Putin will kill Trump (poisoning) if he is convicted, because that will create an atmosphere in this country most likely to create the most civil unrest and localized violence. End goal, breaking up of the states.

Putin's clear goal is also retribution.....for the breaking up of the Soviet Union.

Trump will no longer be useful if he is not in power.

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Watching Chris Sununu on Face the Nation this morning and can't ignore the fucking horn growing out of his firehead.

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I understand this is a little off the subject, but really want to know if anyone has considered this: Trump is convicted, but skips the country to avoid jail. What do the Republican's do if Trump is an exile in Russia or China? Is the corruption of the Republican Party so complete that we can expect excuses from prominent Republicans?

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Your "rhinoceros running through the halls of the hospital" comment reminded me of the John Mulaney bit "Horse in the Hospital"

I think you'll find it apt. https://youtu.be/JhkZMxgPxXU?si=V8FH8W-BWuFH_4lZ

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About AI. I think that a new technology does not progress in a straight line. It is a process, and we cannot predict what would the results be. For example, if low skilled workers use it why not scientists, engineers, etc.? It will be a tool, not a kind of Al from 2000 Odyssey.

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If the Party of Lincoln is to be saved, the Rhinos must do the job. Trumpism controlling the Republican Party means the GOP is a dead letter.

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"Turtles all the way down" is a dig at flat earthers. And of course the MAGA cult is disproportionately high in flat-earthers, young-earthers, and other assorted deniers of natural history, climate change, vaccination, etc. including many who probably fake the denial and "lie for the cause." It's interesting that you reference that to the late Charles Krauthammer. I had followed his writings for years, and was impressed that he was one of the few conservatives who criticized the (paranoid authoritarian) anti-evolution movement. He was, of course, not a fan of Trump, and one of the last columns of his I read, early in Trump's term, had the promising headline "The Guardrails Hold" (referring to a successful denial of one of Trump's unreasonable demands). Then for a few weeks, his regularly published columns stopped. Sadly it turned out to be not just a well-deserved vacation, but that he was dying of cancer.

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"This time around, though they still have alternatives and off-ramps..."

Unlike in 2016, a Republican politician taking an off-ramp now means likely losing one's own prospective election or appointment. If one truly wishes to SERVE his country and not just his own lust for power he will accept the hard truth that the best way to do that is to lose that election or appointment and work outside the system. That would actually be the "conservative" thing to do, and would be good for the party and the country in the long run. I wish there were a better option than putting Democrats in control for he next few years, but that's the only way see now to either restore the GOP to health, or replace it with a truly conservative party.

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I am a democrat, and it is because I stand for

The right of women to own their bodies.

Against theocracy

For billionaires to pay their fair share of taxes

Against banning books

For the right to vote

For finding better alternatives to coal

For science

For diversity and inclusion (humanism)

For the right of gays and trans to be treated as human beings.

There are many others but Old Chemist 11 (I have a PhD in Chemistry also:)), I would like for you to tell me, what does a true conservative stands for? I sincerely would like to know; I am not trying to put you on the spot. Just curious,

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I'm independent but I think the essence of True conservatism is believing in small government and States rights at its essence. Clearly, toto, we're not in Kansas anymore.

What we have today is simply power and more power.

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Well, the largest part of the USA government budget goes for the Defense Department. There are contractors that are fleecing the government. If anyone wants a smaller government, why don't they audit the Defense Department and stop paying outrageous money for anything, like a screwdriver for example? Could you explain your position in more detail? Small government and state rights is a vague position. We democrats are more specific. Yes, you are right, about power and more power, it is coming from the billionaires. They want to rule and not pay taxes. That is why they want a small government where the IRS does not have the resources to make them pay. Just my opinion.

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"They want to rule and not pay taxes."

I can go with that.I never suggested they had ulterior motives.

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Sorry, I want to add that I am pro-democracy and therefore against fascism and communism, both are just as bad, I am for a government that is by the people, for the people and of the people. Not just for billionaires. I am against oligarchs.

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It's too bad Nikki can't run with Yogi Berra as her running mate.

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I saw the Broadway show of rhinoceros with Gene Wilder and zero Mostel when I was 19 years old I’m 80 now. It’s hard for me to believe it’s hard for me to believe that metaphor has come to fruition.

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Is the argument that it doesn't count as a war if it's a strike against an non-state actor?

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It’s interesting that Darrell Issa has two “r’s”, two “els” and two “s’s” in his name. Pretty good for a guy with only one testicle and half a brain.

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Fox can't quit Orange because he puts "fannies in the seats." When Orange was foaming about the jowls about lame-stream, main stream media he meant non-Fox. Perhaps more centered was who he meant. Fox wasn't there yet so they latched on to all the news not fit to print. And their ratings and fannies went up. And they are now the #1 TV "news" broadcast. And they are now the lame-stream media.

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The problem with AI-Driven Skill Democratization is that AI needs to be trained on the knowledge and skills of the current practitioners. What happens when there are no practitioners left with the deep skills AI needs to emulate? Is it going to do tasks for the user of AI who does not have the depth of knowledge needed in order to do it on their own? Where do new ideas come from? Many new ideas come from problem solving, but an important side of problem solving is also figuring out a way to make it easier. Does AI do this innovation for us? Call me sceptical.

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Being a seven decade and more citizen of New Hampshire and having followed politics in this state for my adult life, it is no surprise that our right honorable [sic] governor has decided to show his true nature by self-servingly and hypocritically supporting a felonious fascist. One has to understand Sununu comes from what Granite Staters consider a royal line of cheap pols. They have ruled over this state off and on for nearly forty years. And the family had two things in common: political animals to the nth degree and an unquenchable desire for power.

Chris thinks he has a powerful future in the overly fascist GOP. But he does not get it. MAGA hates his highly educated (MIT), not sufficiently anti-trans/anti-abortion/anti-rule by law guts. He's going nowhere in this party. He'll never be the president of his wet dreams. Not even by crawling on all fours, licking the boots, and vowing fealty to his god king.

One nearly vomits over all this. Sununu is pathetic. But he could care less. There is no shame in the GOP. No shame at all.

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PS I read Rhinoceros in my undergrad French class at a small New Hampshire college. The book was great. The course and department were fabulous. And John Rassias flattered by asking me to major. I turned him down. With regrets. I went on to contentedly major in geography. A tenured college professorship followed. (I quit. I hated college politics.) And eventually a middle school science teacher. The best job I ever had. I guess it was destiny. But I still wonder, will always wonder what life would have been like in a French kind of world.

PS Hiroshima Mon Amour was my true fav.

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Rinoceros is indeed magnificent. The Polish animator Jan Lenica did a brilliant version of it, which everyone should rush on over to YouTube and delight in his genius.

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