Exactly. I wrote this somewhat sarcastically but I too have had pregnancy complications and with modern testing anencephaly would be detected. There was a story here in Florida years back about a police officer's widow who had a doomed pregnancy detected at 7 months. I would not want to have been in her position. It also makes the point …
Exactly. I wrote this somewhat sarcastically but I too have had pregnancy complications and with modern testing anencephaly would be detected. There was a story here in Florida years back about a police officer's widow who had a doomed pregnancy detected at 7 months. I would not want to have been in her position. It also makes the point that late term pregnancy complications are best left to the patients and their medical team, not lame-brained politicians or organizations who seem to think it is their business.
One thing some of the pro-life crowd doesn't realize is that some severe fetal defects simply cannot be detected until around 18--22 weeks gestational age, because the fetus simply isn't large enough until that point for the defects to show up on an ultrasound. You simply CANNOT reliably diagnose problem like complex congenital heart malformations on a first-trimester ultrasound. That's the reason for a final high-resolution ultrasound being performed in a low-risk pregnancy between 18-22 weeks gestational age: to pick up any fetal malformations (some of which may be fatal) prior to delivery.
Exactly. I wrote this somewhat sarcastically but I too have had pregnancy complications and with modern testing anencephaly would be detected. There was a story here in Florida years back about a police officer's widow who had a doomed pregnancy detected at 7 months. I would not want to have been in her position. It also makes the point that late term pregnancy complications are best left to the patients and their medical team, not lame-brained politicians or organizations who seem to think it is their business.
One thing some of the pro-life crowd doesn't realize is that some severe fetal defects simply cannot be detected until around 18--22 weeks gestational age, because the fetus simply isn't large enough until that point for the defects to show up on an ultrasound. You simply CANNOT reliably diagnose problem like complex congenital heart malformations on a first-trimester ultrasound. That's the reason for a final high-resolution ultrasound being performed in a low-risk pregnancy between 18-22 weeks gestational age: to pick up any fetal malformations (some of which may be fatal) prior to delivery.