to the conclusion that Trump was saved from the assassin's bullet because God isn't all that eager to have Trump by His side.

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QAnon believers haven’t thought much through that's why they're QAnon believers - they don't think.

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What a freak show!

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Because chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" is exactly what Jesus meant when he said to turn the other cheek. Or maybe that's Trump flowing like Christ when he speaks the gospel?

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Well to be fair Jesus also said "I am not come to bring peace but a sword."

Jesus said a lotta things. Bible says a lotta things. Plucking out one bit and slapping it context-free onto one's argument like it was proof for all time is, er, not Biblical.

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Well, they don't actually LIKE Jesus all that much, these Christians.

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Well, he is their personal friend... not their boss or anything.

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Some of this quasi-religious, arguably-blasphemous imagery is circulating on a nonpolitical forum I participate in. It's pretty ewwwww. If I had to speculate, I'd guess it's probably not winning over any new MAGAs, but existing ones seem thrilled by it.

I'm not religious but I used to be, and this playing around with cherry-picked fragments of [what some people consider] sacred texts really creeps me out.

There's one making the rounds, quoting something from the Old Testament book of Leviticus about blood on the right ear, that they seem to think anoints Trump to be president but as far as I can tell is really about curing leprosy. Even the preachers are pushing back (https://baptistandreflector.org/pastors-address-gross-scriptural-misinterpretation-of-blood-on-ear/).

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So, Senator Scott, where was your savior in Dallas for JFK, in Memphis for MLK, in Washington DC for Abraham Lincoln? Where was he for all those school children and everyone else killed by people in possession of the flood of weapons you and your cohort have inflicted on us. Oh, you hypocrite!

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Why would we not conclude that an imprudent god tried to off Trump with a shard of glass from a teleprompter but effed it up?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

🤣Where is Doug Adams when we need him?

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Funny, I was not much aware of him until just today, when my sister-in-law sent me the biscuit/cookie story.

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If you keep reading you might find he's just the ticket for the times we find ourselves in. Don't Panic!

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Reading some of the attendees' commentaries about God and the orange asshole, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Hysterically.

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I am not religious. If anything I am very anti-religious. But this is not religion. This is cult. And deranged. And I do not want to live in a country where these people are in charge.

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Quite likely to happen now

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Jul 18·edited Jul 21

Maybe Senator Scott, now that his revivalist ode to TFG did not get him the coveted VP spot (he should have known that a black person had no chance next to TFG), might get an invitation for the Invocation if there is an Inauguration of TFG.

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